Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Fernando Correa

College Laboratory Technician (CLT)

o: ST 647 Steinman Hall
p: 212.650.5368

Marina Correia

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Patricia Cortes

Associate Medical Professor

o: H-205-D Harris Hall
p: 212-650-7485

Ran Cortright

Adjunct Lecturer

Julian T. Costa

Adjunct Lecturer

o: Compton-Goethals Hall

Seth Cottrell

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Alexander Couzis

Dean of The Grove School of Engineering

o: 335 Steinman Hall
p: (212) 650-6701

David Covington

Executive Director

o: 162 Shepard Hall

William Crain


o: 7/317 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5650

Michael Cramer

Adjunct Associate Professor

Lauren Creadore

Non-Teaching Adj Doct 2

Yvel C. Crevecoeur

Associate Professor, Special Education

o: 3/227I North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7086

George Crinnion

Assistant Director of Public Safety

o: 4/201B North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7992

John Crinnion

Mail Message Svcs Worker

David Crismond

Associate Professor, Childhood Education Program Director

o: 4/218A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-8436

Bruce Cronin


o: 4/135 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5440

Kelli Crosby

IMEDIA Reservation Desk Manager

o: 1/204 & 1/205A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-5480

Tammy Crowder

Campus Security Asst

Alfred Crowe

Stationary Engineer

Brenna Crowe

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Michael Crowley

Chief, Music Library

o: 160 Shepard Hall
p: (212) 650-7120

Pedro Cruceta

Custodial Assistant

Pearl Cruickshank

Continuing Ed Teacher-Hourly

Elise Crull

Associate Professor of Philosophy

o: 5/203A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7696