President Boudreau's Virtual Campus-wide Town Hall, Tuesday, April 21, 2020 - 12:30 PM

Dear Members of the City College Community,

I hope this note finds you coping, as best you can, with the hardships imposed on us by this COVID-19 outbreak.  By this point, virtually every one of us will have lost loved ones on this campus, in our families and among our communities, and I sincerely hope that you are finding what comfort and support you can.  It's truly frustrating, I'm finding, to attempt the construction of warm and human social support via an electronic screen—but I know we are all doing our best to seek the solace we need, and give the care that others seek.

I'm writing now to invite you to participate in a full campus Town Hall via zoom this Tuesday, April 21st  at 12:30 pm.  Zoom calls are limited to 1,000 participants and so we will be recording this call and also simulcasting it on a YouTube channel.  I'll use the chance to talk a little bit about what we've been doing, how we plan to approach the challenges of the next months and to explain some new policies put in place to navigate this crisis.  We'll be taking questions via a chat line, and I'll get to as many of those as I can. 

Here are the details for YouTube and Zoom access:

To watch via YouTube:

To Join Zoom Meeting:​​​

Meeting ID: 916 09503 776
Password: 543941

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Meeting ID: 916 09503 776
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Meeting ID: 916 09503 776
Password: 543941

Thank you,

Vincent Boudreau Signature

Vince Boudreau

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