BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Drupal iCal API//EN X-WR-CALNAME:CCNY Events Calendar X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/New_York X-LIC-LOCATION:America/New_York BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZNAME:EDT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 DTSTART:20240310T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZNAME:EDT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 DTSTART:20250309T070000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZNAME:EST TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 DTSTART:20241103T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT UID:948704e3-4a53-4884-894e-67de6a738c50 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T110000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250214T130000 URL: -breakfast LOCATION:Event Location Shepard Hall SUMMARY:The Langston Hughes Festival Fundraising Breakfast CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nIn 1925\, a literary\, musical\, artistic\, c ultural\, and unapologetically\nBlack movement solidified in Harlem\, and 100 years later\, we will\ngather to commemorate and celebrate the Harlem Renaissance and one of\nits greatest and most prolific scholars\, Langston Hughes\, with a\nbreakfast party hosted by a group of his friends\, which they\ncommemorated via a picture at 580 St. Nicholas Avenue with historic \nShepard Hall in the background of the photo.\n\nJoin us in historic Shep ard Hall this Valentine’s Day\, FRIDAY\,\nFEBRUARY 14\, 2025\, to celeb rate Langston Hughes\, the 100th Anniversary\nof the Harlem Renaissance\, the newly reestablished Black Studies\nDepartment [http://www.ccny.cuny.e du/blackstudies]\, and Black Love in\nall its iterations! We invite you an d your beloved — familial love\,\nromantic love\, bestie love\, sibling love\, whatever type of love that\nmay be — to join us in celebrating La ngston Hughes who famously\nwrote\, “I was in love with Harlem long befo re I got there.” \n\nTICKET(S): $250.00\n\n_Tickets include:\nPlated se rved breakfast\nValentine’s Day treats\nLive musical entertainment\nHarl em Renaissance themed décor\nBlack Love Programming\nLocal Harlem Boutiqu e Gift\nSpecial access to Valentine’s Day Live Recording of \nPerson P lace Thing Radio Show\nwith Randy Cohen featuring\nCCNY Alum and Black Stu dies Professor Emmanuel Lachaud_\n\n \n\nClick Here to Purchase A Ticket \n[]\n\n [The La ngston Hughes Festival] DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1300319c-9a4c-4e25-bee6-01bc8334aab2 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250217T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250217T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Presidents Day - College Closed CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d35e33af-3f7d-4a27-aef1-a55c614bb886 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Classes follow a Monday schedule CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:892f1388-7342-4afc-969e-fe15fdc52769 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T140000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location NAC Ballroom SUMMARY:Speed Friending CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n_Looking to expand your social circle and mee t new people?_\nConnect and engage in meaningful conversations about HEAL THY\nRELATIONSHIPS and AFFIRMATIVE CONSENT.\n\nFREE PIZZA & ICE CREAM FO R PARTICIPANTS\n\nRSVP: []\n\ n_Sponsored by: Student Life & Leadership Development\, Division of\nStud ent Affairs\, Crime Victim Treatment Center\, Office of Compliance\nand Di versity\, Gender Resources\, LGBTQ+ Student Center\, Undergraduate\nStuden t Government\, Latino Medical Student Association+\, Hip Hop\nEvolution Me dia Entertainment\, CCNY Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon_\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:aaf283e8-2ad8-49d7-9420-30d6998610fc DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T134500 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free weekly trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help\nyou de-stress and connect with your body. No exp erience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: http s://\n_ON FEBRUARY 18\, THE FIRST 20 NEW STUDENT PARTICIP ANTS WILL RECEIVE A\nFREE YOGA MAT._\n\nOn-demand virtual yoga is also ava ilable for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere.\nRegister f or virtual classes:\nEnglish\n[ https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALL UrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut- aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK1vvQrN07 Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense.proofpo &c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC 8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEK htEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\n \n\nThi s initiative is part of the WELLNESS TO WELLBEING PROGRAM FROM\nEXHALE TO INHALE AT CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Comp liance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violence Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gende \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:698eefae-bdd8-4e6c-8f3c-d24634667e8c DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T150000 URL: -growth-mindset-virtual LOCATION:Event Location * Zoom Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n* Passcode: 7492 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Growth Mindset (Virtual) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nTHE DIVISION OF H UMANITIES & THE ARTS PRESENTS\nACADEMIC EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP SERIES\n\nGRO WTH MINDSET\n\n_Learn how to see your challenges as an opportunity to grow ._\n\n * DATE: February 18\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * Location: NAC 5/2 25\n * Time: 12:30 PM\n\n* VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\n * Time: 2:30 P M\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n\n_“No matter what your ability is\, effort is what ignites tha t\nability and turns it into accomplishment.”_\n— _Carol S. Dweck\, M indset: The New Psychology of Success_\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:cdd02f64-09fc-4f8e-bcd4-467bffe3fb7d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T153000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Auditorium SUMMARY:Chair Meditation at CCNY CWE CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHIS EVENT IS IN -PERSON  \n\nCCNY's Division of Interdisciplinary Studies\nat the Center for Worker Education (CCNY CWE)\n\n_Invites the entire CCNY CWE Community to Join us for_\n\nCHAIR MEDITATION\n\nWITH BUDDHIST MINISTER REVEREND MI KI NAKURA\nHigashi Hongan-ji temple\, Kyoto | Jodo-Shinshu Shin-Buddhist N ew\nYork Sangha\n\nTuesdays\, Feb 11th\, 18th\, and 25th\nAuditorium\n \n \nSEIZA MEDITATION\n\nSeiza Meditationisa universal method of sitting\nand breathing quietly with a goal of experiencing a peaceful and\npresent- fo cused life. W e sit in a chair or on a floor cushion while\nmaintaining pr oper posture\, breathing\, and putting full strength into\nthe lower belly . Seiza helps the mind and body to become stable and\ncalm. It guides us t o self- harmonization and inner peace.\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a96010f7-8e3d-4689-b6cd-263da85283f5 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250218T190000 URL: 025-exhibition-opening LOCATION:Event Location Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture Fir st\nFloor \n SUMMARY:Generative Histories Harlem Spring 2025 Exhibition Opening CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nPlease join us in the first-floor corridor ga llery for the opening of\nthe exhibition\, Generative Histories Harlem. It celebrates themes\,\nstudent work\, research\, and pedagogical principles of the\nHarlem Place\, Memory\, & Culture Incubator\n[https://ssa.ccny.c] (PMCI)\nat the S pitzer School of Architecture. Supported by the Mellon\nFoundation [https ://]\, the PMCI launched in Fall 2023\nwith the aim to enga ge culture\, history\, aesthetics\, imagination\, and\nplace in Harlem and develop and celebrate interdisciplinary\nstakeholder collaboration. The g oal is to bring ever-expanding and\nemerging notions of preservation to be ar on architecture and marshal\nthem as a generative endeavor in the teach ing and practice of design\nand the built environment.\n\nGenerative Histo ries Harlem\, designed by Prof. Jerome Haferd\n[ /blog/people/jerome-haferd/]\, was built and\ninstalled by Spitzer student s on the first floor of the architecture\nschool. It showcases student wor k from PMCI-affiliated design studios\nand seminars. Woven throughout the exhibit are documents\, clips\, and\nother ephemera that index the collabo rative relationship with a\ngrowing ecosystem of Harlem community partners and interlocutors.\n\nThe opening is timed to honor Black History Month a t the Spitzer\nSchool of Architecture.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d77ed6be-52a9-4637-925f-5a74baaf3fa4 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250219T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fcdf31ec-fa6a-4a6f-a9c7-3ff09b57bb9e DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T134500 URL: y LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/144 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Hope (CCNY) CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:7a49a33b-870a-479b-acf6-471f65e15c6e DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250220T190000 URL: ck-jen-gieseking LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Spring 2025 Sciame Lecture Series: Jack Jen Gieseking CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThis lecture will be in person and is part of the Spring 2025 Sciame\nLecture Series\, titled \"_Still Making Space for Gender_\"\n\nJack Jen Gieseking [] (they/he) is a cultural\ngeographer and environmental psychologist who writes about lesbi an\,\nqueer\, bisexual\, and trans spaces\, both physical and online. Thei r\nfirst monograph is A Queer New York: Geographies of Lesbians\, Dykes\,\ nand Queers (NYU Press\, 2020). He is working on their next book\, Where\n Shall We Meet to Plan the Revolution?: Dyke Bars* for the End Times\,\nand analyzing the national survey of LBQT*S online dating app\nexperiences at They can be found\nat [ht tp://].\n\n\"Lesbian Bars/Queer Parties: On How WeCan Never Afford Them and Why We\nNeed Them Anyway\": When there were only 16 lesbi an+ bars left in the\nUnited States in 2019 and only a handful spread thro ughout the rest of\nthe world\, the mainstream media began to amplify a le sbian bar\nextinction narrative. But what the dyke bar* was and is—the u nique\nand important role to lesbian bars and queer parties to LBQT*S peop le\nand in US cultural geographies—remains to be written beyond a\nnarra tive that Mairead Sullivan calls \"lesbian death.\" This talk is\npart of my larger book project\, _Dyke Bars*: Queer Spaces for the\nEnds Times_\, which asks: Why do we care that so few of these spaces\nexist _now_\, wh y does their physical design captive in past and\npresent\, and why are dy ke bars* still necessary in an ever-more\ndigital world? What can an analy sis of lesbian bar death\,\ndisappearance\, and reappearance political eco nomy reveal that these\nmainstream narratives obscure? And\, more so\, wha t of the lesbian and\nstraight\, trans and cis obsessions alike over such spaces?\n\nSuggested Reading: Gieseking\, Jack Jen. 2020. A Queer New Yor k:\nGeographies of Lesbians\, Dykes\, and Queers.\n[ /v3/__https:/\;!!MTWKpDe2aQ! JIomPWXxJ3OhgkgB2TrpXo5S3GPyjDBpIa3hFbvtD0XH4wZbu6RCNTAPTOMW7A0Nfm6kQA6Sjx q_NAVx_9Pb060y$]\n\n_\"STILL MAKING SPACE FOR GENDER\"_ centers women and LGBTQIA+ folk in\nthe built environment. While the discourse framing gend er morphs and\ngender identities broaden and become more intersectional\, the\npredicament remains the same. Women and LGBTQIA+folk continue to\nstr uggle against exploitation and fight for equal rights and equity\nopportun ities in the United States\, with this situation troubling\nunrelenting cl aims of exceptionalism at home and abroad. Although\ngender politics are e ver present\, achievements are hard-won and\nsometimes rolled back in the face of misogyny\, homophobia\,\ntransphobia\, and other ingrained express ions of exclusion. Buildings\,\ncities\, and landscapes are not only where battles over gender unfurl\,\nbut these spaces also foster identities and incite change. In this\nlecture series\, trailblazing women and LGBTQIA + design practitioners\,\nscholars\, and activists—working in architectur e\, landscape\narchitecture\, and urban design—insist that gender must r emain in\nsharp focus if we are to shape equitable and just built environm ents.\n\nALL LECTURES ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN THE BERN ARD AND\nANNE SPITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM. FOR LIVE\n CAPTIONING\, ASL INTERPRETATION\, OR ACCESS REQUESTS\, PLEASE CONTACT \nS SADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU \" REL=\"NOOPENER\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">\nSSADEAN@CCNY. CUNY.EDU .\n\n_This lecture series is made possible by the Spitzer Archite cture Fund\nand the generous support of Frank Sciame ’74\, CEO of Sciame \nConstruction._\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:32c20028-3efa-4120-9c92-ee5a1b59bf78 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250224T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250224T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:60080455-8b51-46cc-a55f-25b134487f65 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250224T183000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250224T200000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Auditorium (In-Person) SUMMARY:Frances S. Patai Program Lecture Series | Transatlantic Civil Right s\nActivism: Linking the Civil Rights Movements in Northern Ireland and\nt he United States in the 1960s CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHIS EVENT IS IN -PERSON AT CCNY CWE (25 BROADWAY) | MUST RSVP\n\nCCNY's Division of Interd isciplinary Studies\nat the Center for Worker Education (CCNY CWE)\n&\nFra nces S. Patai Program Lecture Series\n\n_Invites you to_\n\nTRANSATLANTIC CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISM:\nLINKING THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENTS IN NORTHERN IRE LAND AND THE UNITED\nSTATES IN THE 1960S\n\nWITH GUEST SPEAKER: NIALL Ó D OCHARTAIGH\nUniversity of Galway\, Ireland\n\nMonday\, Feb 24 2025\, 6:30 PM | In-Person\n\n_RSVP\n[ -civil-rights-activism-linking-civil-rights-movements-northern-ireland-and ]_\n \n\nThe civil rights movement in the United States was a vital sourc e of\ninspiration for civil rights campaigners in Northern Ireland from th e\n1950s onwards. Irish activists deployed the innovative protest tactics\ npioneered in the US\, adopted some of the American movement’s slogans\n and songs and drew parallels between the discrimination faced by\nAfrican- Americans and the Catholic minority in Northern Ireland. When\nthe civil r ights campaign in Northern Ireland grew into a mass\nmovement in the late 1960s key figures travelled to the US to seek\nsupport and build alliances . Direct links were established despite the\nhostility of many conservativ e Irish-Americans to the civil rights\nmovement in the US.\n\nThis lecture examines the influence of the US civil rights campaign on\nthe movement i n Northern Ireland. It looks at the reasons why\nactivists on both sides o f the Atlantic drew parallels and sought to\nmake connections and it exami nes the building of direct cooperative\nrelationships between activists in Ireland and the United States. It\nconcludes with reflections on the char acter and limits of this\ntransnational civil rights mobilisation and the divergent trajectories\nthat the two movements took as the 1970s began.\n\ n \n\nABOUT GUEST SPEAKER Niall Ó Dochartaigh\n\nNiall Ó Dochartaigh is Professor of Political Science and Director of\nthe MA in Public Policy a t the University of Galway. He has published\nextensively on the Northern Ireland conflict\, on peace negotiations\nand on political violence. His p ublications include Civil Rights to\nArmalites: Derry and the birth of the Irish Troubles and the co-edited\nbooks Political Violence in Context and Dynamics of Political Change\nin Ireland. His most recent book\, Deniable Contact: Back-channel\nNegotiation in Northern Ireland\, published by Oxf ord University Press\nin 2021\, provides the first full-length study of th e back-channels\nthat were used in repeated efforts to end the Northern Ir eland\nconflict. It was awarded the Brian Farrell book prize of the Politi cal\nStudies Association of Ireland. He is currently a Fulbright Ireland\n Fellow at NYU researching US civil society connections to peacemaking\neff orts during the Northern Ireland conflict.\n\nMONDAY\, FEB 24 2025\, 6:30 PM\nIn-Person (CCNY CWE Auditorium) \nFREE | MUST RSVP\nAT: https://www. ights-movements-northern-ireland-and\n\n \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:929276d4-33ca-4230-bc7d-47ab3a458abd DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T100000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T170000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Great Hall of Shepard Hall SUMMARY:The Grove School of Engineering Expo 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3808bf38-fb55-40be-b183-b77d9635e48a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T140000 URL: kshop-series-4 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:Gaymers Against Violence: Monthly Workshop Series CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nJoin The CCNY LGB TQ+ Student Center\, NYC Gaymers\, Crime Victims\nTreatment Center\, and t he NYC Anti-Violence Project to play video\ngames and more while learning anti-violence prevention best practices!\nThis is a monthly interactive an d community-led gaming space\, where\nstudents will learn how to navigate\ , address\, and prevent\ninterpersonal violence within their relationships and communities.\nOpen to all CCNY and CUNY!\n\nReminder to RSVP for the event date you are attending!\n\nLOCATION: The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B)\n\nTIME: 12PM - 2PM\n\nDATES AND TOPICS:\n\n * TUESDAY\, JA N. 28: “LGBTQ+ Mental Health\n * TUESDAY\, FEB. 25: Sex Jeopardy & Hea lthy Relationships\n * TUESDAY\, MAR. 25: Healthy Masculinity & Intersect ionality\n * TUESDAY\, APR. 29: Title IX/Supporting Sexual Violence Survi vors\nin LGBTQ+ Communities\n * TUESDAY\, MAY 13: Safer Partying During P ride\n\nGAMES MAY INCLUDE:\n\n * Super Smash Bros.\n * Mario Kart\n * Jack box TV Games\n * Uno\n * Dominoes\n * Playing Cards\n * A Variety of Table top Games\n\nFREE REFRESHMENTS PROVIDED\n\nABOUT THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT C ENTER\n\nThe Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questionin g Student\nCenter [] (est. Fall\n2021) is a collaborative resource dedicated to celebrating\,\nempowe ring\, and supporting LGBTQIA+ students\, staff\, and faculty at\nCCNY. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\, offering\nand conne cting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY with accessible support\nservices\, relev ant programming\, engaging events\, paid internship/job\nopportunities\, a nd general guidance navigating college\, home life\, and\nfutures outside of higher education for those who identify as LGBTQ+\nor questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is also dedicated to\nincreasing awareness about LGB TQ+ issues\, gender\, and sexuality at\nCity College. The LGBTQ+ Student C enter is a safe space for all\nLGBTQIA+ students and allies to meet and bu ild community. You all are\nwelcome here!\n\nABOUT NYC GAYMERS\n\nNYC Gaym ers [] (est. 2012 ) began as a\nmember-led commun ity of LGBTQIA+ gamers\, moving to uplift the voices\nof marginalized game rs\, and sustain a space that shares a diversity\nand passion that is refl ective of both New York City and Gaming\nculture. NYC Gaymers Inc. empower s gamers across the intersections of\norientation\, identity\, expression\ , race\, and ability\, in order to\nuplift and center our most marginalize d community members through\neducation\, advocacy\, and the creation of sa fer spaces.\n\nABOUT CRIME VICTIMS TREATMENT CENTER\n\nCVTC [https://www.c] (est. 1977) is a\nnot-for-profit organization committed to helping people heal from\nviolent crime. We respect that hea ling comes in many forms and\nrecognize the importance of a holistic appro ach. CVTC provides a wide\nrange of therapeutic services free of charge to anyone impacted by\nviolence. We are dedicated to advocacy on behalf of s urvivors\,\ncollaboration with partners across a multitude of disciplines\ , and\ntraining for those who work with survivors. We are committed to\nch anging cultural norms around violence and promoting social justice\nthroug h progressive legislation and community mobilization.\n\nABOUT THE ANTI-VI OLENCE PROJECT\n\nAVP [] (est. 1980) empowers lesbian\, g ay\, bisexual\,\ntransgender\, queer\, and HIV-affected communities and al lies to end all\nforms of violence through organizing and education\, and supports\nsurvivors through counseling and advocacy. AVP envisions a world in\nwhich all lesbian\, gay\, bisexual\, transgender\, queer\, and HIV-af fected\npeople are safe\, respected\, and live free from violence.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS MADE POSSIBLE DUE TO GENEROUS FUNDING FROM THE NYC\nCOUNCIL'S LG BTQIA CAUCUS\, THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR\, AND SUPPORTED BY\nTHE CUNY LGBTQ IA+ CONSORTIUM\n[ Consortium.aspx] THROUGH\nTHE LAGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nTHIS EVEN T WILL BE ARCHIVED AT THE LAGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nCO-SPONSORS:  NYC Gaymers\, NYC Anti-Violence Project\, NYC Crime\nVictims Treatment Cen ter\, CCNY Gaming Pathways\, The LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at CCNY\, The LGBT Q+ Open Alliance Club\, the CUNY LGBTQI+\nCouncil\, CCNY Office of Diversi ty and Compliance\, The CUNY Office of\nDiversity and Inclusion Initiative s\,The CCNY Department of Student\nLife and Leadership Development\, CCNY Gender Resources\, and the City\nCollege Division of Student Affairs.\n\nT HE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK AND THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER ARE A\nPROU D MEMBERS OF THE CUNY LGBTQIA+ CONSORTIUM.\n\nQUESTIONS? email us at\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\nSPACE LIMITED\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:bec31491-d28d-41bf-b1cc-2fae199af3f7 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T121500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T140000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Zahn Innovation Center SUMMARY:Documentary Screening: Coded Bias CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin Zahn Innovation Center and Black Studies Department at CCNY for a\nsmart screening of the documentary film\, \"Cod ed Bias\".\n\n​_When MIT researcher\, poet and computer scientist Joy Bu olamwini\nuncovers racial and gender bias in AI systems sold by big tech\n companies\, she embarks on a journey alongside pioneering women\nsounding the alarm about the dangers of unchecked artificial\nintelligence that imp acts us all. Through Joy’s transformation from\nscientist to steadfast a dvocate and the stories of everyday people\nexperiencing technical harms\, Coded Bias sheds light on the threats\nA.I. poses to civil rights and dem ocracy. Watch the trailer here.\n[]_\n\nRSVP b y 2/23 to save your spot. []​\n\nDoors open at 12: 15pm for a light lunch. Screening is hosted between\n12:25pm and 2pm\; par ticipants are able to participate in a discussion\nlive with their smart d evices.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b45b3a88-dadb-406b-9fe6-6cf43676b40b DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T134500 URL: -0 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free weekly trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help\nyou de-stress and connect with your body. No exp erience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: htt ps://\n \n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is also available fo r the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\n\nREGISTER FOR VIR TUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR- 4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4Jvk EjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK1vvQrN07Q8iUai qXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=] | Spanish\n[https://urldefense.proofpoint.c om/v2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_7cfd28ab01ce_yoga-5Fespanol&d=DwMFaQ&c=sh NJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqK PvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb 74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nThis initiativ e is part of the WELLNESS TO WELLBEING PROGRAM FROM\nEXHALE TO INHALE AT CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Compliance\, t he Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violence Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact  genderresourc \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b20aa694-67c2-4e7f-9f16-1c7703817c37 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T150000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T153000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Auditorium SUMMARY:Chair Meditation at CCNY CWE CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHIS EVENT IS IN -PERSON  \n\nCCNY's Division of Interdisciplinary Studies\nat the Center for Worker Education (CCNY CWE)\n\n_Invites the entire CCNY CWE Community to Join us for_\n\nCHAIR MEDITATION\n\nWITH BUDDHIST MINISTER REVEREND MI KI NAKURA\nHigashi Hongan-ji temple\, Kyoto | Jodo-Shinshu Shin-Buddhist N ew\nYork Sangha\n\nTuesdays\, Feb 11th\, 18th\, and 25th\nAuditorium\n \n \nSEIZA MEDITATION\n\nSeiza Meditationisa universal method of sitting\nand breathing quietly with a goal of experiencing a peaceful and\npresent- fo cused life. W e sit in a chair or on a floor cushion while\nmaintaining pr oper posture\, breathing\, and putting full strength into\nthe lower belly . Seiza helps the mind and body to become stable and\ncalm. It guides us t o self- harmonization and inner peace.\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:511393ff-9716-4649-b509-b59ad86a42e9 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T165000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T180000 URL: -financial-advising-1 LOCATION:Event Location CWE Auditorium & Via Zoom SUMMARY:The Milt Stern Workshop: Pathways to Careers in Financial Advising CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nTHIS WORKSHOP IS OPEN TO ALL MAJORS!\n\nThe M ilton Stern Scholarship Workshop will teach you how to:\n\n * Explore path ways to careers in financial advising\n * Learn about how you can receive scholarship & internship support*\n\nPlease note: Dinner provided for in-p erson attendees registered by\nFebruary 18.\n\n_* Full-session attendance (in person or via Zoom) required for\nscholarship and internship considera tion. Only students at The City\nCollege of New York are eligible for inte rnship and scholarship\nsupport\, but everyone is welcome to attend the wo rkshop to learn more\nabout pathways to careers in financial advising. Bri ng your questions\nabout this varied career!_\n\nFor more information cont act: \n\nABOUT GUEST SPEAKER OLA ALADENIKA\n\nOla Ala denika graduated from The City College of New York in 2014 with\na degree in Psychology. After college\, he moved to New Hampshire to\nwork with a n on-profit ministry focused on community service. When the\nCOVID-19 pandem ic forced the non-profit to shut down\, Ola decided to\npivot into a new f ield where he could continue making a difference:\npersonal finance.\n\nWh ile working toward his CFP® designation\, Ola started his career at\nBrid gewater Advisors. At Bridgewater\, he’s had the chance to not\nonly work closely with clients but also share his knowledge with the\ncommunity\, h elping others improve their financial well-being. His\npassion for helping others remains a key motivator in both his\nprofessional and personal lif e.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9c183390-b86a-4f75-9283-30e3b752d27d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T165500 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250225T175500 URL: oadwan LOCATION:Event Location Auditorium (In-Person) \nZoom (Online) SUMMARY:Milton Stern Workshop | at CCNY CWE (25 Broadway) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHIS EVENT IS IN -PERSON AND ONLINE (MUST REGISTER)  \n\nCCNY's Division of Interdisciplin ary Studies\nat the Center for Worker Education (CCNY CWE) Hosts\n\nMILTON STERN WORKSHOP: PATHWAYS TO CAREERS IN FINANCIAL ADVISING\n\nWITH GUEST S PEAKER: MR. OLA ALADENIKA\nCCNY Alum | Sr. Associate at Bridgewater Adviso rs Inc.\n\nTuesday\, Feb 25 2025\, 4:55 PM | In-Person and Online\nFor mor e information contact: \n\n_REGISTER [https://miltons]_\n\nTHIS WORKSHOP IS OPEN TO ALL MAJORS!\ n \n\nThe Milton Stern Scholarship Workshop will teach you how to:\n\n * Explore pathways to careers in financial advising\n * Learn about how you can receive scholarship & internship support*\n\nPlease note: Dinner provi ded for in-person attendees registered by\nFebruary 18.\n\n_* Full-session attendance (in person or via Zoom) required for\nscholarship and internsh ip consideration. Only students at The City\nCollege of New York are eligi ble for internship and scholarship\nsupport\, but everyone is welcome to a ttend the workshop to learn more\nabout pathways to careers in financial a dvising. Bring your questions\nabout this varied career!_\n \n\nABOUT GUE ST SPEAKER OLA ALADENIKA\n\nOla Aladenika graduated from The City College of New York in 2014 with\na degree in Psychology. After college\, he moved to New Hampshire to\nwork with a non-profit ministry focused on community service. When the\nCOVID-19 pandemic forced the non-profit to shut down\, Ola decided to\npivot into a new field where he could continue making a d ifference:\npersonal finance.\n\nWhile working toward his CFP® designatio n\, Ola started his career at\nBridgewater Advisors. At Bridgewater\, he ’s had the chance to not\nonly work closely with clients but also share his knowledge with the\ncommunity\, helping others improve their financial well-being. His\npassion for helping others remains a key motivator in bo th his\nprofessional and personal life.\n \n\nTUESDAY\, FEB 25 2025\, 4:5 5 PM\nIn-Person (CCNY CWE Auditorium) and Online (Zoom)\nFREE | MUST REGIS TER\nAT:\n[https://miltons]\n\n \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2722557e-f389-4b28-8956-a343d37ae116 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:dacd2ae1-a5fe-4647-9a31-9125afee94ab DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250226T130000 URL: -resolution-situ-structures-within-mitochondria LOCATION:Event Location This seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom l ink:\n a5LC.1.\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859. Passcode: asrc+ccny SUMMARY:Biochemistry Seminar: Jack Zhang\, \"High-resolution in situ Struct ures\nwithin Mitochondria\" CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJACK ZHANG\, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biophysics and\nBiochemistry\, Yale University School of Medicine\, will give a talk on\n\"HIGH-RESOLUTION _IN SITU_ STRUCTURES WITHIN MITOCHONDRIA .\"\n\nThis seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom link:\nhttps://gc…\n[https:/ /] \;\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859.  Passcode:  asrc+ccny\n\nABSTRACT\n\nMito chondria are essential for ATP production via oxidative\nphosphorylation\, involving respiratory complexes within the inner\nmembrane. Despite exten sive in vitro studies\, understanding their\nmechanisms in physiological environment is challenging due to loss of\nthe native environment during p urification. Here\, we directly image\nporcine mitochondria by developing a high-resolution\n_in-situ_ cryo-electron microscopy technique\, which e nabled us to\ndetermine near-atomic structures of various respiratory supe rcomplexes\nin the native membrane.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:db37caa5-d7ef-401f-a2f9-2bb16fa3d775 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T140000 URL: air LOCATION:Event Location Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture (Fi rst\nfloor) SUMMARY:Spitzer School of Architecture Career Fair CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThe Spitzer School of Architecture at City Co llege of New York would\nlike to invite you to meet our talented students and alumni at our\nschool’s annual Career Fair! The 2025 fair is taking place IN\nPERSON on THURSDAY\, FEBRUARY 27\, FROM 11:30 A.M.-2 P.M. Emp loyers\nare invited to meet and recruit CCNY undergraduate and graduate\ns tudents and recent alumni for full-time job and internship\nopportunities from the following programs:\n\n * Architecture\n * Landscape Architecture \n * Urban Design\n * Urban Sustainability\n\n[register button] [https://c]\n\nAll attendees -- employers a nd student/alumni* job-seekers -- may\nregister at https://ccny-csm.sympl\nPlease note that capacity for employer boot hs is limited\, so we\nencourage early registration.\n\n*For alumni seekin g jobs\, you will be directed to the student homepage\nwhen registering\, and you should request an alumni account from here.\n\nClick here [https: //] for a fun\nvideo reel from the 2024 C areer Fair.\n\nSince its founding in 1847\, The City College of New York h as been true\nto its legacy of access\, opportunity\, and transformation. As diverse\,\ndynamic\, and boldly visionary as the city itself\, City Col lege is\nranked #1 by The Chronicle of Higher Education out of 369 selecti ve\npublic colleges in the United States on the overall mobility index.\nT his measure reflects both access and outcomes. In addition\, the\nCenter f or World University Rankings places CCNY in the top 1.2% of\nuniversities worldwide in terms of academic excellence. The Spitzer\nSchool prides its cultivation of thought-leaders as well as\npractitioners: practical and em pathetic professionals for whom the\ncommon\, public good lies at the hear t of their profession.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a26b2fe5-0194-4c13-a3e6-00bf988d7836 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T140000 URL: k-history-month LOCATION:Event Location HYBRID | CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) an d\nZoom SUMMARY:Souls of Queer Black Folk: Queering Black History Month CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\, CCNY Bl ack Studies Department\,\nand CCNY Department of Anthropology and Interdis ciplinary Programs\n(AIP) for a special panel discussion on the book \"Sou ls of Queer Black\nFolk\" and conversation on queering Black History Month .\n\nSOULS OF QUEER BLACK FOLK anthology began as a three-panel discussio n\nduring Black History Month on the City College of New York campus from\ n2014-2017. The book also traces its roots to the first black LGBTQ+\ncour se offered in 2013 in the CCNY Black Studies Program (now the\nBlack Studi es Department). The title of the course is Black Art in the\nAge of AIDS a nd is still offered at CCNY.\n\nThe purpose of this panel will be to comme morate these past\ndiscussions by bringing in panelists that were involved in these\npanels and are featured in this book. This conversation will be \nfacilitated by TOD ANTHONY ROULETTE - CCNY Professor and editor of\n\" SOULS OF QUEER BLACK FOLK: QUEERING BLACK HISTORY MONTH\" - and LGBTQ+\nst udent leaders from A. Philip Randolph High School. Panelists\ninclude WIL LIAM GIBBONS\, J. JWAHIR HAWKINS\, and NORVAL SOLEYN. We\nwill discuss h ow academics\, professional writers\, clergy\, and\nundergrad students con tribute a robust variety of stories\, lived\nexperiences\, and histories o f black queer people and help regenerate\ntheir importance. There is also a planned audience Q&A towards the end\nof the program.\n\nWHEN: Thursday \, February 27\, 2025 | 12PM-2PM\n\nWHERE: HYBRID | CCNY LGBTQ+ Student C enter (NAC 1/101B) & Zoom\n\nRSVP: Click the \"Select Tickets\" tab\n\nQU ESTIONS: Email \n\nTHE FIRST 50 IN-PERSON GUESTS WILL RECIEVE A FREE COPY OF \"SOULS OF\nQUEER BLACK FOLK: QUEERING BLACK HISTO RY MONTH\"\n\nFree food and refreshments provided.\n\nABOUT TOD ANTHONY RO ULETTE\n\nTOD ANTHONY ROULETTE is the editor of Souls of Queer Black Folk an\nanthology which traces its roots to three years of Roulette convening \ndiscussions on black LGBTQ+ subject matter at the Cohen Archives\nlibrar y at City College of New York. Roulette is a published writer on\nthe arts and culture and Independent Lecturer His work has appeared\nregularly in print and online for Harlem World magazine for the past 8\nyears\, Paper M agazine\, OUT\, Men's Style and others. Roulette is a fine\nart curator wh o focuses on Latino\, Asian and African American\ncontemporary work as wel l as consulting for collectors with major\nauction houses.\n\nHis academic concentration is on Women and Gender Studies\, LGBTQ\nStudies and specifi c cultural focus on the American Civil War and\nissues of race and gender. \n\nABOUT WILLIAM GIBBONS\n\nWILLIAM GIBBONS is an Associate Professor at The City College of New\nYork and an award-winning librarian and archivis t. He teaches\ngentrification\, Harlem\, and archiving and preserving the African\nAmerican experience. His published works span various subjects\,\ nincluding basketball\, libraries\, archives\, and music. His scholarly\ni nterests encompass literacy and critical thinking\, youth athletics\,\nand the preservation and accessibility of archival and special\ncollections.\ n\nABOUT J. JWAHIR HAWKINS\n\nJ. JWAHIR HAWKINS is an artist who lives an d works in Harlem\, New\nYork City. Sensitive to multilayered visual rhyth ms\, Jwahir's work\nrelies on a gestalt of juxtaposed compositions and imp rovisations to\nseek healing for herself and others. An award-winning alum nus of the\nCity College of New York with a BA and MFA in Studio Art\, Jwa hir\nstudied closely with sculptor Colin Chase for ten years\, and was an\ nartist-educator with the Whitney Museum of American Art until the\npandem ic. A citizen-artist of her Harlem community\, Jwahir is a\ncreative partn er for a longrunning live music series\, and interim\ndirector of a Harlem -based nonprofit arts organization. Jwahir (whose\nlife is always better w hen she dances) is the founding artistic\ndirector of The Artists Way\, a Harlem speakeasy gallery creative\nspace\, featuring a revolving solo exhi bition of Jwahir’s artwork\,\nand is part of an innovative wellness+art initiative. Jwahir has\nwalked the path of shaman for nearly 30 years.\n\n ABOUT NORVAL SOLEYN\n\nNORVAL SOLEYN is the Associate Director of Transfe r Evaluation\nServices in the Office of Admissions at The City College of New York\n(CCNY).\n\nNorval has taught social studies at Morris High Schoo l in The Bronx\nand at the Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem\, Social S cience at the\nSchool of New Resources of the College of New Rochelle\, Pu blic\nSpeaking at Borough of Manhattan Community College\, African Heritag e\nand the Caribbean/Brazilian Experience for the Black Studies\nDepartmen t at CCNY\, and Bridge to Success for the Colin Powell School\nat CCNY. He has also served as the Upward Bound Program Counselor at\nFordham Univers ity\, as the director of the College Now program at\nCCNY\, and as the dir ector of the Urban Mentoring and Achievement\nNetwork\, or UMAAN\, a CUNY Black Male Initiative at CCNY.\n\nNorval has a B.A. in History from CCNY\, an M.A. in Liberal Studies\nfrom Fordham University\, and an M.A. in the Study of the Americas from\nthe CCNY Center for Worker Education.\n\nNorva l is a native of St. Vincent and the Grenadines\, was raised in\nBrooklyn\ , NY\, and resides in Hackensack\, NJ. In his spare time\, he\nwrites song s on the piano and guitar\, sings in a choir that features\nmusic of the A frican American sacred experience\, participates in an\namateur theater gr oup\, and occasionally frustrates himself on the golf\ncourse and on the r acquetball court.\n\nABOUT CCNY BLACK STUDIES DEPARTMENT\n\nLocated in Har lem\, New York\, as one of the oldest Black Studies\ninitiatives in the Un ited States\, the CCNY Black Studies Department\n(BLST)\n[https://www.ccn cQgY2_X6PQ3Job] is\nconcerned with the African\, African-American\, and t he global African\ndiaspora communities\, with a special focus on transnat ional\nperspectives in relation to the U.S. and the Black world.\n\nABOUT CCNY ANTHROPOLOGY AND INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMS\n\nThe Department of Anth ropology and Interdisciplinary Programs (AIP) at\nCCNY\n[https://www.ccny. 280s] is\nan academic and activist space for students committed to engagi ng\nissues ranging from global economic inequality in the past and the\npr esent\, to peace building in war-torn societies\, to gender and racial\nju stice globally and locally.\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:73bc7264-7a12-40f3-9d38-ae5853f4f1a0 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T134500 URL: may-del-junco-university-connecticut-ibn-sina-love LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/111 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Elena Comay del Junco\, University of \nConnecticut \"Ibn Sina on Love\" CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:57e16e3c-0d11-4c01-9444-42e94759ae8d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T190000 URL: lores-hayden LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Spring 2025 Sciame Lecture Series: Dolores Hayden CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThis lecture will be in person and is part of the Spring 2025 Sciame\nLecture Series\, titled \"_Still Making Space for Gender_\"\n\nDolores Hayden\n[ 60-dolores-hayden] (she/her)\nwrites about the history and politics of Am erican-built environments.\nAmong her notable books are _Building Suburbi a: Green Fields and\nUrban Growth\, 1820-2000_ (Pantheon\, 2003)\n[https: //] and _Redesigning the\nAmerican Dream  _(Norton\, 1984)\n[ n-dream].\nIn _The Power of Place: Urban Landscapes as Public History_ ( MIT\nPress\, 1995) [] she explore s\npreservation and public art. _The Grand Domestic Revolution_ (MIT\nPr ess\, 1981)\n[]  documents\nmaterial feminists’ campaigns to reform housing\, neighborh oods\, and\ncities.\n\nBefore she retired from Yale as Professor of Archit ecture\, Urbanism\,\nand American Studies in 2017\, Hayden taught at MIT a nd UCLA. She's\nreceived fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation\, the Rockefeller\nFoundation\, the Radcliffe Institute\, the American Council o f Learned\nSocieties\, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral \nSciences at Stanford. Her work has been translated into a dozen\nlanguag es\, and she's received many awards including the National\nBuilding Museu m's Scully Award for lifetime achievement in the built\nenvironment\, and the Ucelay Award from the Spanish Ministry of\nTransportation and Planning for pioneering work on gender.\n\nHayden is also a widely published poet. Her third\ncollection\, _Exuberance_ (Red Hen Press\, 2019)\n[https://w]\, explores\nrisk in the vo ices of female and male stunt pilots from the earliest\nyears of American aviation.\n\n\"Domestic Revolutions\, Then and Now\": Housing and urban in frastructure\nwere controversial topics in the late nineteenth and early t wentieth\ncenturies\, part of broad debates about how to define public and \nprivate life in urban\, and industrial societies. At the center is the\n labor of social reproduction\, the everyday nurturing of children and\nthe elderly as well as other adults often called care work. Is it\nrecognized and supported? Or is care work taken for granted until it\nis missing? Th e pandemic foregrounded these questions\, but they were\nthe subject of my 1981 book\, _A Grand Domestic Revolution._ A\ncentury and a half ago\, some women in the suffrage movement campaigned\nto reshape cities and subu rbs to support gender equality. Because\nthese activists challenged the sp atial and economic constraints of\n“woman’s sphere\,” I called them “material feminists.” They\nbelieved the vote was not enough. They arg ued the built environment\nhad to change to recognize women’s unpaid nur turing work. I will\ndiscuss some of their projects and update their influ ence in both the\nUS and Europe in 2025.\n\nSuggested Reading: _The Grand Domestic Revolution: A History of\nFeminist Designs for American Homes\, Neighborhoods\, and Cities_ (MIT\nPress\, 1981)\n[https://www.researchgat inist_Designs_for_American_Homes_Neighborhoods_and_Cities_Dolores_Hayden]. \n\n_\"STILL MAKING SPACE FOR GENDER\"_ centers women and LGBTQIA+ folk i n\nthe built environment. While the discourse framing gender morphs and\ng ender identities broaden and become more intersectional\, the\npredicament remains the same. Women and LGBTQIA+folk continue to\nstruggle against ex ploitation and fight for equal rights and equity\nopportunities in the Uni ted States\, with this situation troubling\nunrelenting claims of exceptio nalism at home and abroad. Although\ngender politics are ever present\, ac hievements are hard-won and\nsometimes rolled back in the face of misogyny \, homophobia\,\ntransphobia\, and other ingrained expressions of exclusio n. Buildings\,\ncities\, and landscapes are not only where battles over ge nder unfurl\,\nbut these spaces also foster identities and incite change. In this\nlecture series\, trailblazing women and LGBTQIA + design practiti oners\,\nscholars\, and activists—working in architecture\, landscape\na rchitecture\, and urban design—insist that gender must remain in\nsharp focus if we are to shape equitable and just built environments.\n\nALL LEC TURES ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN THE BERNARD AND\nANNE SP ITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM. FOR LIVE\nCAPTIONING\, ASL INTERPRETATION\, OR ACCESS REQUESTS\, PLEASE CONTACT \nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY .EDU \" REL=\"NOOPENER\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">\nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU .\n\n_T his lecture series is made possible by the Spitzer Architecture Fund\nand the generous support of Frank Sciame ’74\, CEO of Sciame\nConstruction._ \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b326b222-6c04-4374-810c-0efeb42b80c8 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250227T184500 URL: shop-online-16 LOCATION:Event Location Online SUMMARY:CCNY CWE (at 25 Broadway) | Admissions Workshop | Online CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nCCNY CWE (AT 25 BROADWAY) | ADMISSIONS WORKSH OP | ONLINE\n\nSIGNUP NOW [ ops]\n\nLocated in the heart of NYC's Financial District at 25 Broadway\, the\nCCNY Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center for Worker\n Education (CCNY CWE) provides undergraduate and graduate programs\ntailore d for NYC's working adults. Our Admissions Workshops serve as\nthe initial step to understand the entire process of embarking on an\nacademic journe y that will enable you to JUMP START YOUR FUTURE. We\nlook forward to meet ing you.\n\nWORKSHOP APPLICATION\nSIGNUP: dmissions-workshop-sign\n \n\n-------------------------\n\nPROGRAMS OFFER ED:\n\n * B.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (in-person)\n * B.A. i n Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (online)\n * B.A. in Social Justice & Urban Live\n * B.S. in Early Childhood Education\n * B.A./M.A. ACCELERATED Program\n \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHE CCNY CWE ADVANTAGE:\n\n * Four-credit classes - finish your degree sooner\n * Classes in the evenin gs and Saturdays\n * Transfer up to 90 credits\n * Life Experience Program (earn up to 12 credits cost free)\n * Autobiography Program (earn up to 8 credits cost free)\n * Individual one-on-one advising throughout\n * Onli ne\, hybrid and traditional teaching\n * Counseling Service\n * Awards and Scholarships\n * Writing Center\n * Library\n * Career Advice\n * Math Tu tor\n * Spanish Tutor\n * Dedicated Teachers\n \n\n---------------------- ---\n\nUSEFUL LINKS:\n\n * Workshop Application\nSignup: https://www.ccny\n * Location: .gl/HHckE18j5Qznq4xB7\n * More Information: \n * CCNY CWE:\n\n \n\n \n\n Click here to down load DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ed4aa1d6-518b-475b-9b56-d66511627f44 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250304T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250304T134500 URL: -1 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen .\n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f75883b8-3b88-4579-9463-5e2aa7dae270 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250305T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250305T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ed3fd63a-34a7-41d7-a8cd-5f928e03f2e6 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250306T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Classes follow Wednesday schedule CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2d9d2f71-e422-45de-9630-63ef4794339c DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250310T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250310T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fc097dab-cefb-4a9b-ae2b-b62515087cf5 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T134500 URL: -2 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen .\n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6b82a2b8-870c-4516-b2bf-a122c81da273 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T170000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250311T180000 URL: ogies-communication-asl-and-navigation-visually LOCATION:Event Location Online (Zoom) SUMMARY:Breaking Barriers: AI-Powered Technologies in Communication for ASL \nand Navigation for the Visually Impaired | CCNY CWE's AI/Chat GPT\nLectu re Series CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHIS EVENT IS ONLINE (MUST RSVP)  \n\nCCNY's Division of Interdisciplinary Studies\ nat the Center for Worker Education (CCNY CWE)\nCordially Invites you to\n \nBreaking Barriers: AI-Powered Technologies in Communication for ASL\nand Navigation for the Visually Impaired \nA Lecture with Dr. YingLi Tian\nD istinguished Professor\, CCNY and GC | IEEE\, IAPR\, and AAIA Fellow\nTues day\, Mar 11 2025\, 5 PM | Zoom\n\nRSVP\n[ vp-hopeful-intelligence-enchanting-ai-new-possibility]\n\nIn this talk\, I will share our research on how AI and computer vision\ntechnologies can be applied to create innovative solutions for\nindividuals with special ne eds. The presentation will focus on two key\napplications:\n\n1) AI-Driven ASL Learning Tool: This system is designed to assist\nAmerican Sign Langu age (ASL) learners by providing immediate\,\nautomatic feedback on their s igning skills outside the classroom. ASL\nis a distinct language\, primari ly used by over 500\,000 people in the\nU.S.\, relying on hand gestures\, facial expressions\, and body\nmovements. Our approach leverages AI to ana lyze key linguistic and\nperformance attributes of ASL\, without the need to identify the entire\nsequence of signs. By integrating multimodal data (such as facial\nexpressions\, hand gestures\, and body poses) and multise nsory input\n(from RGB and depth videos)\, our system can automatically de tect and\nflag common grammatical errors. This enables ASL learners to rec eive\nactionable feedback in under two minutes per one-minute video\,\nenh ancing their learning experience.\n\n2) Wayfinding and Navigation for the Visually Impaired: Navigating\nindoor environments can be a significant ch allenge for blind or\nvisually impaired individuals. In this work\, we pre sent a prototype\nAndroid-based navigation system that combines cutting-ed ge computer\nvision and robotics SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mappi ng)\ntechnologies. This system helps users navigate multi-floor buildings\ nby providing real-time\, step-by-step guidance\, making it easier for\nth em to reach their destinations safely and efficiently. Through these\ninno vations\, we aim to empower individuals with special needs\,\nimproving bo th communication and mobility\, and demonstrate the\ntransformative potent ial of AI and computer vision in assistive\ntechnology.\n\nSHORT-BIO: Dr.  YingLi Tian is a CUNY Distinguished Professor in\nElectrical Engineerin g Department at the City College of New York\n(CCNY) and Computer Science Department at Graduate Center of the City\nUniversity of New York (CUNY). She is an Institute of Electrical and\nElectronics Engineers (IEEE) fellow \, an International Association of\nPattern Recognition (IAPR) fellow\, an d an Asia-Pacific Artificial\nIntelligence Association (AAIA) Fellow. Her research interests include\ncomputer vision\, machine learning\, artificia l intelligence\, assistive\ntechnology\, medical imaging analysis\, and re mote sensing.\n\nTUESDAY\, MAR 11 2025\, 5 PM\nOnline (Zoom)\nFREE | MUST\ nRSVP AT: d-technol…\n[ ered-technologies-communication-asl-and-navigation-visually]\n\n Click her e to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:206ab5a9-4308-439c-8363-b357161d1dcc DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250312T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250312T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4fdc5438-8690-4d0e-a78a-3b1e36f790ab DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T134500 URL: ennan-nyu-kant-self-awareness-and-self-consistency LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/144 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Haley Brennan\, NYU \"Kant on\nSelf-A wareness and Self-Consistency\" CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:6340240c-d82a-4f1d-bdaf-a2c76eafa78d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T190000 URL: ability-featuring-aimi-hamraie LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Lewis Mumford Lecture: “Rethinking Livability\,” Featuring Aimi \nHamraie CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nPlease join us on Thursday\, March 13\, 2025\ , at 5:30 pm for our\nprestigious Lewis Mumford Lecture. This year\, we ha ve the honor to\nwelcome the renowned designer\, researcher\, and disabili ty justice\norganizer\, Aimi Hamraie []\, who wil l be\npresenting their lecture \"Rethinking Livability.\"\n\nALL LECTURES ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN THE BERNARD AND\nANNE SPITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM. LIVE\nCAPTIONING AND ASL INTERP RETATION WILL BE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. FOR\nACCESS REQUESTS OR QUESTIONS \, PLEASE CONTACT  SSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU \"\nREL=\"NOOPENER\" TARGET=\"_B LANK\"> SSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU . \n\n \n\nAimi Hamraie [https://aimihamra] (they/them) is associate\nprofessor of Medicine\, Health\, & Soc iety at Vanderbilt University\, and\ndirector of the Critical Design Lab\, an international collaborative of\ndisabled designers\, artists\, and res earchers. Hamraie’s scholarship\nfocuses on design\, architecture\, and urbanism\, critical disability\nstudies\, and science and technology studi es. They are the author of\nBuilding Access: Universal Design and the Poli tics of Disability and\nthe forthcoming book\, Enlivened City. Hamraie is also presidential\nappointee to the U.S. Access Board and a 2022 United St ates Artists\nFellow in Media.\n\n\"Rethinking Livability\": Architects an d urbanists often invoke\n“livability” in the pursuit of more healthy\ , sustainable\, and\neconomically robust cities. Related to these goals ar e the imperatives\nof urban “activation\,” mobility\, and beautificati on in shaping the\n“urban good life.” But underlying these commonsense goals are\nnormative ideas of life itself\, particularly what types of em bodiment\,\nmovement\, and activity the built environment ought to promote . Drawn\nfrom Hamraie’s forthcoming book\, Enlivened City\, this lecture traces\nideologies of livability from twentieth-century urban renewal eff orts\nthrough contemporary New Urbanism\, with a specific focus on what\nH amraie terms “urban ableism\,” an infrastructural preference for\nable bodiedness that pervades the imperatives of health\,\nsustainability\, and economy. As alternatives\, Hamraie draws on urban\nspeculative fiction an d the work of disabled artists and designers to\nimagine alterlivability\, or conceptions of the urban good life\ngrounded in radical forms of acces sibility\, hospitality\, and\ninterdependence.\n\nSuggested Reading: Hamra ie\, Aimi. \"Crip Mobility Justice: Ableism and\nActive Transportation Deb ates\n[ tice/].\"\nInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research (2021).\n\ n \n\nABOUT THE LEWIS MUMFORD LECTURE:\n\nEach spring\, the Spitzer Schoo l of Architecture and its Urban Design\nProgram present the Lewis Mumford Lecture and seminar. Named for\nwriter\, architecture critic\, and urbanis t Lewis Mumford\, who attended\nCity College\, the series invites the worl d’s most distinguished\nurbanists to speak freely and publicly about the future of cities and\nthe social purposes of architecture. This series wa s initiated by the\nlate Michael Sorkin\n[ 2020/03/27/distinguished-professor-michael-sorkin/]\,\ndistinguished profe ssor of architecture and director of the Urban\nDesign Program at the Spit zer School\, and curated by him for eleven\nyears.\n\n \n\nPREVIOUS LEWIS MUMFORD LECTURERS:\n\n2004 Jane Jacobs\n2005 Mike Davis\n2006 Enrique Pe ñalosa\n2007 Amartya Sen\n2008 David Harvey\n2009 Paul Auster\n2011 Richa rd Sennett\n2012 Janette Sadik-Khan\n2013 Marshall Berman\n2014 Theaster G ates\n2015 Rebecca Solnit\n2022 Yasmeen Lari\n2023 Emily Badger\n2024 Davi d Gissen\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1d90af64-e395-4967-801d-24550c6e20bc DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T184500 URL: shop-online-17 LOCATION:Event Location Online SUMMARY:CCNY CWE (at 25 Broadway) | Admissions Workshop | Online CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nCCNY CWE (AT 25 BROADWAY) | ADMISSIONS WORKSH OP | ONLINE\n\nSIGNUP NOW [ ops]\n\nLocated in the heart of NYC's Financial District at 25 Broadway\, the\nCCNY Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center for Worker\n Education (CCNY CWE) provides undergraduate and graduate programs\ntailore d for NYC's working adults. Our Admissions Workshops serve as\nthe initial step to understand the entire process of embarking on an\nacademic journe y that will enable you to JUMP START YOUR FUTURE. We\nlook forward to meet ing you.\n\nWORKSHOP APPLICATION\nSIGNUP: dmissions-workshop-sign\n \n\n-------------------------\n\nPROGRAMS OFFER ED:\n\n * B.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (in-person)\n * B.A. i n Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (online)\n * B.A. in Social Justice & Urban Live\n * B.S. in Early Childhood Education\n * B.A./M.A. ACCELERATED Program\n \n\n-------------------------\n\nTHE CCNY CWE ADVANTAGE:\n\n * Four-credit classes - finish your degree sooner\n * Classes in the evenin gs and Saturdays\n * Transfer up to 90 credits\n * Life Experience Program (earn up to 12 credits cost free)\n * Autobiography Program (earn up to 8 credits cost free)\n * Individual one-on-one advising throughout\n * Onli ne\, hybrid and traditional teaching\n * Counseling Service\n * Awards and Scholarships\n * Writing Center\n * Library\n * Career Advice\n * Math Tu tor\n * Spanish Tutor\n * Dedicated Teachers\n \n\n---------------------- ---\n\nUSEFUL LINKS:\n\n * Workshop Application\nSignup: https://www.ccny\n * Location: .gl/HHckE18j5Qznq4xB7\n * More Information: \n * CCNY CWE:\n\n \n\n \n\n Click here to down load DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e1aa2614-6aa6-4b88-a1fa-e2d060596965 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T180000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250313T190000 URL: -voices-deia-committee LOCATION:Event Location In-Person (Auditorium CCNY CWE) and Online (Via Zoo m) SUMMARY:CCNY CWE | HerVerse: Celebrating Women's Voices | DEIA+ Committee CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n \n\nTHE Committee on Diversity\, Equity\, Inclusion\, and Accessibility\n(DEIA+ [ /36796/6274640/13407/10/])\nat CCNY's Division of Interdisciplinary Studie s at the Center for\nWorker Education\n(CCNY CWE)\n\n_Invites you to_\n\nH ERVERSE: CELEBRATING WOMEN'S VOICES\n\nRSVP [ uR8mY8]\n\nRead a poem or song by a woman—one of your own\, one you love \, or one\nyou just learned about.\n\nIf you need inspiration:\nhttps://po \n ns/138721/celebrating-womens-history-month \nhttps://www.splitthisrock.or g/poetry-database \n e-poets \n -we-carry-poetry-by-amanda-gorman \n \n \ n​\nhttps://www\n\nFREE | PHOTO ID REQUIRED FOR ENTRY\nDATE: Thursday\, March 13\, 2025\nTIME: 6 PM – 7 PM\nLOCATION: I n-Person at CCNY CWE\, Auditorium\n25 Broadway\, 7th Floor\, New York\, NY 10004 | Online via Zoom\nRSVP:\n\n C lick here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1dd948fd-6f1e-4023-a4c9-d56b908bda9c DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T131500 URL: -connecting-you-professors LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/225 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Connecting with your Professo rs CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nDIVISION OF THE H UMANITIES & THE ARTS PRESENTS\nCONNECTING WITH YOUR PROFESSORS\n\n * DATE: March 18\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * Location: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:3 0 PM\n\n* VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\n_Learn how to have a great relationshi p with the people who educate\nyou._\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c8e9220a-ad4b-4b69-9cc6-950eb24cb7bf DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T134500 URL: -3 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:11c95678-b860-4cee-9329-a96e71aac5f2 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250318T150000 URL: -connecting-your-professors LOCATION:Event Location * Zoom Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n* Passcode: 7492 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Connecting with your Professo rs\n(Virtual) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nDIVISION OF THE H UMANITIES & THE ARTS PRESENTS\nCONNECTING WITH YOUR PROFESSORS\n\n * DATE: March 18\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * Location: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:3 0 PM\n\n* VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\n_Learn how to have a great relationshi p with the people who educate\nyou._\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:86bc4b14-291c-467b-be96-f1ef52688fdb DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:38f0f9cf-89a8-4c37-b76d-c5ef30cf025a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250319T130000 URL: earning-nature-engineering-enzymes-tackle-plastic LOCATION:Event Location This seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom l ink:\n a5LC.1.\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859. Passcode: asrc+ccny SUMMARY:Biochemistry Seminar: John McGeehan\, \"Learning from Nature:\nEngi neering Enzymes to Tackle Plastic Pollution\" CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJOHN MCGEEHAN\, Principal Scientist of Bioche mical Engineering at the\nNational Renewable Energy Lab\, will give a talk on \"LEARNING FROM\nNATURE: ENGINEERING ENZYMES TO TACKLE PLASTIC POLLUTI ON.\"\n\nThis seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom link:\nhttps://…\n[https :// p]\;\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859.  Passcode:  asrc+ccny\n\nABSTRACT\n\nFo llowing the discovery in a Japanese recycling facility of a\nbacterium cap able of breaking down the man-made plastic polyethylene\nterephthalate (PE T)\, we turned our attention towards uncovering the\ndetailed workings of enzymes that can perform this remarkable\nreaction. Found in single-use dr inks bottles\, packaging\, and clothing\,\nPET can take centuries to decom pose and is accumulating in our\nenvironment at a staggering rate. Enzymes that can digest PET\, and\nother highly polluting plastics\, into their o riginal monomer building\nblocks provides routes towards circular plastic recycling. Working\nacross broad scientific areas\, from microbiology fiel d studies\nsearching for novel plastic-digesting bacteria\, through to\nbi ochemistry and structural biology combined with artificial\nintelligence\, we are engineering improved enzymes and accelerating\ntechnologies to hel p tackle our plastics crisis. John will provide an\nintroduction to this g rowing field and updates on the latest\ndevelopments from the NREL researc h team.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f6824580-d706-4f15-a9f6-fd448dafb18e DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T134500 URL: nry-brown-university-ccny-philosophy-alum-ccny-and-my LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/111 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Paget Henry\, Brown University & CCNY \nPhilosophy Alum \"CCNY and my Career in Africana Philosophy\" CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:35940b4d-a683-4356-873d-a30de173a41e DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250320T190000 URL: elina-odbert LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Spring 2025 Sciame Lecture Series: Chelina Odbert CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThis lecture will be in person and is part of the Spring 2025 Sciame\nLecture Series\, titled \"_Still Making Space for Gender_\"\n\nChelina Odbert\n[ 3586ab227/] (she/her)\nbelieves in the power of community-engaged design to advance racial\,\nenvironmental\, and economic equity in neighborhoods and cities. As\nFounding Principal of Kounkuey Design Initiative (KDI)\n[]\, she has built an award-winning practice\nthat brings good design to places where it is not often found and\nconnects loc alized design interventions to large-scale policy change.\nIn 2022\, the f irm received the prestigious National Design Award in\nLandscape Architect ure from the Cooper Hewitt Museum.\n\nAn urban planner by training\, Cheli na’s experience and expertise\ncover a range of topics from participator y planning to\ngender-inclusive design. She has written extensively about KDI’s\ncommunity-engaged approach to planning in the U.S. and abroad\, a nd she\nhas been recognized by notable institutions\, including the Van Al en\nInstitute\, Ashoka Changemakers\, and the Aspen Institute. She has hel d\nteaching appointments at Harvard Graduate School of Design and UCLA\nLu skin School of Public Affairs. Chelina received her Master of Urban\nPlann ing from Harvard University.\n\n\"Toward a Just Public Realm: Gender Equit y in the Built Environment\":\nDue to centuries of biased planning and des ign centering men as the\n“neutral” users of cities\, urban spaces aro und the world continue\nto exclude\, inconvenience\, and endanger women\, girls\, and people of\nmarginalized genders. Women have different\, more c omplex travel\npatterns than men and are more likely to be caregivers\, of ten\nexperiencing public spaces with dependents. Matching gender equity\np olicies with practice continues to be difficult. KDI is working with\ncomm unities to create gender-inclusive spaces that include active\nparticipati on\, integration\, universality\, knowledge-building\,\npower-building\, a nd investment.\n\nIn this lecture\, Chelina Odbert\, Founding Principal of KDI\, will\nexplore 15 years of work across scales and geographies that\n demonstrate how planning and design can be tools for gender equity.\n\nSug gested Reading: “Designing for Urban Inclusivity” by Chelina\nOdbert\ , Chapter of Designing Peace.\n[ designing-peace-building-a-better-future-now/]\n\n_\"STILL MAKING SPACE FO R GENDER\"_ centers women and LGBTQIA+ folk in\nthe built environment. Wh ile the discourse framing gender morphs and\ngender identities broaden and become more intersectional\, the\npredicament remains the same. Women and LGBTQIA+folk continue to\nstruggle against exploitation and fight for equ al rights and equity\nopportunities in the United States\, with this situa tion troubling\nunrelenting claims of exceptionalism at home and abroad. A lthough\ngender politics are ever present\, achievements are hard-won and\ nsometimes rolled back in the face of misogyny\, homophobia\,\ntransphobia \, and other ingrained expressions of exclusion. Buildings\,\ncities\, and landscapes are not only where battles over gender unfurl\,\nbut these spa ces also foster identities and incite change. In this\nlecture series\, tr ailblazing women and LGBTQIA + design practitioners\,\nscholars\, and acti vists—working in architecture\, landscape\narchitecture\, and urban desi gn—insist that gender must remain in\nsharp focus if we are to shape equ itable and just built environments.\n\nALL LECTURES ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN THE BERNARD AND\nANNE SPITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM. FOR LIVE\nCAPTIONING\, ASL INTERPRETATION\, OR ACCESS REQUESTS\, PLEASE CONTACT \nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU \" REL=\"NOOPENER\" TAR GET=\"_BLANK\">\nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU .\n\n_This lecture series is made p ossible by the Spitzer Architecture Fund\nand the generous support of Fran k Sciame ’74\, CEO of Sciame\nConstruction._\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:403c3bea-d041-4b24-b7f6-ac42c59be926 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250324T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250324T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:725f967a-630d-4fae-98b0-e797ff6c72ca DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T140000 URL: kshop-series-5 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:Gaymers Against Violence: Monthly Workshop Series CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\, NYC Gay mers\, Crime Victims\nTreatment Center\, and the NYC Anti-Violence Project to play video\ngames and more while learning anti-violence prevention bes t practices!\nThis is a monthly interactive and community-led gaming space \, where\nstudents will learn how to navigate\, address\, and prevent\nint erpersonal violence within their relationships and communities.\nOpen to a ll CCNY and CUNY!\n\nReminder to RSVP for the event date you are attending !\n\nLOCATION: The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B)\n\nTIME: 12PM - 2PM\n\nDATES AND TOPICS:\n\n * TUESDAY\, JAN. 28: “LGBTQ+ Mental Hea lth\n * TUESDAY\, FEB. 25: Sex Jeopardy & Healthy Relationships\n * TUESD AY\, MAR. 25: Healthy Masculinity & Intersectionality\n * TUESDAY\, APR. 29: Title IX/Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors\nin LGBTQ+ Communities\ n * TUESDAY\, MAY 13: Safer Partying During Pride\n\nGAMES MAY INCLUDE:\n \n * Super Smash Bros.\n * Mario Kart\n * Jackbox TV Games\n * Uno\n * Dom inoes\n * Playing Cards\n * A Variety of Tabletop Games\n\nFREE REFRESHMEN TS PROVIDED\n\nABOUT THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER\n\nThe Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student\nCenter [https://w] (est. Fall\n2021) is a collaborati ve resource dedicated to celebrating\,\nempowering\, and supporting LGBTQI A+ students\, staff\, and faculty at\nCCNY. We are committed to leading wi th a social justice lens\, offering\nand connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY with accessible support\nservices\, relevant programming\, engaging e vents\, paid internship/job\nopportunities\, and general guidance navigati ng college\, home life\, and\nfutures outside of higher education for thos e who identify as LGBTQ+\nor questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is als o dedicated to\nincreasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\, gender\, and se xuality at\nCity College. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is a safe space for al l\nLGBTQIA+ students and allies to meet and build community. You all are\n welcome here!\n\nABOUT NYC GAYMERS\n\nNYC Gaymers [ /] (est. 2012 ) began as a\nmember-led community of LGBTQIA+ gamers\, mov ing to uplift the voices\nof marginalized gamers\, and sustain a space tha t shares a diversity\nand passion that is reflective of both New York City and Gaming\nculture. NYC Gaymers Inc. empowers gamers across the intersec tions of\norientation\, identity\, expression\, race\, and ability\, in or der to\nuplift and center our most marginalized community members through\ neducation\, advocacy\, and the creation of safer spaces.\n\nABOUT CRIME V ICTIMS TREATMENT CENTER\n\nCVTC []  (est. 1977) is a\nnot-for-profit organization committed to helping peopl e heal from\nviolent crime. We respect that healing comes in many forms an d\nrecognize the importance of a holistic approach. CVTC provides a wide\n range of therapeutic services free of charge to anyone impacted by\nviolen ce. We are dedicated to advocacy on behalf of survivors\,\ncollaboration w ith partners across a multitude of disciplines\, and\ntraining for those w ho work with survivors. We are committed to\nchanging cultural norms aroun d violence and promoting social justice\nthrough progressive legislation a nd community mobilization.\n\nABOUT THE ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT\n\nAVP [http s://] (est. 1980) empowers lesbian\, gay\, bisexual\,\ntransgende r\, queer\, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all\nforms of v iolence through organizing and education\, and supports\nsurvivors through counseling and advocacy. AVP envisions a world in\nwhich all lesbian\, ga y\, bisexual\, transgender\, queer\, and HIV-affected\npeople are safe\, r espected\, and live free from violence.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS MADE POSSIBLE DUE TO GENEROUS FUNDING FROM THE NYC\nCOUNCIL'S LGBTQIA CAUCUS\, THE OFFICE O F THE MAYOR\, AND SUPPORTED BY\nTHE CUNY LGBTQIA+ CONSORTIUM\n[https://ww] THROUGH\n THE LAGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nTHIS EVENT WILL BE ARCHIVED AT THE L AGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nCO-SPONSORS: NYC Gaymers\, NYC Anti-Viol ence Project\, NYC Crime\nVictims Treatment Center\, CCNY Gaming Pathways\ , The LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at CCNY\, The LGBTQ+ Open Alliance Club\, the CUNY LGBTQI+\nCouncil\, CCNY Office of Diversity and Compliance\, The CUN Y Office of\nDiversity and Inclusion Initiatives\,The CCNY Department of S tudent\nLife and Leadership Development\, CCNY Gender Resources\, and the City\nCollege Division of Student Affairs.\n\nTHE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK AND THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER ARE A\nPROUD MEMBERS OF THE CUNY LGBTQ IA+ CONSORTIUM.\n\nQUESTIONS? email us at  %6ey. edu\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\nSPACE LIMITED\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4638801f-737f-453f-89f5-6a135ab9dab3 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250325T134500 URL: -4 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY: Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:7d96db30-ee06-4c8c-adcb-15b968948f4d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:79ebe644-cd88-49f0-9890-46e2e94e3cec DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250326T130000 URL: spot-black-death-black-pearl-tales-bacterial-pathogens LOCATION:Event Location This seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom l ink:\n a5LC.1.\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859. Passcode: asrc+ccny SUMMARY:Biochemistry Seminar: Kim Orth\, \"Black Spot\, Black Death\, Black Pearl:\nThe Tales of Bacterial Pathogens\" CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nKIM ORTH\, Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at\nUniversity of Texas Southwestern in Dallas\, TX\, will g ive a talk\ntitled\, \"BLACK SPOT\, BLACK DEATH\, BLACK PEARL: THE TALES O F BACTERIAL\nPATHOGENS.\"\n\nThis seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom link:\n sX5m6Ya5L…\n[ ChpsX5m6Ya5LC.1.&nbsp]\;\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859.  Passcode:  asrc+cc ny\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a149ece7-660d-4ed8-8f8c-c752f29d5d9c DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250327T134500 URL: riest-cuny-graduate-center-nothing LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/144 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Graham Priest\, CUNY Graduate Center\ n\"Nothing\" CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8efba002-7c53-4b13-961a-8ffe29bd5cab DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250331T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250331T235900 URL: SUMMARY:No Classes Scheduled CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2aa98f6b-698e-43d1-a58c-db1606cbca70 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250401T134500 URL: -5 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:29d26e7e-fb18-4670-a1c2-12ef23294f3a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250402T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email  lgbtq@ccny.cuny.ed %75\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ebb27d81-a251-412a-9d07-d92e1893391b DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T134500 URL: h-power-where-philosophy-and-journalism-intersect LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/144 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: \"Speaking Truth to Power: Where Philosophy and\nJournalism Intersect\" [Panel Discussion] CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Panel discussion with:\n        Prof. L inda Villarosa (CCNY Journalism)\n        Elizabeth Reich (CCNY alum 2 024 & former CCNY Paper\neditor-in-chief)\n        Cai Pigliucci (CCNY philosophy alum 2020 & field producer\nfor the BBC)\n        Leon-Orl ov Sullivan (CCNY student & former editor-in-chief\nof CCNY Campus magazin e)\n        Albert De Leon (CCNY alumn 1972 & former CCNY Paper\nedito r-in-chief)\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:83966e46-097f-4dfd-bbd5-5f8c940be873 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250403T190000 URL: spina-stratigakos LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Spring 2025 Sciame Lecture Series: Despina Stratigakos CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThis lecture will be in person and is part of the Spring 2025 Sciame\nLecture Series\, titled \"_Still Making Space for Gender_\"\n\nDespina Stratigakos\n[] (she /her)\nis a writer\, historian\, and professor at the University of Buffal o.\nHer research explores how power and ideology function in architecture\ ,\nwhether in the creation of domestic spaces or world empires. She is\nth e author of four books\, including _Where Are the Women\nArchitects?_ (2 016) and _A Women’s Berlin _(2008)\n[ cle-abstract/23/2/217/346919]. In\n2011\, she collaborated with Mattel on Architect Barbie. She taught at\nHarvard University and the University of Michigan before joining the\nDepartment of Architecture at UB. During the 2016-17 academic year\,\nshe was in residence as a member of the Institute for Advance Study in\nPrinceton.\n\n\"A Collaborative (Re)turn: Feminist Architectural Historians Join\nForces and Get Things Done… Again\": The last few years have\nwitnessed a notable rise in collaborative initiatives to increase\nknowledge about the histories of women architects. These ran ge from\nteam-based writing projects to exhibitions\, research networks\, and\nmore. Such efforts harken back to feminist practices of the 1970s\,\n 80s\, and 90s\, which broke new ground in raising awareness of women in\na rchitecture. What are the reasons for this renewed focus on\ncollaborative work and how does it differ from earlier developments?\n\nSuggested Readi ng: Stratigakos\, Despina. 2016. _Where Are the Women\nArchitects?_\n[ht tps:// /Stratigakos?preview=Stratigakos+chapter.pdf&rlkey=30vb8jeerqquue8lizeyjum jo&subfolder_nav_tracking=1&st=xndyqmoi&dl=0]\n\n_\"STILL MAKING SPACE FOR GENDER\"_ centers women and LGBTQIA+ folk in\nthe built environment. Whi le the discourse framing gender morphs and\ngender identities broaden and become more intersectional\, the\npredicament remains the same. Women and LGBTQIA+folk continue to\nstruggle against exploitation and fight for equa l rights and equity\nopportunities in the United States\, with this situat ion troubling\nunrelenting claims of exceptionalism at home and abroad. Al though\ngender politics are ever present\, achievements are hard-won and\n sometimes rolled back in the face of misogyny\, homophobia\,\ntransphobia\ , and other ingrained expressions of exclusion. Buildings\,\ncities\, and landscapes are not only where battles over gender unfurl\,\nbut these spac es also foster identities and incite change. In this\nlecture series\, tra ilblazing women and LGBTQIA + design practitioners\,\nscholars\, and activ ists—working in architecture\, landscape\narchitecture\, and urban desig n—insist that gender must remain in\nsharp focus if we are to shape equi table and just built environments.\n\nALL LECTURES ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN THE BERNARD AND\nANNE SPITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM. FOR LIVE\nCAPTIONING\, ASL INTERPRETATION\, OR ACCESS R EQUESTS\, PLEASE CONTACT \nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU \" REL=\"NOOPENER\" TARG ET=\"_BLANK\">\nSSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU .\n\n_This lecture series is made po ssible by the Spitzer Architecture Fund\nand the generous support of Frank Sciame ’74\, CEO of Sciame\nConstruction._\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4c58bc69-fb54-48a9-9cea-e6362294ef46 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250407T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250407T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location ​CCNY Health and Wellness Center\, Marshak Scienc e\nBuilding\, Room J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2f295ca9-9672-4908-9e19-66cd5d9e5b73 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250408T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250408T134500 URL: -6 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BIT .LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is a lso available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nRE GISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ 2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Y h64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk& m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK 1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish\n[https://urldefense d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apR rUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59Lt UG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nT his initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale t o Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Co mpliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violenc e Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact gen \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9f13ad12-7ffe-4180-bf15-417b85d35313 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250409T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250409T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d3974c10-8c4e-4d5d-b529-1dc9ab9f9313 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250409T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250409T130000 URL: -how-fold-proteome-mission-accomplished LOCATION:Event Location This seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom l ink:\n a5LC.1.\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859. Passcode: asrc+ccny SUMMARY:Biochemistry Seminar: Stephen D. Fried\, \"How to Fold the Proteome :\nMission Accomplished?\" CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nSTEPHEN D. FRIED\, Assistant Professor of Che mistry at Johns Hopkins\nUniversity\, Baltimore\, MD\, will give a talk ti tled\, \"HOW TO FOLD THE\nPROTEOME: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED?\"\n\nThis semina r will also be available by Zoom. Zoom link:\n 448257859?pwd=2dSdb1Ne4u1liuzauChpsX5m6Ya5L…\n[ /91448257859?pwd=2dSdb1Ne4u1liuzauChpsX5m6Ya5LC.1.&nbsp]\;\nMeeting ID: 91 4 4825 7859.  Passcode:  asrc+ccny\n\nABSTRACT\n\nRecent advances in art ificial intelligence have addressed a\nlong-standing question in protein b iophysics: What is the relationship\nbetween a protein’s primary sequenc e and its native\nthree-dimensional structure? On the other hand\, the pro cess by which\nproteins navigate to these native states during their biosy nthesis or\nfollowing their denaturation is perilous\, complex\, and much less\npredictable. Many proteins misfold\, a process which can sometimes b e\nreverted (but not always) through chaperones\, and is moreover\nassocia ted with a wide range of ailments\, particularly\nneurodegenerative diseas es. My lab became interested in delineating\nwhich (kinds of) proteins are capable of refolding into their native\nconformations spontaneously versu s which ones require chaperone\nassistance. To do so\, we developed limite d proteolysis mass\nspectrometry (LiP-MS) methods\, a structural proteomic approach that\ncan interrogate protein conformation and misfolding on the proteome\nscale. These experiments provide a holistic view of what proper ties\nfacilitate refoldability and have highlighted an important and\nunex pected role for intrinsically disordered regions. In this talk\, I\nwant t o emphasize that despite great strides in AI-based tools\, there\nare stil l many surprises for this field. For instance\, we have\nrecently discover ed a case of a protein whose misfolded form is even\nmore kinetically stab le than its native form. We also have documented\na case of a protein whos e folding is obstructed (rather than promoted)\nby the chaperone\, Trigger Factor. Though it remains to be seen how\nwidespread these \"unusual\" ca ses are\, these results highlight the\nimportance of us continuing to thin k deeply about protein folding with\nthe spirit of curiosity and explorati on\, and showcases the power of\nemerging proteome-wide experimental appro aches.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8d89ec35-2fba-44e5-a334-f80fda74ee26 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250410T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250410T134500 URL: ilevsky-queens-college LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/111 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Sari Kisilevsky\, Queens College CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9bfbb5f9-7374-4ccc-9ada-c2dc9528593b DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250410T173000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250410T194500 URL: ada-my-mother-architect LOCATION:Event Location Sciame Auditorium (Room 107)\, Spitzer School of\nA rchitecture \n SUMMARY:Film Screening and Panel Discussion: Ada – My Mother the Architec t CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nThis film screening and panel discussion will be in person and is part\nof the Spring 2025 Sciame Lecture Series\, titl ed \"_Still Making Space\nfor Gender_\"\n\nAda Karmi Melamede is one of th e most accomplished female architects\nin the world\, but very little is k nown about her outside her home\ncountry of Israel. ADA - MY MOTHER THE AR CHITECT is a deeply moving\nportrait of an extraordinary woman directed by her daughter\,\nfilmmaker\, and former architect\, Yael Melamede.\n\nAda is a true pioneer who\, like many successful working mothers of her\ntime\ , was forced to make impossible choices. Despite personal\nsacrifices\, Ad a's work gave physical form to some of Israel’s\nhighest democratic idea ls\, most notably in the acclaimed Supreme Court\nbuilding in Jerusalem\, the Open University\, Ben Gurion Airport\, and\nnumerous civic institution s around the country.\n\nADA - MY MOTHER THE ARCHITECT profiles a woman an d artist deeply\ntested by the realities of career and motherhood\, a uniq ue\nmother-daughter bond\, and a fragile nation grappling with unrealized\ ndreams.\n\nThe screening will be followed by a conversation with:\nYael M elamede\nMary McLeod\n\nYael Melamede [] (she/h er) is the\nco-founder of SALTY Features—an independent production compa ny based\nin New York City whose goal is to create media that is\nthought- provoking\, vital\, and enhances the world. Melamede’s\ndocumentary cred its include DEATH&TAXES (DocNYC 2024)\, ADA-MY MOTHER\nTHE ARCHITECT (ADFF 2024) FLOYD ABRAMS: SPEAKING FREELY (American\nMasters/PBS 2023)\, PAY OR DIE (MTV Films 2023)\, the Jigsaw\nProductions/Amblin Entertainment six-p art series WHY WE HATE\n(Discovery 2019)\, WHEN I WALK (News & Documentary Emmy Award Winner\nPOV 2015)\, (DIS)HONESTY—THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES (CNBC 2015)\, INOCENTE\n(Academy Award Winner- Best Doc Short\, MTV Films 2013)\ , BRIEF\nINTERVIEWS WITH HIDEOUS MEN (IFC Films 2009)\, and MY ARCHITECT\n (Academy Award Nominee\, HBO 2004).\n\nMary McLeod\n[https://www.arch.colu] (she/her) is\na professor of architectu re at Columbia University\, where she teaches\narchitecture history and th eory. Her research and publications have\nfocused on the history of the mo dern movement and on contemporary\narchitecture theory\, examining issues concerning the connections\nbetween architecture and politics. She is the editor of and\ncontributor to the book _Charlotte Perriand: An Art of Liv ing_\, as\nwell as the co-editor of _Architecture\, Criticism\, Ideology_  and the\nwebsite _Pioneering Women of American Architecture_ (with Vic toria\nRosner). Her essays have appeared in journals such as _AA\nFiles_\ , _Journal of\nArchitecture_\, _Assemblage_\, _JSAH_\, _Casabella_\,\n and _Oppositions _and in books such as_ Modern Architecture and the\nLi feworld_\, _Architecture School_\, _Modern Women_\, _Feminism and\nArch itecture_\, _Building Systems_\, _Architectural Theory since\n1968_\, an d _Complexity and Contradiction at Fifty_.\n\nSuggested Reading: Goldber ger\, P. (1995\, August 13). ARCHITECTURE\nVIEW\; A Public Work That Ennob les As It Serves. _The New York\nTimes_. \n[ /08/13/arts/architecture-view-a-public-work-that-ennobles-as-it-serves.htm l]\n\n_\"STILL MAKING SPACE FOR GENDER\"_ centers women and LGBTQIA+ folk in\nthe built environment. While the discourse framing gender morphs and\ ngender identities broaden and become more intersectional\, the\npredicame nt remains the same. Women and LGBTQIA+folk continue to\nstruggle against exploitation and fight for equal rights and equity\nopportunities in the U nited States\, with this situation troubling\nunrelenting claims of except ionalism at home and abroad. Although\ngender politics are ever present\, achievements are hard-won and\nsometimes rolled back in the face of misogy ny\, homophobia\,\ntransphobia\, and other ingrained expressions of exclus ion. Buildings\,\ncities\, and landscapes are not only where battles over gender unfurl\,\nbut these spaces also foster identities and incite change . In this\nlecture series\, trailblazing women and LGBTQIA + design practi tioners\,\nscholars\, and activists—working in architecture\, landscape\ narchitecture\, and urban design—insist that gender must remain in\nshar p focus if we are to shape equitable and just built environments.\n\nALL L ECTURES/FILM SCREENINGS ARE FREE\, OPEN TO THE PUBLIC\, AND HELD IN\nTHE B ERNARD AND ANNE SPITZER SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE SCIAME AUDITORIUM.\nFOR LIV E CAPTIONING\, ASL INTERPRETATION\, OR ACCESS REQUESTS\, PLEASE\nCONTACT  SSADEAN@CCNY.CUNY.EDU \" REL=\"NOOPENER\" TARGET=\"_BLANK\">\nSSADEAN@CCN Y.CUNY.EDU .\n\n_This lecture series is made possible by the Spitzer Archi tecture Fund\nand the generous support of Frank Sciame ’74\, CEO of Scia me\nConstruction._\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:61da256f-cd6a-478c-84ad-c8525876fe63 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250412T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250420T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Spring Recess CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:fbbca3b8-aa40-4a76-a817-b6360b096732 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T130000 URL: -time-management LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/225 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Time Management CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nTHE DIVISION OF H UMANITIES AND THE ARTS PRESENTS\nACADEMIC EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP SERIES\n\nT IME MANAGEMENT\n\n_Learn how to prioritize your time._\n\n * DATE: April 1 5\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * Location: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:30 PM\n\n * VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a9ed4c8e-bc9b-48a5-af6f-d9eba5582f2a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T130000 URL: -pre-recorded-class LOCATION:Event Location Virtual pre-recorded class SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 (Pre-Recorded Class) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nDuring Spring Break\, Exhale to Inhale offers a pre-recorded 30\nminute yoga class. Trauma-informed yoga classes are d esigned to help\nyou de-stress and connect with your body. No experience i s needed.\n\nTO ACCESS THE RECORDING\, REGISTER AT HTTPS://BIT.LY/CCNYYOGA 25\n[]\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is also availab le for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nREGISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ ps-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrc fR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4 JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK1vvQrN07Q8i UaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=] | Spanish\n[https://urldefense.proofpoin =shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8Q pqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKht Efb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nThis initia tive is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale to Inhale a t CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Compliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Violence Awarenes s and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact  genderresou \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8afedc5b-9c93-4eb7-a196-5f7b312eea40 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250415T150000 URL: -time-management-virtual LOCATION:Event Location * Zoom Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n* Passcode: 7492 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Time Management (Virtual) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nTHE DIVISION OF H UMANITIES AND THE ARTS PRESENTS\nACADEMIC EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP SERIES\n\nT IME MANAGEMENT\n\n_Learn how to prioritize your time._\n\n * DATE: April 1 5\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * Location: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:30 PM\n\n * VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:19229177-d235-490d-8bf2-b9b322b32675 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250416T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250416T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email  lgbtq@ccny.cuny.ed  \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:028fa148-ae61-49b8-a142-de25e6691f9d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250421T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250421T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:5a305f78-64f2-44f1-ac66-c728634c54e9 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250422T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250422T134500 URL: -7 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BI T.LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is also available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nR EGISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ v2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6 Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk &m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWe K1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=] | Spanish\n[https://urldefen l&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804a pRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59 LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\ nThis initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale to Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Compliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Viole nce Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1f1bafe9-4267-480d-87d2-53cce1213140 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250424T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250424T134500 URL: a-weinbaum-ccny-logic-love-story LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/111 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Prof. Christina Weinbaum\, CCNY \"Logic\, A Love\nStory\" CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c5b3517b-32ec-479a-aa7f-9c988622b949 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250429T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250429T140000 URL: kshop-series-6 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:Gaymers Against Violence: Monthly Workshop Series CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\, NYC Gay mers\, Crime Victims\nTreatment Center\, and the NYC Anti-Violence Project to play video\ngames and more while learning anti-violence prevention bes t practices!\nThis is a monthly interactive and community-led gaming space \, where\nstudents will learn how to navigate\, address\, and prevent\nint erpersonal violence within their relationships and communities.\nOpen to a ll CCNY and CUNY!\n\nReminder to RSVP for the event date you are attending !\n\nLOCATION: The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B)\n\nTIME: 12PM - 2PM\n\nDATES AND TOPICS:\n\n * TUESDAY\, JAN. 28: “LGBTQ+ Mental Hea lth\n * TUESDAY\, FEB. 25: Sex Jeopardy & Healthy Relationships\n * TUESD AY\, MAR. 25: Healthy Masculinity & Intersectionality\n * TUESDAY\, APR. 29: Title IX/Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors\nin LGBTQ+ Communities\ n * TUESDAY\, MAY 13: Safer Partying During Pride\n\nGAMES MAY INCLUDE:\n \n * Super Smash Bros.\n * Mario Kart\n * Jackbox TV Games\n * Uno\n * Dom inoes\n * Playing Cards\n * A Variety of Tabletop Games\n\nFREE REFRESHMEN TS PROVIDED\n\nABOUT THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER\n\nThe Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student\nCenter [https://w] (est. Fall\n2021) is a collaborati ve resource dedicated to celebrating\,\nempowering\, and supporting LGBTQI A+ students\, staff\, and faculty at\nCCNY. We are committed to leading wi th a social justice lens\, offering\nand connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY with accessible support\nservices\, relevant programming\, engaging e vents\, paid internship/job\nopportunities\, and general guidance navigati ng college\, home life\, and\nfutures outside of higher education for thos e who identify as LGBTQ+\nor questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is als o dedicated to\nincreasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\, gender\, and se xuality at\nCity College. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is a safe space for al l\nLGBTQIA+ students and allies to meet and build community. You all are\n welcome here!\n\nABOUT NYC GAYMERS\n\nNYC Gaymers [ /] (est. 2012 ) began as a\nmember-led community of LGBTQIA+ gamers\, mov ing to uplift the voices\nof marginalized gamers\, and sustain a space tha t shares a diversity\nand passion that is reflective of both New York City and Gaming\nculture. NYC Gaymers Inc. empowers gamers across the intersec tions of\norientation\, identity\, expression\, race\, and ability\, in or der to\nuplift and center our most marginalized community members through\ neducation\, advocacy\, and the creation of safer spaces.\n\nABOUT CRIME V ICTIMS TREATMENT CENTER\n\nCVTC []  (est. 1977) is a\nnot-for-profit organization committed to helping peopl e heal from\nviolent crime. We respect that healing comes in many forms an d\nrecognize the importance of a holistic approach. CVTC provides a wide\n range of therapeutic services free of charge to anyone impacted by\nviolen ce. We are dedicated to advocacy on behalf of survivors\,\ncollaboration w ith partners across a multitude of disciplines\, and\ntraining for those w ho work with survivors. We are committed to\nchanging cultural norms aroun d violence and promoting social justice\nthrough progressive legislation a nd community mobilization.\n\nABOUT THE ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT\n\nAVP [http s://] (est. 1980) empowers lesbian\, gay\, bisexual\,\ntransgende r\, queer\, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all\nforms of v iolence through organizing and education\, and supports\nsurvivors through counseling and advocacy. AVP envisions a world in\nwhich all lesbian\, ga y\, bisexual\, transgender\, queer\, and HIV-affected\npeople are safe\, r espected\, and live free from violence.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS MADE POSSIBLE DUE TO GENEROUS FUNDING FROM THE NYC\nCOUNCIL'S LGBTQIA CAUCUS\, THE OFFICE O F THE MAYOR\, AND SUPPORTED BY\nTHE CUNY LGBTQIA+ CONSORTIUM\n[https://ww] THROUGH\n THE LAGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nTHIS EVENT WILL BE ARCHIVED AT THE L AGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nCO-SPONSORS: NYC Gaymers\, NYC Anti-Viol ence Project\, NYC Crime\nVictims Treatment Center\, CCNY Gaming Pathways\ , The LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at CCNY\, The LGBTQ+ Open Alliance Club\, the CUNY LGBTQI+\nCouncil\, CCNY Office of Diversity and Compliance\, The CUN Y Office of\nDiversity and Inclusion Initiatives\,The CCNY Department of S tudent\nLife and Leadership Development\, CCNY Gender Resources\, and the City\nCollege Division of Student Affairs.\n\nTHE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK AND THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER ARE A\nPROUD MEMBERS OF THE CUNY LGBTQ IA+ CONSORTIUM.\n\nQUESTIONS? email us at  %6ey. edu\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\nSPACE LIMITED\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:afa1af12-5914-4f3f-a6e7-cbd66a100092 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250429T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250429T134500 URL: -8 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for free trauma-informed yoga classes designed to help you\nde-stress and connect with your body. No experience is needed\, and\nyoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGISTRATION: HTTPS://BI T.LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-demand virtual yoga is also available for the CCNY community to\npractice anytime\, anywhere._\nR EGISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[ v2/url?u=https-3A__mailchi.mp_de617564e0d5_yoga&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6 Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk &m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWe K1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=] | Spanish\n[https://urldefen l&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804a pRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59 LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-ephpWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\ nThis initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing Program from\nExhale to Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Compliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\nGender-Based Viole nce Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions\, please contact\\" rel=\"nofollow\"> genderresourc \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8cf44ca3-a50d-42f0-9a8b-c38dd786a9eb DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T080000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T200000 URL: links-between-spain-and-americas-day-1 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY CWE\n25 Broadway\, 7 Floor\nNew York\, NY 1000 4 SUMMARY:International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and The\nAmericas | Day 1 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LI NKS BETWEEN SPAIN AND THE\nAMERICAS | DAY 1\n\nSUBMIT NOW\n[ d-americas-submission-form]\nEXTENDED DEADLINE: January 31\, 2025\nDEADLIN E: December 31\, 2024\nLOCATION: CCNY CWE [ tXsszr3o1n9] \n25 Broadway\, 7th Floor\, NYC\n(Accommodations not provide d)\n\n \n\n10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LINKS BETWEEN SPAIN\nAND THE AMERICAS\n_TRANSATLANTIC TRANSFORMATIONS: HISTORIES\, DEMOC RACIES\, AND ARTIFICIAL\nINTELLIGENCE_\nNEW YORK\, APRIL 30  - MAY 2\, 20 25\n\nThe advent and consolidation of new technologies and social movement s\,\nadded to the challenges created by climate change and population\ndis placement\, have put the concept of Democracy to the test\n_glocally_. Tha t is to say that local socio-cultural phenomena are now\narticulated to gl obal trends and changes in the globalized market for\ncultural capital (So cial Media)\, the market economy\, and transnational\npolitics. As a bypro duct of modernity\, Modern Democracies grew\nalongside scientific narrativ es and social science methods aimed at\nallowing a merit-based system of s ocial mobility regulated by the\nmarket and innovation. However\, the rece ntly established global\nattention economy and the crisis of the paradigm of verifiable truth\npose existential threats to the different versions of Democracy or\ndemocratic systems around the world. The International Conf erence on\n\"Historical Links between Spain and the Americas\" explores th e rich\nhistorical interaction between Spain and the Americas and how thes e\nties have influenced the contemporary challenges in this transatlantic\ nregion. Through a wide range of approaches in the humanities\, social\nsc iences\, and emerging topics such as climate change\, immigration\, and\ne cocriticism\, the conference will seek to analyze current dynamics and\nth eir impact on the future of Democracy in the West.\n\nAREAS OF INTEREST:\n \n* HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: \n\n * Historical influence of Spain o n the culture\, literature\, and\nphilosophy of the Americas.\n * Historic al processes and their impact on social and political\nstructures on both continents.\n * Cultural and educational exchange between Spain and the Am ericas\nover the centuries.\n\n* CLIMATE CHANGE: \n\n * Effects of climate change in Spain and the American countries\, and\nits influence on human mobility and environmental policy.\n * History of environmental cooperatio n between Spain and the\nAmericas and its current relevance.\n * Innovativ e proposals to address climate change and promote\nsustainability in the r egion.\n\n* IMMIGRATION AND POPULATION DISPLACEMENT: \n\n * History and ev olution of migratory flows between Spain and the\nAmericas.\n * Impact of immigration on receiving societies and its relationship\nwith politics and cultural identity.\n * Challenges and opportunities for integration and s ocial cohesion\nin migratory contexts.\n\n* THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY IN THE WEST: \n\n * Current challenges for democracies in Spain and the Americas \,\nincluding populism\, polarization\, and institutional crises.\n * The role of historical ties in the consolidation of Democracy and\nthe strengt hening of institutions.\n * Perspectives on the future of Democracy in a g lobalized context\naffected by social and political changes.\n\n * The con ference welcomes special non-geographically restricted\nproposals and pane ls on: STEM and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  \n\nThe CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YO RK - DIVISION OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES\n[ ]\, the INSTITUTO CERVANTES OF NEW YORK\n[ fault.shtm]\, and the INSTITUTO\nFRANKLIN OF THE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ\n[] join for the tenth year in\norganizing t his conference. The call for papers embraces different\ndisciplines and ar eas of study\, emphasizing interdisciplinary\napproaches to the connection s between Spain and the Americas. As\nalways\, the primary aim of the conf erence is to provide a meeting\nplace for academics and professionals to e ngage with other\nparticipants within and outside their areas of specializ ation.\n\nTHE CONFERENCE IS ORGANIZED IN SECTIONS WITH DIFFERENT FOCAL POI NTS.\nTHE FOLLOWING TOPICS WILL BE PRIORITIZED:\n\n * Colonial and Postcol onial Studies\n * Education\n * Cultural Studies\n * International Relatio ns\n * Economy and Labor\n * Science and Technology\n * Environmental and Sustainability Studies\n * Climate change —non-geographically restricted —\n * Artificial Intelligence —non-geographically restricted—\n \n\ nProposals should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words\nand a brief biography (100-150 words). They must be sent through the\nCONFERE NCE WEBSITE\n[ rical-links-between-spain-and-americas-submission-form].\nPapers may be in Spanish or English. EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE:\nJanuary 31st\, 2025.\n \nProposals for panels containing three lectures on the same topic are\nal so welcome. Lectures will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and\nwill be organized in panels containing three papers.\n\nParticipants will recei ve a certificate of attendance and\nparticipation.\n\nPUBLICATION: After t he conference\, the organizing committee will\nannounce the deadline for s ubmitting articles. An editorial committee\nwill evaluate them and those s elected will be published in a book.\n\n \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e7ac3cc4-3f63-4f36-bf1b-37d7fc1934a0 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c2878d9e-e4b4-4b34-b104-d92e40f25c47 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250430T130000 URL: er-negative-noodles-and-positive-ones-too-0 LOCATION:Event Location This seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom l ink:\n a5LC.1.\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859. Passcode: asrc+ccny SUMMARY:Biochemistry Seminar: Benjamin Schuster\, \"Negative noodles\, and\ npositive ones too: Engineering intrinsically disordered proteins\" CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nBENJAMIN SCHUSTER\, Assistant Professor\, Dep artment of Chemical and\nBiochemical Engineering\, Rutgers University\, Ne w Brunswick\, NJ\, will\ngive a talk titled\, \"NEGATIVE NOODLES\, AND POS ITIVE ONES TOO:\nENGINEERING INTRINSICALLY DISORDERED PROTEINS.\"\n\nThis seminar will also be available by Zoom. Zoom link:\nhttps://gc-cuny.zoom.u s/j/91448257859?pwd=2dSdb1Ne4u1liuzauChpsX5m6Ya5L…\n[https://gc-cuny.zoo]\;\nMeeting ID: 914 4825 7859.  Passcode:  asrc+ccny\n\nABSTRACT\n\nIntrinsically di sordered proteins (IDPs) do not fold into a fixed\nthree-dimensional struc ture\, and some IDPs can be thought of as\nspaghetti-like proteins. Many I DPs exhibit phase behavior that is\nclosely coupled to their function. In this talk\, I will describe\nseveral recent discoveries from my lab\, alon g with our collaborators\,\nrelating to biomolecular condensates formed fr om phase-separated IDPs.\nI will focus on our efforts to understand the re lationship between IDP\nsequence\, phase behavior\, rheology\, and functio n. If time permits\, I\nwill also discuss our work to develop a nanopartic le toolbox to study\ncontrolled and orthogonal partitioning of clients int o IDP\ncondensates. Together\, this work demonstrates the opportunity for\ ndiscovery at the intersection of protein engineering and nanoscience\,\nw ith impacts from fundamental biophysics to biotechnology and\nbiomedicine. \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:76966bc2-b08d-4346-9815-baa480446e5a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250501T080000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250501T200000 URL: links-between-spain-and-americas-day-2 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY CWE\n25 Broadway\, 7 Floor\nNew York\, NY 1000 4 SUMMARY:International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and The\nAmericas | Day 2 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LI NKS BETWEEN SPAIN AND THE\nAMERICAS | DAY 2\n\nSUBMIT NOW\n[ d-americas-submission-form]\nEXTENDED DEADLINE: January 31\, 2025\nDEADLIN E: December 31\, 2024\nLOCATION: CCNY CWE [ tXsszr3o1n9] \n25 Broadway\, 7th Floor\, NYC\n(Accommodations not provide d)\n\n \n\n10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LINKS BETWEEN SPAIN\nAND THE AMERICAS\n_TRANSATLANTIC TRANSFORMATIONS: HISTORIES\, DEMOC RACIES\, AND ARTIFICIAL\nINTELLIGENCE_\nNEW YORK\, APRIL 30  - MAY 2\, 20 25\n\nThe advent and consolidation of new technologies and social movement s\,\nadded to the challenges created by climate change and population\ndis placement\, have put the concept of Democracy to the test\n_glocally_. Tha t is to say that local socio-cultural phenomena are now\narticulated to gl obal trends and changes in the globalized market for\ncultural capital (So cial Media)\, the market economy\, and transnational\npolitics. As a bypro duct of modernity\, Modern Democracies grew\nalongside scientific narrativ es and social science methods aimed at\nallowing a merit-based system of s ocial mobility regulated by the\nmarket and innovation. However\, the rece ntly established global\nattention economy and the crisis of the paradigm of verifiable truth\npose existential threats to the different versions of Democracy or\ndemocratic systems around the world. The International Conf erence on\n\"Historical Links between Spain and the Americas\" explores th e rich\nhistorical interaction between Spain and the Americas and how thes e\nties have influenced the contemporary challenges in this transatlantic\ nregion. Through a wide range of approaches in the humanities\, social\nsc iences\, and emerging topics such as climate change\, immigration\, and\ne cocriticism\, the conference will seek to analyze current dynamics and\nth eir impact on the future of Democracy in the West.\n\nAREAS OF INTEREST:\n \n* HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: \n\n * Historical influence of Spain o n the culture\, literature\, and\nphilosophy of the Americas.\n * Historic al processes and their impact on social and political\nstructures on both continents.\n * Cultural and educational exchange between Spain and the Am ericas\nover the centuries.\n\n* CLIMATE CHANGE: \n\n * Effects of climate change in Spain and the American countries\, and\nits influence on human mobility and environmental policy.\n * History of environmental cooperatio n between Spain and the\nAmericas and its current relevance.\n * Innovativ e proposals to address climate change and promote\nsustainability in the r egion.\n\n* IMMIGRATION AND POPULATION DISPLACEMENT: \n\n * History and ev olution of migratory flows between Spain and the\nAmericas.\n * Impact of immigration on receiving societies and its relationship\nwith politics and cultural identity.\n * Challenges and opportunities for integration and s ocial cohesion\nin migratory contexts.\n\n* THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY IN THE WEST: \n\n * Current challenges for democracies in Spain and the Americas \,\nincluding populism\, polarization\, and institutional crises.\n * The role of historical ties in the consolidation of Democracy and\nthe strengt hening of institutions.\n * Perspectives on the future of Democracy in a g lobalized context\naffected by social and political changes.\n\n * The con ference welcomes special non-geographically restricted\nproposals and pane ls on: STEM and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  \n\nThe CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YO RK - DIVISION OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES\n[ ]\, the INSTITUTO CERVANTES OF NEW YORK\n[ fault.shtm]\, and the INSTITUTO\nFRANKLIN OF THE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ\n[] join for the tenth year in\norganizing t his conference. The call for papers embraces different\ndisciplines and ar eas of study\, emphasizing interdisciplinary\napproaches to the connection s between Spain and the Americas. As\nalways\, the primary aim of the conf erence is to provide a meeting\nplace for academics and professionals to e ngage with other\nparticipants within and outside their areas of specializ ation.\n\nTHE CONFERENCE IS ORGANIZED IN SECTIONS WITH DIFFERENT FOCAL POI NTS.\nTHE FOLLOWING TOPICS WILL BE PRIORITIZED:\n\n * Colonial and Postcol onial Studies\n * Education\n * Cultural Studies\n * International Relatio ns\n * Economy and Labor\n * Science and Technology\n * Environmental and Sustainability Studies\n * Climate change —non-geographically restricted —\n * Artificial Intelligence —non-geographically restricted—\n \n\ nProposals should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words\nand a brief biography (100-150 words). They must be sent through the\nCONFERE NCE WEBSITE\n[ rical-links-between-spain-and-americas-submission-form].\nPapers may be in Spanish or English. EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE:\nJanuary 31st\, 2025.\n \nProposals for panels containing three lectures on the same topic are\nal so welcome. Lectures will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and\nwill be organized in panels containing three papers.\n\nParticipants will recei ve a certificate of attendance and\nparticipation.\n\nPUBLICATION: After t he conference\, the organizing committee will\nannounce the deadline for s ubmitting articles. An editorial committee\nwill evaluate them and those s elected will be published in a book.\n\n \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e4ee6fd3-4724-469c-a018-011a2596ae02 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250501T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250501T134500 URL: aduation-celebration-thesis-presentations LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/144 SUMMARY:Philosophy Pizza Forum: Philosophy Graduation Celebration & Thesis\ npresentations CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:470009b5-5426-4840-9695-9d582ed1f72f DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250502T080000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250502T200000 URL: links-between-spain-and-americas-day-3 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY CWE\n25 Broadway\, 7 Floor\nNew York\, NY 1000 4 SUMMARY:International Conference on the Historical Links Between Spain and The\nAmericas | Day 3 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nINTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LI NKS BETWEEN SPAIN AND THE\nAMERICAS | DAY 3\n\nSUBMIT NOW\n[ d-americas-submission-form]\nEXTENDED DEADLINE: January 31\, 2025\nDEADLIN E: December 31\, 2024\nLOCATION: CCNY CWE [ tXsszr3o1n9] \n25 Broadway\, 7th Floor\, NYC\n(Accommodations not provide d)\n\n \n\n10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORICAL LINKS BETWEEN SPAIN\nAND THE AMERICAS\n_TRANSATLANTIC TRANSFORMATIONS: HISTORIES\, DEMOC RACIES\, AND ARTIFICIAL\nINTELLIGENCE_\nNEW YORK\, APRIL 30  - MAY 2\, 20 25\n\nThe advent and consolidation of new technologies and social movement s\,\nadded to the challenges created by climate change and population\ndis placement\, have put the concept of Democracy to the test\n_glocally_. Tha t is to say that local socio-cultural phenomena are now\narticulated to gl obal trends and changes in the globalized market for\ncultural capital (So cial Media)\, the market economy\, and transnational\npolitics. As a bypro duct of modernity\, Modern Democracies grew\nalongside scientific narrativ es and social science methods aimed at\nallowing a merit-based system of s ocial mobility regulated by the\nmarket and innovation. However\, the rece ntly established global\nattention economy and the crisis of the paradigm of verifiable truth\npose existential threats to the different versions of Democracy or\ndemocratic systems around the world. The International Conf erence on\n\"Historical Links between Spain and the Americas\" explores th e rich\nhistorical interaction between Spain and the Americas and how thes e\nties have influenced the contemporary challenges in this transatlantic\ nregion. Through a wide range of approaches in the humanities\, social\nsc iences\, and emerging topics such as climate change\, immigration\, and\ne cocriticism\, the conference will seek to analyze current dynamics and\nth eir impact on the future of Democracy in the West.\n\nAREAS OF INTEREST:\n \n* HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: \n\n * Historical influence of Spain o n the culture\, literature\, and\nphilosophy of the Americas.\n * Historic al processes and their impact on social and political\nstructures on both continents.\n * Cultural and educational exchange between Spain and the Am ericas\nover the centuries.\n\n* CLIMATE CHANGE: \n\n * Effects of climate change in Spain and the American countries\, and\nits influence on human mobility and environmental policy.\n * History of environmental cooperatio n between Spain and the\nAmericas and its current relevance.\n * Innovativ e proposals to address climate change and promote\nsustainability in the r egion.\n\n* IMMIGRATION AND POPULATION DISPLACEMENT: \n\n * History and ev olution of migratory flows between Spain and the\nAmericas.\n * Impact of immigration on receiving societies and its relationship\nwith politics and cultural identity.\n * Challenges and opportunities for integration and s ocial cohesion\nin migratory contexts.\n\n* THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRACY IN THE WEST: \n\n * Current challenges for democracies in Spain and the Americas \,\nincluding populism\, polarization\, and institutional crises.\n * The role of historical ties in the consolidation of Democracy and\nthe strengt hening of institutions.\n * Perspectives on the future of Democracy in a g lobalized context\naffected by social and political changes.\n\n * The con ference welcomes special non-geographically restricted\nproposals and pane ls on: STEM and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.  \n\nThe CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YO RK - DIVISION OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES\n[ ]\, the INSTITUTO CERVANTES OF NEW YORK\n[ fault.shtm]\, and the INSTITUTO\nFRANKLIN OF THE UNIVERSIDAD DE ALCALÁ\n[] join for the tenth year in\norganizing t his conference. The call for papers embraces different\ndisciplines and ar eas of study\, emphasizing interdisciplinary\napproaches to the connection s between Spain and the Americas. As\nalways\, the primary aim of the conf erence is to provide a meeting\nplace for academics and professionals to e ngage with other\nparticipants within and outside their areas of specializ ation.\n\nTHE CONFERENCE IS ORGANIZED IN SECTIONS WITH DIFFERENT FOCAL POI NTS.\nTHE FOLLOWING TOPICS WILL BE PRIORITIZED:\n\n * Colonial and Postcol onial Studies\n * Education\n * Cultural Studies\n * International Relatio ns\n * Economy and Labor\n * Science and Technology\n * Environmental and Sustainability Studies\n * Climate change —non-geographically restricted —\n * Artificial Intelligence —non-geographically restricted—\n \n\ nProposals should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-300 words\nand a brief biography (100-150 words). They must be sent through the\nCONFERE NCE WEBSITE\n[ rical-links-between-spain-and-americas-submission-form].\nPapers may be in Spanish or English. EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE:\nJanuary 31st\, 2025.\n \nProposals for panels containing three lectures on the same topic are\nal so welcome. Lectures will have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and\nwill be organized in panels containing three papers.\n\nParticipants will recei ve a certificate of attendance and\nparticipation.\n\nPUBLICATION: After t he conference\, the organizing committee will\nannounce the deadline for s ubmitting articles. An editorial committee\nwill evaluate them and those s elected will be published in a book.\n\n \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:e6196408-f095-4d06-945d-3f5aa4b29245 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250505T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250505T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b272192b-24e6-4372-b14c-b29b438634c2 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T153000 URL: -and-excellence-awards-ceremony LOCATION:Event Location The Great Hall SUMMARY:President's Faculty and Staff Service and Excellence Awards Ceremon y CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nSave the Date!\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:8868a014-3f4d-4198-99bc-ef869adb0143 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T123000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T130000 URL: -financial-aid-literacy LOCATION:Event Location NAC 5/225 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Financial Aid Literacy CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nDIVISION OF HUMAN ITIES & THE ARTS PRESENTS\nACADEMIC EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP SERIES\n\nFINANCI AL AID LITERACY\n\n_Learn how your academic progress impacts your eligibil ity for\nfinancial aid._\n\n * DATE: May 6\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * L ocation: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:30 PM\n\n* VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\ n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:62275abf-973e-462a-942a-bf6234baa356 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T134500 URL: -9 LOCATION:Event Location Wingate Hall\, Room 104 SUMMARY:Free Weekly Yoga Classes – Spring 2025 CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin us for the last Spring 2025 free trauma- informed yoga classes\ndesigned to help you de-stress and connect with you r body. No\nexperience is needed\, and yoga mats will be provided.\n\nREGI STRATION: HTTPS://BIT.LY/CCNYYOGA25 []\n\n_On-dem and virtual yoga is also available for the CCNY community to\npractice any time\, anywhere._\nREGISTER FOR VIRTUAL CLASSES:\nEnglish\n[https://urldef aQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXk fC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4Y EKhtEfb74F3d4&s=aSWeK1vvQrN07Q8iUaiqXra3CwA02y9Y9TRJdmWFVdU&e=]\n| Spanish \n[ b01ce_yoga-5Fespanol&d=DwMFaQ&c=shNJtf5dKgNcPZ6Yh64b-ALLUrcfR-4CCQkZVKC8w3 o&r=9NZLIdDgEEy804apRrUHrXkfC8QpqKPvZTW2q4ai-dk&m=u-lut-aX4JvkEjpKBF_GZ0eq 6HgwBXMMgg9wfijCe59LtUG_z4YEKhtEfb74F3d4&s=1m30Ul0SXO3Ujf2IiRy5jEN3xaZ-eph pWbtq-Eg2lHs&e=]\n\nThis initiative is part of the Wellness to Wellbeing P rogram from\nExhale to Inhale at CCNY\, a collaboration between the Office of\nDiversity and Compliance\, the Division of Student Affairs\, and the\ nGender-Based Violence Awareness and Prevention Alliance.\n\nFor questions \, please contact \n\n \n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:7ae8073b-d1be-4892-9f0c-f58815631529 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T143000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250506T150000 URL: -financial-aid-literacy-virtual LOCATION:Event Location * Zoom Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n* Passcode: 7492 SUMMARY:Academic Empowerment Workshop Series: Financial Aid Literacy (Virtu al) CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\n Click here to download \n\nDIVISION OF HUMAN ITIES & THE ARTS PRESENTS\nACADEMIC EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP SERIES\n\nFINANCI AL AID LITERACY\n\n_Learn how your academic progress impacts your eligibil ity for\nfinancial aid._\n\n * DATE: May 6\, 2025\n\n* IN-PERSON: \n\n * L ocation: NAC 5/225\n * Time: 12:30 PM\n\n* VIRTUAL: \n\n * Platform: Zoom\ n * Time: 2:30 PM\n * Meeting ID: 212 650 7492\n * Passcode: 7492\n\nRSVP BY SCANNING THE BARCODE\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:377d9d43-a8c1-4db6-9924-e57763815b17 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250507T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250507T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:35aae64c-f1e5-469d-8703-2b6395327de5 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250510T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250510T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Last day of Saturday Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:764ae636-e54c-4fcd-8a10-b46cfb4223ed DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250513T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250513T140000 URL: kshop-series-7 LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:Gaymers Against Violence: Monthly Workshop Series CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\, NYC Gay mers\, Crime Victims\nTreatment Center\, and the NYC Anti-Violence Project to play video\ngames and more while learning anti-violence prevention bes t practices!\nThis is a monthly interactive and community-led gaming space \, where\nstudents will learn how to navigate\, address\, and prevent\nint erpersonal violence within their relationships and communities.\nOpen to a ll CCNY and CUNY!\n\nReminder to RSVP for the event date you are attending !\n\nLOCATION: The CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B)\n\nTIME: 12PM - 2PM\n\nDATES AND TOPICS:\n\n * TUESDAY\, JAN. 28: “LGBTQ+ Mental Hea lth\n * TUESDAY\, FEB. 25: Sex Jeopardy & Healthy Relationships\n * TUESD AY\, MAR. 25: Healthy Masculinity & Intersectionality\n * TUESDAY\, APR. 29: Title IX/Supporting Sexual Violence Survivors\nin LGBTQ+ Communities\ n * TUESDAY\, MAY 13: Safer Partying During Pride\n\nGAMES MAY INCLUDE:\n \n * Super Smash Bros.\n * Mario Kart\n * Jackbox TV Games\n * Uno\n * Dom inoes\n * Playing Cards\n * A Variety of Tabletop Games\n\nFREE REFRESHMEN TS PROVIDED\n\nABOUT THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER\n\nThe Lesbian\, Gay\, Bisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student\nCenter [https://w] (est. Fall\n2021) is a collaborati ve resource dedicated to celebrating\,\nempowering\, and supporting LGBTQI A+ students\, staff\, and faculty at\nCCNY. We are committed to leading wi th a social justice lens\, offering\nand connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY with accessible support\nservices\, relevant programming\, engaging e vents\, paid internship/job\nopportunities\, and general guidance navigati ng college\, home life\, and\nfutures outside of higher education for thos e who identify as LGBTQ+\nor questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is als o dedicated to\nincreasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\, gender\, and se xuality at\nCity College. The LGBTQ+ Student Center is a safe space for al l\nLGBTQIA+ students and allies to meet and build community. You all are\n welcome here!\n\nABOUT NYC GAYMERS\n\nNYC Gaymers [ /] (est. 2012 ) began as a\nmember-led community of LGBTQIA+ gamers\, mov ing to uplift the voices\nof marginalized gamers\, and sustain a space tha t shares a diversity\nand passion that is reflective of both New York City and Gaming\nculture. NYC Gaymers Inc. empowers gamers across the intersec tions of\norientation\, identity\, expression\, race\, and ability\, in or der to\nuplift and center our most marginalized community members through\ neducation\, advocacy\, and the creation of safer spaces.\n\nABOUT CRIME V ICTIMS TREATMENT CENTER\n\nCVTC []  (est. 1977) is a\nnot-for-profit organization committed to helping peopl e heal from\nviolent crime. We respect that healing comes in many forms an d\nrecognize the importance of a holistic approach. CVTC provides a wide\n range of therapeutic services free of charge to anyone impacted by\nviolen ce. We are dedicated to advocacy on behalf of survivors\,\ncollaboration w ith partners across a multitude of disciplines\, and\ntraining for those w ho work with survivors. We are committed to\nchanging cultural norms aroun d violence and promoting social justice\nthrough progressive legislation a nd community mobilization.\n\nABOUT THE ANTI-VIOLENCE PROJECT\n\nAVP [http s://] (est. 1980) empowers lesbian\, gay\, bisexual\,\ntransgende r\, queer\, and HIV-affected communities and allies to end all\nforms of v iolence through organizing and education\, and supports\nsurvivors through counseling and advocacy. AVP envisions a world in\nwhich all lesbian\, ga y\, bisexual\, transgender\, queer\, and HIV-affected\npeople are safe\, r espected\, and live free from violence.\n\nTHIS EVENT IS MADE POSSIBLE DUE TO GENEROUS FUNDING FROM THE NYC\nCOUNCIL'S LGBTQIA CAUCUS\, THE OFFICE O F THE MAYOR\, AND SUPPORTED BY\nTHE CUNY LGBTQIA+ CONSORTIUM\n[https://ww] THROUGH\n THE LAGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nTHIS EVENT WILL BE ARCHIVED AT THE L AGUARDIA AND WAGNER ARCHIVES.\n\nCO-SPONSORS: NYC Gaymers\, NYC Anti-Viol ence Project\, NYC Crime\nVictims Treatment Center\, CCNY Gaming Pathways\ , The LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at CCNY\, The LGBTQ+ Open Alliance Club\, the CUNY LGBTQI+\nCouncil\, CCNY Office of Diversity and Compliance\, The CUN Y Office of\nDiversity and Inclusion Initiatives\,The CCNY Department of S tudent\nLife and Leadership Development\, CCNY Gender Resources\, and the City\nCollege Division of Student Affairs.\n\nTHE CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK AND THE CCNY LGBTQ+ STUDENT CENTER ARE A\nPROUD MEMBERS OF THE CUNY LGBTQ IA+ CONSORTIUM.\n\nQUESTIONS? email us at  %6ey. edu\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\nSPACE LIMITED\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a06f503b-e1a2-422a-b717-8497f82a1211 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250514T113000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250514T123000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center (NAC 1/101B) SUMMARY:LGBTQ+ Peer Support Group CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nAre you Gay\, Lesbian\, Bisexual\, Transgende r\, Queer\, Intersex\, Asexual\,\nQuestioning\, or Allied and looking for peer support or to meet new\nfolks? Join our CCNY LGBTQ+ Peer Support Grou p to express\, connect\,\nand uplift each other!\n\nFree hot tea provided! \n\n \n\nSpring 2025 Meeting Dates:\n\nEvery Wednesday (while class is in session)\n\nStart Date: Feb. 5\n\nEnd Date: May. 14\n\n \n\nTime: 11:30A M - 12:30PM\n\n \n\nLocation: NAC 1/101B (LGBTQ+ Student Center)\n\n \n\ nRSVP: []\n\n- Registration r equired\n\n- Citymail required\n\n- Must be a current registered CCNY stud ent\n\n- Register once to attend any session\n\n \n\nHave general questio ns for us or discussion points you want us to\nbring up during our session s? Email  lgbtq@ccny.cun\"\nrel=\"nofollow\"> \n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4b1cde27-e80f-420a-8feb-b238666e4299 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250515T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250515T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Last day of Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a80cd93d-31ec-4018-8052-332f6f132c96 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250516T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250522T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Final Examinations CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a6e3d9cc-2940-4926-a01f-0ef0e4372f2a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250519T120000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250519T160000 URL: LOCATION:Event Location Health and Wellness Services Marshak Science Buildi ng\,\nRoom J-15 SUMMARY:YASS! Mondays CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nJoin the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center and the Y oung Adult Sexual\nServices (YASS!) program at the Institute for Advanced Medicine at\nMount Sinai Hospital for free and confidential STI testing! A vailable\nfor all CCNY and CUNY students\, staff\, faculty\, and alumni. S TI\ntesting is offered 9 times throughout the Spring 2025 Semester!\n\nYAS S! Mondays offers the following STI testing: HIV\, Gonorrhea\,\nChlamydia\ , Syphilis\, Hepatitis C\n\nDates:  On the Following Mondays from 12:00 P M - 4:00 PM \n\n• Jan. 29 (Welcome Back Wednesday)\n• Feb. 10 + 24\n • Mar. 10 + 24\n• Apr. 7 + 21\n• May  5 + 19\n\nLocation: ​CCNY H ealth and Wellness Center\, Marshak Science\nBuilding\, Room J-15\n\nWalk- in only. For more information\, contact the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student\nCenter at and 212-650-5480\n\nPlease note\, YASS! Mondays and Y ASS! Program testing and referrals are\nnot counseling sessions. To seek c onfidential support\, please reach\nout to the CCNY Counseling Center and CCNY Gender Resources.\n\nAbout the YASS! Program\nYASS! se​rves queer c is and trans youth of color between the ages of\n13 and 29 but provides se xual health prevention and treatment services\nto anyone who is interested . YASS! provides free rapid HIV testing\,\nSTI screening (gonorrhea\, chla mydia\, syphilis\, and hepatitis C)\, PEP &\nPrEP\, monkeypox vaccination\ , immunization (hepatitis A & B\, flu\, HPV\,\nand meningitis)\, and linka ge to other services like\, insurance\, mental\nhealth care\, primary care \, and social groups. \n\nYASS! provides services in several clinics thro ughout NYC\, and is open\non Monday – Friday\, between 9am and 5pm. To f urther connect with the\nYASS! program\, please fill out this survey here. \n\nAbout the CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center\nEstablished in Fall 2021\, The C ity College of New York's Lesbian\, Gay\,\nBisexual\, Transgender\, Queer and Questioning Student Center is a\ncollaborative resource dedicated to c elebrating\, empowering\, and\nsupporting LGBTQ+ students\, staff\, and fa culty at The City College of\nNew York. We are committed to leading with a social justice lens\,\noffering and connecting LGBTQ+ communities at CCNY and across CUNY\nwith accessible support services\, relevant programming\ , engaging\nevents\, paid internship/job opportunities\, and general guida nce\nnavigating college\, home life\, and futures outside of higher educat ion\nfor those who identify as LGBTQ+ or questioning. The LGBTQ+ Student\n Center is also dedicated to increasing awareness about LGBTQ+ issues\,\nge nder\, and sexuality at City College.\n\nThe CCNY LGBTQ+ Student Center is located on the first floor of North\nAcademic Building (NAC)\, Room 1/101 B. We are a safe space for LGBTQ+\nstudents and allies to meet and build c ommunity. You all are welcome\nhere!\n\n Click here to download DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:46bdcce2-afdd-40e7-bf80-e31560bf9491 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250522T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250522T235900 URL: SUMMARY:End of Spring Term CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:3c2faf36-06cc-42b5-802b-1c7fb4022c37 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250526T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250526T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Memorial Day - College Closed CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ecce21d4-5ef4-4b03-834f-77e85964b50f DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250526T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250526T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Memorial Day - College Closed CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:c05f038b-9657-4964-898c-9bfd452813be DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250602T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250602T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Start of Summer Extended Session CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:86126597-b69f-4ddd-849d-4e336bb47752 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250602T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250602T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Start of Summer Session One CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d5c88560-b211-49c2-ab11-b804deefb869 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250619T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250619T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Juneteenth - College Closed CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0b13f11c-ece2-4fad-bd01-afc2dc26ed5d DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250623T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250623T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Classes follow a Thursday schedule CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d604f19b-dcba-4266-bac9-1eced1c1cf0a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250630T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250630T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Summer Session One - Last Day of Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f2e2add2-b3e4-4ace-85f6-f7ae1e65bac6 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250703T130000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250703T140000 URL: SUMMARY:Civil Engineering Event Test Two CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet\, consectetur adip iscing elit\, sed do\neiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad\nminim veniam\, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labor is nisi ut\naliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in\nrep rehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla\npariatur . Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident\, sunt in\nculpa qui offi cia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:b4413423-dc3b-4688-920b-9815c7a82c45 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250704T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250704T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Independence Day - College Closed CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0d77b9c4-4928-4c53-9051-bdde8d4b03d0 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250707T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250707T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Start of Summer Session Two CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:022575b7-1eeb-42b6-a3b2-4506a8a6cb9a DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250708T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250708T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Classes follow a Friday schedule CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ff24583b-7f8a-46fc-9372-e073301e4afc DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250722T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250722T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Extended Session - Last Day of Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:cc73c9e4-3e9c-4277-868d-20e87de8b949 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250801T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250801T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Summer Session Two - Last Day of Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:4795bf0c-f53e-4882-819a-7e21e1101897 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250804T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250804T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Start of Summer Session Three CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:846a0901-3214-4f2f-a409-cebabf65d46b DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250822T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250822T235900 URL: s SUMMARY:Summer Session Three - Last Day of Classes CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:f54e3197-ca8e-47cd-9170-b5c85b51123c DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250901T000000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250901T235900 URL: SUMMARY:Summer 2025 Degree Conferral Date CLASS:PUBLIC DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:002567ec-27c2-4bab-a511-eb1e485d23c0 DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20250903T010000 SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:TRANSPARENT DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20250923T140000 URL: SUMMARY:Civil Engineering Event Test Three CLASS:PUBLIC DESCRIPTION:Event Details \n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet\, consectetur adip iscing elit\, sed do\neiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad\nminim veniam\, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labor is nisi ut\naliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in\nrep rehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla\npariatur . Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident\, sunt in\nculpa qui offi cia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.\n DTSTAMP:20250214T181256Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR