About CCNY Libraries
The City College Library System is the largest within CUNY. On the Harlem campus it comprises seven divisions across five buildings and the affiliated CUNY Dominican Studies Library. The City College Downtown campus (Cunard Building, 25 Broadway) houses the Center for Worker Education Library. The libraries act as a crossroads of life on both campuses, offering a wide array of services to all members of the campus community, and providing leadership within the urban University in scholarship and research support, quality learning, enriched discourse and equity of access for diverse constituencies. The libraries provide Information Literacy instruction across the curriculum, host instructional workshops, a calendar of events/exhibitions including cultural events.
The libraries own more than 1.6 million print volumes and provide access to more than 200,000 electronic books and 77,000 electronic journals. As a federal depository since 1884, the libraries hold more than 230,000 government documents. The collections can be accessed through the libraries' catalog. Our online databases and online journal collections, and the online research subject guides allow focused inquiry 24/7. Specialized research help can be found online and at our reference service desks (once we reopen). The Interlibrary Loan Office obtains materials not found in the wider CUNY Library system. This includes e-journal articles and e-book chapters.
The CCNY Libraries Archives and Special Collections Division is committed to acquiring, preserving and providing access to records of enduring value that document the history of City College – the nation's first public institution of higher education – and its alumni, faculty and students throughout its history.
Members of the City College community have access to the libraries' physical and virtual collections, including circulation privileges and remote access. The libraries provide services to individuals with disabilities. Access is also provided to affiliated members and Friends of the Library. Contact Cohen Circulation at (212) 650-7155 or inquire at any library service desk for information regarding access and borrowing privileges.
CCNY Libraries Quick Links
North Academic Center (NAC)2nd Floor (Main entrance)
160 Convent Avenue
New York , NY 10031
p: 212.650.7292
e: reference@ccny.cuny.edu