CCNY Shepard Hall

Faculty/Staff Profile

All Faculty and Staff now can log-in and edit their directory/profile listing; this is an upgraded feature from the last version of the CCNY website. What does this mean? If your office location, title, or office association has changed, you can edit it - However, you must also confirm this change with OIT Telecom. Please reach them at You can also choose to add a picture to your listing if you'd like!  Please note: OIT Telecom does not handle login issues.

If you are experiencing issues logging into the CMS, please reach Seamus Campbell at Please note: the first time you log in to the content management system, you will see an error; this is because the proper permissions would not have yet been added to your account, which will usually be remedied within 1 business day. 

IMPORTANT: Due to contractual agreements between PSC-CUNY and the University, The College is required to have all faculty and staff - both full-time and part-time - be on equal billing on the website. To that end, adjunct professors, staff, and tenured (or tenure-track) professors are equally entitled to have profiles appear on the CCNY website and have those profiles be connected to their respective department(s).

How to sign in

Step 1

From the main navigation menu click on “Login” and then “Content Editor” which will redirect you to CCNY SSO login system for authentication.

Step 2

Sign in using your City College e-mail credentials

Username - Enter full email

Password - Enter the password that accompanies your username

CCNY SSO login page

If you experience issues logging in to the CMS, please reach Seamus Campbell at


How to find your profile

Once you are signed in, click on your username and then click on "Edit Profile” located on the top toolbar.


Edit own profile

How to find other profiles in your group

Once you are logged in click on "Content” located on the top toolbar


Search For Profile using one of the methods below:

  • Title
    • Ex. Name of profile
  • Content Type - Change to “Profile”


Click on "Filter"


Click on title or "Edit" to make changes on the profile


Filter Profile

How to edit profile

Name of Faculty or Staff

Training Title

Profile Basics 

Provide general contact information

Profile Basic

Profile Photo 

Upload a photo for your profile. Photo dimensions are 455 x 607 pixels.

profile pic

Expertise Keywords

Include individualized areas of research and/or expertise, which will be used to populate the CCNY Experts List.

Experts List


Select the main division or department the profile belongs to.



Provide information on your job role.




Division or department the profile belongs to.


Profile Accordion

Create sections for detailed information such as biography, education, publication, etc.

Click on "Add Paragraph" "to Profile Accordion and a pop-up box will open select "Accordion Item"


Profile Accordion



How to include yourself in the CCNY Faculty/Staff Expert List

The CCNY Experts List, established in October 2019, has served as a way of providing members of the media with faculty and staff expert contact information. As a faculty or staff member, you can edit your profile and add keywords that detail your area of expertise.

Here is an example 

Experts List

To include individualized areas of research and/or expertise, which will be used to populate the CCNY Experts List, please login to the CMS using your credentials and go to your profile (these instructions can be found in the sections above).  Scroll to the section called EXPERTISE KEYWORDS and add keywords there.

Last Updated: 05/22/2024 15:23