

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute´s research unit advocates for the production and dissemination of practical and reliable knowledge to advance the well-being and prosperity of the Dominican people in the United States. Our research inquiry extends beyond the boundaries of social sciences and the humanities, and includes the health of Dominicans, the use of applied methods, and recommendations for public policy. CUNY DSI research advances the democratization of knowledge, making Dominican Studies accessible to all sectors of society. We have done so by incorporating the use of innovative technology to reach a larger, diverse audience across the globe, and by creating pedagogical tools that compliment teachers and educators wanting to highlight the complexities of Dominican culture and history.

CUNY DSI's scholarship has received extensive media attention, earning a reputation as the most prestigious think tank in the United States devoted to Dominican Studies. Often, research sponsored by CUNY DSI generates headlines in major U.S. newspapers, both in English and Spanish, in addition to receiving considerable media coverage in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Dominican Studies Research Monograph Series
Dominican Studies Research Monograph is a copyrighted publication that publishes original research produced and/or sponsored by CUNY DSI. The series documents scholarly research on the Dominican experience in the United States, the Dominican Republic, and other parts of the world. Studies published under the series tend to get media attention and are used by community based organizations and other stakeholders. Online versions of the monographs can be downloaded, free-of-charge, directly from CUNY DSI’s website and through the CUNY Academic Works repository

For a list of research conducted by CUNY DSI, please visit the following sections:
Digital Resources
CUNY DSI Databases

Last Updated: 02/14/2023 10:37