Patricia A. Broderick
Medical Professor
Main Affiliation
Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences
Townsend Harris Hall

Patricia A. Broderick
Ph.D., 1979, St. John's University
M.S., 1970, Fordham University
B.S., 1963, St. Thomas Aquinas College
Postdoctoral Positions
Dept. of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY
Dept. of Neurology, Cornell University School of Medicine, NY
Research Interests
Development of miniature biosensors for the detection of neurotransmitters and other biologically active compounds such as ascorbic acid, peptides, precursors and metabolites. These BRODERICK PROBE® biosensors allow the study of dynamic changes in neurotransmitters in vivo and in real time, on line with behavioral models as well as on line Neuromolecular Imaging (NMI) with biosensors with cerebral blood flow studies of stroke in animal models.
Studies of cocaine, caffeine, hypoxia, calcium channel blockers, hypotension and nitroglycerin are underway. Ongoing significant advances have been made with these biosensors in human studies in epilepsy patients beginning in 2008 during intraoperative diagnosis of temporal lobe epilepsy with Internal Review Board Approval, NYU, Tisch Hospital , NY.
Pharmacotherapeutic approaches to the treatment of cocaine abuse, caffeine mechanisms, pain, affective disorders, epilepsy, tumors, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, post-operative cognitive diseases, drug addiction, oxidative stress, inflammation, cytokines, hypertension, hypoxia, calcium channel blockers, nitroglycerin, ascorbic acid, peptides, stress, enkephalins, dynorphin, morphine, diabetes, Fawn-Hooded animal models, Chediak-Higashi Syndrome.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Broderick, P.A., Doyle, W.K., Pacia, S.V., Kuzniecky, R.I., Devinsky, O, and Kolodny, E.H., A clinical trial of an advanced diagnostic biomedical device for epilepsy patients. Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants, In Press, (2009).
Broderick, P.A., Ho, H., Wat, K. and Murthy, V., Laurate biosensors image brain neurotransmitters in vivo: Can an antihypertensive medication alter psychostimulant behavior? Sensors 8: 4033-4061 (2008).
Broderick, P.A., Studies of oxidative stress mechanisms using a morphine/ascorbate animal model and novel N-stearoyl cerebroside and laurate sensors. J. Neural Transm. 115: 7-17 (2008).
Nunes, J.V. and Broderick, P.A., Novel research translates to clinical cases of schizophrenic and cocaine psychosis. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 3(4): 475-485 (2007).
Broderick, P.A.; Pacia, S.V. Identification, diagnosis, and treatment of neuropathologies, neurotoxicities, tumors and brain and spinal cord injuries using microelectrodes with microvoltammetry. 2006, U.S. Patent # 7,112,319. Issued, Sept. 26th (2006).
Broderick, P.A. and Hope, O., Monoamines and motor responses are co-deficient in the Fawn-Hooded depressed animal model. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 30: 887-898 (2006).
Simmons, D.A. and Broderick, P.A.. Cytokines, stressors and clinical depression: augmented adaptation responses underlie depression pathogenesis. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 29: 793-807 (2005).
Broderick, P.A., Olabisi, O.A., Rahni, D.N. and Zhou, Y., Cocaine acts on accumbens monoamines and locomotor behavior via a 5-HT2A/2C receptor mechanism as shown by ketanserin: 24 hr follow-up studies. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 28: 547-557 (2004).
Broderick, P.A., Hope, O., Okonji, C., Rahni, D.N. and Zhou, Y., Clozapine and cocaine effects on dopamine and serotonin release in nucleus accumbens during psychostimulant behavior and withdrawal. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 28: 157-171 (2004).
Broderick, P.A., Rahni, D.N. and Zhou, Y., Acute and subacute effects of risperidone and cocaine on accumbens dopamine and serotonin release using in vivo microvoltammetry on line with open-field behavior. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 27: 1037-1054 (2003).
Broderick, P. A. Interieukin 1a alters hippocampal serotonin (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) release during open-field behavior in Sprague Dawley animals: Differences from the Fawn-Hooded animal model of depression. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 26: 1355-1372 (2002).
Pacia, S. V., Doyle, W. K. and Broderick, P. A., Biogenic amines in resected human neocortex in patients with neocortical and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; Identification with in situ microvoltammetry. Brain Research 899:106-111 (2001)
Broderick, P. A., Pacia, S. V., Doyle, W. K. and Devinsky, O., Monoamine neurotransmitters in resected hippocampal subparcellations from neocortical and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy patients: In situ microvoltammetric studies. Brain Research 878:48-63 (2000)
Broderick,P.A., Microelectrodes and their use in a cathodic electrochemical current arrangement with telemetric application. Canadian Patent and PCT # 2,063,607. Issued Nov. 24th(2000).
Broderick, P.A., Microelectrodes and their use in a cathodic electrochemical current arrangement with telemetric application. U.S. Patent # 5,938,903. Issued, Aug. 17th (1999). Broderick, P.A., Microelectrodes and their use in a cathodic electrochemical current arrangement with telemetric application. Hong Kong, The People's Republic of China, Patent # HK 1007350. Issued, Aug. 9th (1999).
Broderick, P. A. and Piercey, M. F., Neurochemical and behavioral evidence supporting (+)-AJ 76 as a potential pharmacotherapy for cocaine abuse. J. Neural Transm. 105: 1307-1324 (1998).
Broderick, P. A. and Piercey, M. F., Clozapine, haloperidol and the D4 antagonist PNU-101387G: In vivo effects on mesocortical, mesolimbic and nigrostriatal dopamine and serotonin release. J. Neural Transm. 105:749-767 (1998).
Broderick, P. A., Hope, O. and Jeannot, P. Mechanism of triazolo-benzodiazepine and benzodiazepine action in anxiety and depression: behavioral studies with concomitant in viro CA1 hippocampal norepinephrine and serotonin release detection in the behaving animal. Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat. 22:353-386 (1998).
Book Chapters
Simmons, D.A. and Broderick, P.A.. Cytokines, stressors and clinical depression: augmented adaptation responses underlie depression pathogenesis. In: Selective Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia.Prog. Neuro-Psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiat.(Eds. Broderick, P.A. and Glazer, W.M.) 29: 793-807 (2005).
Pacia, S.V. and Broderick, P.A., Bioimaging L-Tryptophan in human hippocampus and neocortex subtyping temporal lobe epilepsy with microvoltammetry.In: Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration(Eds. Broderick, P.A., Rahni, D.N. and Kolodny, E.H.) Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, pp. 141-147 (2005).
Broderick, P.A., Rahni, D.N. and Pacia, S.V., Nano-and microimaging surgical anesthesia in epilepsy patients. In: Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration (Eds. Broderick, P.A., Rahni, D.N. and Kolodny, E.H.) Humana Press Inc.., pp. xiii-Totowa, NJ, pp. xiii-xvi (2005).
Broderick, P.A. and Pacia, S. V., Imaging white matter signals in epilepsy patients: A unique sensor technology. In: Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration (Eds. Broderick, P.A., Rahni, D.N. and Kolodny, E.H.) Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, pp.199-206 (2005).
Broderick, P.A., Microsensors detect cocaine neuroadaptation: Serotonin release within basal ganglia is not rhythmic with movement. In: Handbook of Neurotoxicology (Eds. Massaro, E.J., Schardein, J.L., Broderick, P.A., Schlaepfer, T.E. and Mattsson, J.L.) Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ, 2: pp.323-367 (2002).
Broderick, P.A. Research Grant, Center for Advanced Technology, CCNY, CUNY, NY State Project, ($7500) (2013).
Broderick, P.A. Travel Award, HEKA Electronics Inc., Nova Scotia, Canada, ($3000) (2012)
Broderick, P.A. Research Grants and Licensing Fee, HEKA Electronics, Inc., NY, Germany, Canada, ($117,000) (2013).
Broderick, P.A. Grants from the Anesthesiology Dept., NYU Langone to support part-time technician and support collaboration on Neuromolecular Imaging, hypoxic hypoxia and cognitive decline post-operatively about $100,000-in personnel and supplies (2007-2010).
Broderick, P.A., NYU Langone: Translational work in vivo during epilepsy surgery. IRB (2008) obtained by Dr. Ruben Kuzniecky, Epileptologist, Director of Research, Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, NYU Langone, Dept. of Neurology. This approved project allows use of BRODERICK PROBE® biosensors (manufactured on site, CCNY, NY and Autolab Potentiostat (Metrohm, aka Brinkmann, LI, NY). Amount, immeasurable (2008-present)
Broderick, P.A. NYU, FACES, Foundation for Children with Epileptic Seizures. Neuromolecular imaging in epilepsy and tumor patients intraoperatively using The BRODERICK PROBE® biosensors. ($35, 000).
Broderick, P. A. FM Kirby Foundation: Anti-Platelet Therapy in Ischemic Stroke: Imaging Real Time Neurochemical Changes in Brain. ($125,000.00, 2008-2011).
Kolodny, E.H., Broderick, P.A. Leon Lowenstein Foundation: Gene Therapy in Parkinson's Disease. ($57,255), Sept. 2007 – Dec., 2009).
Previous Additional Sources of Support (2003-2004):
Broderick, P.A., P.I., Student Scholarship Fund: H.S. Student Training: CNS studies.
Broderick, P.A., P.I., Stevens, Davis, Miller and Mosher, LLC: Patent Consult: CNS studies.
Broderick, P.A., P.I., Pharmacia Upjohn Award: CNS research; psychosis, depression, drug abuse.
Broderick, P.A., P.I., Grant and Consultation Support (2002-2004):Codman & Shurtleff, J&J, Broderick Biotechnology.
Broderick, P.A., P.I., Professional Staff Congress, CUNY (2002-2003): Nitrous and Nitric Oxide studies.
National Institute of Health, Foundation and Industrial Support:
Source: National Institutes of Health, NIGMS: SCORE AWARD.
Title: Normal vs. Psychotic Behavior: Neural Basis for Clozapine.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates 02/01/00 - 01/31/03
Award: $475,000.00
Source: Parents against Childhood Epilepsy: P.A.C.E. AWARD.
Title: In Vivo Voltammetry with Microelectrodes for the Detecton and Quantification of Neurotransmitters in Epileptogenic Cortex during Epilepsy Surgery.
Co-PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Co-PI: Steven V. Pacia, M.D.
Dates: 12/15/99 - 8/30/01
Award: $52,568. 00
Source: The Pharmacia and Upjohn Company, (Clinical Division: Educational Award).
Title: Brain Neurotransmitter Signals for Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Nervous System Disorders: Psychotic, Affective, Cognitive and Epileptogenic.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 9/1/1997-unrestricted time period.
Award: $10,000. 00
Grants: Research Support (1985-1999) (Award amounts are written in direct costs; indirect costs are not shown):
Source: The Aaron Diamond Foundation
Title: The Study of a Neuroimmune Link Between AIDS-Related, Interleukin-1 (IL-1) and the Excitotoxin, Quinolinic Acid: Signal Intercommunication in the Hippocampal Serotonergic Neurotransmitter Circuitry.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Co-Inv.: Richard Coico, Ph.D.
Dates: 10/15/92 - 1/7/95
Award: $143,500. 00
Source: Foundation for Children with Epileptic Seizures: FACES AWARD.
Title: Neurotransmitter Release at the Human Epileptogenic Focus: In Situ Studies.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 11/15/96 - 6/30/99
Award: $50,000. 00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Pre-Clinical Division
Title: Understanding the Neurochemistry of the D4 Receptor: Relationship to Schizophrenia and Parkinson's Disease.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 9/1/93 - 8/31/95
Award: $35,200. 00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Clinical Division
Title: Neurochemical Mechanisms for Alprazolam, Diazepam and Desipramine.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 2/4/92 - 2/4/95
Award: $19,800. 00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Clinical Division: Educational Award
Title: Presentations on Affective Disorders
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 11/1/92 - 12/31/96
Award: $6,000.00
Source: PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress/The City University of New York)
Title: Study of Atypical Neuroleptic Clozapine on Cocaine-Induced Dysfunctional Neurotransmitter Release and Behavior.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/1997 - 12/31/1999
Award: $9,280.00
Source: PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress/The City University of New York)
Title: Real Time Dopamine and Serotonin Release in Nucleus Accumbens During Cocaine Withdrawal.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/95 - 12/31/97
Award: $8,500. 00
Source: PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress/The City University of New York)
Title: The Effects of Ibogaine and Alpha-cis-Flupenthixol on Cocaine-Induced Biogenic Amine Dysfunction: Preclinical Treatment Strategies.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/92 - 12/31/94
Award: $6,300. 00
Source: NIH, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
Title: Electrochemical Study of CNS Reward Circuits for Cocaine.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 8/1/89 - 7/31/92
Award: $151,554. 00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Preclinical Division
Title: Neurochemical Profiles of Antipsychotic and Anxiolytic Drugs for Clinical Evaluation.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 12/15/90 - 12/31/92
Award: $25,000.00
Source: Biomedical Research Support (NIH Supplement)
Title: Electrochemical Study of CNS Reward Circuits for Cocaine.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 4/1/91 - 3/31/92
Award: $4,000.00
Source: PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress/The City University of New York)
Title: An In Vivo Electrochemical Study of Brain Reward Circuits for Cocaine in the Freely Moving Rat.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/89 - 12/31/91
Award: $18,904.00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Preclinical Division
Title: Effects of 5-HT1A Agonists on Serotonin and Norepinephrine Release Measured In Vivo.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 1/1/89 - 1/1/91
Award: $22,000.00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Clinical Division
Title: Dopaminergic Activity of Adinazolam.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/89 - 6/30/90
Award: $3,000.00
Source: Biomedical Research Support (NIH Supplement)
Title: Electrochemical Study of the CNS Reward Circuits for Cocaine.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 4/1/89 - 3/31/90
Award: $2,000.00
Source: Biomedical Research Support (NIH Supplement)
Title: In Vivo Electrochemical Study of Dopamine in CNS Neuroanat. Sites Associated with Brain Reward.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick. Ph.D
Dates: 4/1/87 - 3/31/89
Award: $6,000.00
Source: PSC/CUNY (Professional Staff Congress/The City University of New York).
Title: An In Vivo Electrochemical Study of the Reward Circuits for Cocaine in Brain.
PI Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/87 - 12/31/88
Award: $4,200.00
Source: The Pharmacia & Upjohn Company, Preclinical Division
Title: In Vivo Electrochemistry: Novel Dopaminergic Autoreceptor Agonists.
PI: Patricia A. Broderick, Ph.D.
Dates: 7/1/84 - 6/30/87
Award: $30,000.00
P.A. Broderick , Co-Principal Investigator* and Co-Investigator **:
Source: NIH, National Institute on Health *
Title: Feasibility Study: Diabetes Research and Training Center
Subtitle: Diabetes and Brain Monoamine Metabolism. (P.I's: Drs. Fleisher and Jacoby)
Dates: 12/1/83 -11/30/85
Award: $30,000.00
Source: NIDA, National Institute on Drug Abuse**
Title: Marijuana & Dopamine/Enkephalin Brain Reward Systems. (P.I.: Dr. Gardner)
Dates: 7/1/84 - 6/30/85
Award: $74,859.00
1974 New York State Study Grant (Chemistry of Alcohol Abuse), New York University.
1972 National Science Foundation Study Grant (Introductory Microbiology), Indiana U.
1972 National Science Foundation Study Grant (Marine Biology), University of Maine
1972 National Science Foundation Study Grant (Psychopharmacology of Drug Use and Abuse), Vanderbilt U., TN.
1971 National Science Foundation Study Grant (Ecology), Radford College, Virginia
1967 National Science Foundation Study Grant (Chemistry), Pace University, NY.
2013 Demonstrations for BRODERICK PROBE® in human and animal market, HEKA Electronics Inc., Canada, Germany, USA, March 11, 2013.
2013 American Turner, 2013
2013 Workshop, proprietary BRODERICK PROBE® biosensor and its related biotechnologies; carbon nanoparticles comprised of lipids and stem cells, OMICS GROUP Tissue Regeneration Conference, N.C.
2012 HEKA Electronics Inc., Laboratory in Nova Scotia, Chester Facility, Laboratory Design and Technology Transfer-Sept. 3rd to Sept. 7th, 2012. Dr. Broderick (CUNY and NYU Langone) and Dr. Wang (HEKA Electronics).
2011 Demonstrations for marketing BRODERICK PROBE® in human and animal market, HEKA ,Electronics, Canada, Germany, USA February and June, 2011, five days in the Broderick Lab.
2011 Two Seminars and Licensing meetings at Science House, NY, NY
2009 Slide Presentation: Description of the Broderick Biotechnology, Insulet, Bedford, MA.
2007 Slide Presentation: Description of the Broderick Biotechnology, NYU, Dept. Neurology.
2006 Presentation and Discussion on caffeine and cocaine effects in nucleus accumbens simulataneously with behavior: gender differences. National Inst. of Drug Abuse, Gender Division, National Inst. Health, MD.
2006 Slide Presentation: Description of the Broderick Biotechnology, NYU, Dept. Anesthesiology.
2005 Live Demonstration of Broderick Biotechnology, NY for Veteran's Hospital, Kansas City (Ken Grazing).
2004 Live Demonstration of Broderick Biotechnology, NY for Med Associates, St. Albans, Vermont (Karl Zurn).
2003 Live Demonstration of Broderick Biotechnology, NY for Codman & Shurtleff, a J & J Co., NY, (K. Venugopalan).
2003 Technology Transfer, Visit and Private Seminar on Risperidone and Broderick Biotechnology, NY for Janssen, NJ.
2002 Technology Transfer Seminar, Codman & Shurtleff, a J&J Co., Le Locle, Switzerland (Y. Tardy).
2002 Grand Rounds, NYU School of Medicine, NY, NY.
1998 Department of Neurosurgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Conn.
1997 Technology Transfer Seminar, AD-TECH Medical Instrumentation Corporation, Racine, WI.
1997 Women in Science and Engineering, The City College of New York, New York, NY.
1996 Central Nervous System Research, The Pharmacia and Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI.
1996 St. Thomas Aquinas College, Sparkill, NY.
1996 The Society for Biological Psychiatry, Sheraton Centre, New York, NY. (Collaborator:Dr. M.F. Piercey).
1995 University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ.
1994 Depts of Pharmacology and Bioengineering, Rutgers University, @ Broderick Laboratory, NY.
1993 Food and Drug Administration: Drug Abuse Advisory Comm., Silver Springs, MD.
1993 Medical Development Div.: National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD.
1992 Neurosci. Res. Branch, Div. Preclinical Res., National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH, MD.
1992 Department of Pharmacology, Dupont-Merck, Wilmington, DE.
1991 Department of Medicine, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Suffolk, NY.
1991 Central Nervous System Research, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI.
1990 Department of Pharmacology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.
1985 Department of Pharmacology, Cornell Medical School, New York, NY.
1984 Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Alb. Einstein College of Med., Bx, NY.
1983 Central Nervous System Disease Unit, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, MI.
1983 Department of Neurology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia Univ., NY, NY.
1983 Department of Biology and Medical Technology, Bronx Comm. College, CUNY, Bx, NY.
1983 Department of Gerontology, Molloy College, Rockville Centre, NY.
1983 The Society for Biological Psychiatry, Sheraton Centre, New York, NY.
1982 Creedmore Psychiatric Hospital, Queens, NY.
1982 Department of Psychiatry, Alb. Einstein College of Medicine, Bx, NY.
1980 USV Pharmaceutical Research Group, Revlon Health Care, Tuckahoe, NY.
1978 Department of Pharmacology, Smith Kline and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, PA.
Brain Research
Brain Research Bulletin
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
New York Academy of Sciences:
The Ontario Mental Health Foundation
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior
Trends in Neurosciences
Physiology and Behavior
Life Sciences
The Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Biological Psychiatry
J. Neuroimmunology
J. Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Analytical Chemistry
Oman Medical Journal
Nanotechnology Journals
J. Neural Transmission
Sensors, Physical, Biologic and Chemical
J. Chemistry of Materials
Science of Advanced Materials
2014 High School Students and Sophie Davis Students and Undergraduate students were successfully mentored by Dr. Broderick in her lab (Rebecca Phillip, Zainab Zoli, Swathi Mettela, Wendy Chou, Idaleine Hernandez, Zafire Choudhury)
2013 American Turner Association of New York, Seminars on treatments of brain disease
2007-2008: Search Committee, Faculty Appointee, CUNY Medical School.
2002-2006 Faculty Senate, CCNY and CUNY.
1999 Member: Search Committee: Asst./Assc.Professor in Physiol.. & Pharmacol.,CUNY Medical School.
1998 Member: Committee for Outstanding Teacher Award for 1998, CCNY.
1997 Member: Committee for Outstanding Teacher Award for 1997, CCNY.
1996 Research Laboratory chosen for OPPR/NIH site visit, CCNY&CUNY Medical School.
1995-2010 Member: Promotion and Tenure Committee, CUNY Medical School.
1995-1999 Faculty Marshall for CUNY Medical School and CCNY Commencement, CCNY.
1992-2009 Member: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, CUNY Medical School.
1992 Member: Review Panel, PSC/CUNY Grant Review: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, CUNY.
1991-1995 Member: Curriculum Committee, CUNY Medical School.
1990-1991 Chairperson, Tenure Review Committee, Mr. Frank T. Phelan, Dept. Pharmacology, CUNY Med..
1991 Member: Search Committee, Chairperson, Dept. Microbiology, CUNY Medical School.
1991 Member: Tenure Review Committee, Dr. Laura Tres, CUNY Medical School.
1991 Member: Tenure Review Committee, Dr. Richard Coico, CUNY Medical School.
1991-1999 Project Faculty Advisor: Adolescent Substance Abuse Prevention, AMSA.
1990 Member: Search Committee, Director of Development, CUNY Medical School.
1990-1992 Faculty Advisor: Women in Medicine, CUNY Medical School.
1989 Independent Study Committee, (ad hoc Curriculum Committee), CUNY Medical School.
1989 Faculty Advisor: Biomedicus, CUNY Medical School.
1989-1990 Faculty Advisor: Korean Club, CUNY Medical School.
1989-1995 Member: Research Services Committee, CUNY Medical School.
1989 Reviewer: PSC/CUNY Grant Review Committee: Health Sciences, CUNY.
1988 Member: Review Panel, PSC/CUNY Grant Review Committee Physiological Psychology, CUNY.
1988-1989 Member: Curriculum Committee for Improving Instruction, CUNY Med. School, ad hoc.
1988 Member: Search Committee, Director of Learning Center, CUNY Medical School.
1988 Member: Search Committee, Purchasing Procurator, CUNY Medical School.
1987-present Coordinator: HVAC systems in Physiology & Pharmacology Research Labs, CUNY Medical School.
1987-1997 University Committee on Patents and Copyrights: Research Foundation, CUNY.
1986-Present Demonstrations of BRODERICK PROBE® and Biotechnology in CUNY and worldwide.
TRAVEL AWARDS for Research/ Stipends for Laboratory Support
Certificate of Scholarship from Chancellor Goldstein for Dr. Broderick’s research (2008-2009).
Broderick Brain Scholarships and Rudin Scholarships 2008-2009)
AD-TECH Medical Instrumentation Corporation (1997)
The City University of New York Graduate School Ascend Fellowship (1997).
Syosset High School Mentoring Fund for Westinghouse Applicants (1995).
Data Sciences International (1993-1995).
National Institute on Drug Abuse, International Narcotics Research Conference (1983 through 1989).
Wyeth Laboratories (1983).
The Pharmacia and Upjohn Company (1984, 1986 through 1991).
San Diego Instruments (1987).
American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.
The Society for Neuroscience
The Association for Women in Science
The Electrochemical Society
The American Epilepsy Society