Absolutely Necessary Background for MS and PSM in ESEE

Absolutely necessary background for MS in ESEE is

Math 20100 Calculus I
Math 20200 Calculus II
Math 20300 Calculus III
Math 39100 Differential Equations
Math 39200 Linear Algebra
Chem 10301 General Chemistry I
Chem 10401 General Chemistry II
Phys 20700 General Physics I (calculus based)
Phys 20800 General Physics II(calculus based)
CSC 10200 Introduction to Computing
ME 356 Fluid mechanics
Engr 23000 Thermo
Note that the course numbers are for CCNY.
This background is quite similar to many domestic ABET accredited engineering programs. Physics, Chemistry, EESS from CCNY majors are ok
If prospective Master student misses courses like
Math 39200 Linear Algebra
ME 356 Fluid mechanics
Engr 23000 Thermo
then the Dean could admit such a  student “conditionally”, so the student is assigned to take these missing undergraduate courses, and after successful  completion of these courses (B minimum grade), the student is officially MS level.

Last Updated: 09/19/2022 10:59