Erica Lubetkin

Associate Medical Professor, CHASM

Main Affiliation

CUNY School of Medicine


Harris Hall







Erica Lubetkin


M.P.H., 1999, Columbia University School of Public Health

M.D., 1994, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

B.S., 1990, Brown University

Courses Taught

MED 53900 - Clinical Decision Making and Evidence Based Medicine - Course Director


Lubetkin EI, Zabor EC, Isaac K, Brennessel D, Kemeny MM, Hay JL. Health literacy, information seeing, and trust in information in Haitians. Am J Health Behav. 2015; 39(3): 441-450. (In press)

Hay J, Brennessel D, Kemeny MM, Lubetkin EI.  Examining intuitive cancer risk perceptions in Haitian-   Creole and Spanish populations. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 2014 Dec 9. pii: 1043659614561679.  [Epub ahead of print].

Gazibara T, Jia H, Lubetkin EI. Disaster preparedness: a comparative study in North Carolina and Montana. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 2014; 8(3):239-42.

Guidry JA, Lubetkin E, Corner G, Lord-Bessen J, Kornegay M, Burkhalter JE. Promoting cancer prevention and control in community-based HIV/AIDS service organizations: are they ready? AIDS Education and Prevention. 2014; 26(1): 43-55.

Craig BM, Pickard AS, Lubetkin EI. More common, but less severe: differences between EQ-5D 3-level, youth, and 5-level versions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2014; 67(1): 93-97.

Lubetkin EI. Zabor EC, Brennessel D, Kemeny MM, Hay JL. Beyond demographics: differences in patient activation across new immigrant, diverse language subgroups. Journal of Community Health. 2014; 39(1): 40-49.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI.  Comparing quality-adjusted life expectancy at different levels of physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. 2014; 11(2): 278-284.

Burkhalter JE, Cahill S, Shuk E, Guidry J, Corner G, Berk A, Candelario N, Kornegay M, Lubetkin EI.  At the intersection of HIV/AIDS and cancer: a qualitative needs assessment of community-based HIV service organizations.  Health Education and Behavior. 2013; 40(4): 493-503.

Janssen MF, Lubetkin EI, Sekhobo JP, Pickard AS. The Use of the EQ-5D Preference-Based Health Status Measure in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  Diabetic Medicine. 2011; 28(4):395-413.

Ostroff JS, Shuk E, Krebs P, Lu WH, Burkhalter J, Cortez-Weir J, Rodriguez R, Burnside VN, Lubetkin EI. Qualitative evaluation of a new tobacco cessation training curriculum for patient navigators. Journal of Cancer Education. 2011; 26:427-435.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI. Recent trends and geographic patterns of the burden of disease attributable to smoking. Value in Health. 2010; 13(8):958-64

Jia H, Lubetkin EI. Obesity-related quality-adjusted life years lost in the U.S. from 1993 to 2008. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2010; 39(3): 220-227.

Lubetkin EI, Lu WH, Gold MR. Levels and correlates of patient activation in health center settings: building strategies for improving health outcomes. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved. 2010; 21(3):796-808.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI. Estimating EuroQol EQ-5D scores from population Healthy Days data. Medical Decision Making 2008; 28:  491-499.

Lubetkin EI, Lu WH, Krebs P, Yeung H, Ostroff JS. Exploring primary care providers' interest in using patient navigators to assist in the delivery of tobacco cessation treatment to low income, ethnic/racial minority patients. Journal of Community Health. 2010; 35(6):618-624.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI.  Trends in quality-adjusted life years lost contributed by smoking and obesity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2010; 38(2):138-144.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI. The statewide burden of obesity, smoking, and low income in the United States. Journal of Public Health (Oxf). 2009; 31: 496-505.

Jia H, Lubetkin EI. Time trends and seasonal patterns of health-related quality-of-life among US adults. Public Health Rep. 2009;124: 692-701.

Hung DY, Lubetkin EI, Fahs MC, Shelley DR. Assessing the impact of behavioral risk factors and known-groups validity of the SF-12 in a US Chinese immigrant population. Med Care. 2009; 47: 262-267.

Sohler N, Lubetkin E, Levy J, Soghomonian C, Rimmerman A. Factors associated with obesity and coronary heart disease in people with intellectual disabilities. Social Work in Health Care. 2009; 48:76-89.