Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)

We are the CCNY student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM). We want to help foster a sense of community among math enthusiasts at CCNY. We organize various events including group meetings, invited speakers, and community outreach. Our goal is to have students and faculty interact outside of the classroom and to form a support system for each other.
2018-19 Executive Committee:
President: Anna Tao
- Faculty Adviser: Zajj Daugherty
How to join:
Please email us at awmccny(at), or speak to one of this year's Executive Committee members to become a part of our organization, and so that you will be added to our Google Group to receive emails on future events. Also please fill out our survey. All CCNY students are welcome to join. All members receive complimentary membership in the AWM.
You can also join our AWM CCNY group on facebook.
Fall 2018 Events:
Fall 2017 Events:
Thusrday, September 6, 12-2PM, NAC 6/301
Fall Semester Welcome PartyJoin us, in our new rebuilding year! We'll have a brief discussion on the sorts of events that you would like to see. Free food will be served.
- What is GROW? Graduate Research Opportunities for Women (GROW) is a conference for women-identified students interested in graduate school in the mathematical sciences.
- When and where is GROW 2017? GROW 2016 Conference: October 13-15, 2017 – Northwestern University, Evanston Campus Participants arrive Friday evening and depart Sunday afternoon. Formal activities begin Saturday morning. Stay tuned for more information and the Schedule of Events.
- What does GROW 2017 cost? We will reimburse travel expenses and accommodation for all participants; meals will be provided.
- Activities include: Research Lectures by Benjamin Antieau, Rosemary Braun, and Sarah Koch Banquet Dinner with a Keynote Speaker Ingrid Daubechies, Duke University Panel Discussions on mathematical sciences: Getting into Graduate School; Careers in Academia; Research in Mathematics Networking Opportunities Help with preparing applications for graduate school, REU’s, and Semester Long Programs Opportunities for mentoring by graduate students and faculty Meet previous GROW participants and hear about their experiences Stay tuned for more information and the Schedule of Events with a full list of discussions and panelists Who can apply? Are you currently an undergraduate woman (cis-gendered, transgendered, or woman-identified) or nonbinary individual? Will you be an undergraduate in academic year 2017-2018? Are you thinking about graduate school in mathematics? Do you want to know more about graduate school in mathematics? Do you want advice on preparing yourself for graduate school? Do you want to know more about mathematical careers in academia?
Stony Brook Math Day is a one-day festival for all undergraduate math majors. It takes place on Saturday, November 12, 2016. Please see the website for registration, financial support for travel and further information.
Below are various scholarships that may be of interest:
Below are various programs/conferences/workshops that may be of interest:
The second PIMS-NSF Undergraduate Workshop on Supersymmetry will be held at the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, on August 14-20, 2016. Travel funding (including room and board) is available for US and Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The application deadline is April 2.
SAAMS Sampling Advanced Mathematics for Minority Students at The Ohio State University is running a course from July 11th – August 5th, 2016. SAMMS is a collaborative program between The Ohio State University and the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. It is designed for college students from traditionally underrepresented minorities who are considering graduate studies in STEM fields, particularly, in mathematics related disciplines.
Mathematics Advanced Study Semester program (MASS) at Penn State is an immersive semester-long program for undergraduate students. The submission deadline is April 10, 2016.
The 11th Annual Spuyten Duyvil Mathematics Undergraduate Conference will take place at the State University of New York at New Paltz on April 23rd, 2016. More information can be found on the conference website.
The NSF has a list of current Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) here.
If you're planning on attending graduate school you may want to apply for EDGE: A Program for Women in Mathematics.
Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
AWM Mentor Network is a great opportunity to get a mentor and to be a mentor for younger high school or middle school students. Sign up now!
If you would like to join Math Alliance see here or speak with one of the CCNY Math Alliance Mentors.
Find out about various AWM programs, workshops, etc.
See former CCNY student and current GC student Tai-Danae Bradley's great math blog Math3ma.
Join the CCNY WinS Mentoring Program. CCNY WinS Mentoring pairs students and early-career scientists with more experienced members of the Women in Science community to provide encouragement, guidance and support for those interested in a career in science.
Please email us to receive your complimentary AWM student membership.
Spring 2017 Events:
Fall 2016 Events:
Thursday, October 12, 1-2PM, NAC 6/106
Professor Ethan Akin, Rock-Paper-ScissorsThe classic Rock-Paper-Scissors game of size 3 was extended on the TV show The Big Bang to Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock with size 5. The trivial game has size 1, consisting of a single vertex and no edges. Here we want to consider extending the game to larger odd numbers.
Thursday, October 5, 1-2PM, NAC 6/106
Fall Semester Welcome PartyAWM and Math Club will be hosting a Fall Semester Welcome Party. Come by to talk about upcoming events or math, and have free pizza with us, (regardless of your major)!
Tuesday, September 12, 1:00-2:00pm, room NAC 5/148
Presentation on Applying for Math PhD ProgramsProfessor Zajj Daugherty will be presenting on how to apply for PhD programs! Stop by if you want to know how the application process works.
If you didn’t attend the presentation, Professor Daugherty has a webpage with details on applying for these programs.
Every Tuesday, 1:00-2:00pm, room NAC 6/270B
Tea Time meetings!AWM and Math Club will be hosting a weekly tea time forums every Tuesday, from 1 to 2PM (except when special events take place at the same time). All students are welcome!
Thursday, March 30, 1:00-2:00pm, NAC 6/113
AWM/Math Club Undergraduate Colloquium by Prof. Amie Wilkinson (University of Chicago), A dynamical way of thinkingThe modern mathematical field of Dynamical Systems encompasses a wide range of subdisciplines and techniques. As its scope spreads into more and more areas of mathematics, one is led to redefine Dynamical Systems as a mode of thought, an approach to problem solving. I'll illustrate how a dynamical way of thinking can be applied in a variety of contexts, and how it informs our current perspective.
Tuesday, April 25, 12:30-1:45pm, NAC 6/112
Panel Discussion on Graduate SchoolWe will have a panel discussion on applying for and being in graduate school in math. Our panelists will include Tai-Danae Bradley, a CCNY graduate and current PhD student at the Grad Center, Prof. Jozef Dodziuk, Deputy Executive Officer at the Grad Center, Prof. Alice Medvedev, an Assistant Professor in the CCNY Math Department and Prof. Ben Steinberg, Graduate Advisor for the CCNY Math Department.
Spring 2016 Events:
Thursday, December 1, 1:10-2:00pm, NAC 4/148
Dr. Ruthi Hortsch (Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics), Triangles, Congruent numbers, and Elliptic CurvesWe are all familiar with the Pythagorean Theorem, and perhaps with methods of constructing right triangles with all rational sides. While a right triangle with rational sides will always have rational area, does this work the other way round? For a given rational number n, can we find a right triangle with all sides rational that has area n? Not always---but this isn't obvious! If we can find such a triangle, we call the number n "congruent”. In the quest to discover which n are congruent, we will encounter elliptic curves and their group structure, and maybe even mention the elusive Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture.
Thursday, October 13, 12:30-1:30pm, NAC 6/113
AWM/Math Club Fall Welcome PartyThe CCNY student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and the CCNY Math Club are co-hosting a fall welcome party. Please join us as we get to know each other in an informal setting and discuss goals and events for the year. Pizza lunch will be provided.
February 18-May 2
GRE Subject Test Review SessionFor FAQ about the GRE Subject Test please read here. During the spring semester of 2016 the AWM will be hosting a review session for the GRE Subject Test. More details coming soon but this will be the general outline. Thanks to our supportive faculty for helping us here!: We will also have a study group. To sign up for the mailing list please fill out this form.
Week 1: Friday, February 19, Calculus Problems by Professor Denoncourt 3pm-4pm Room NAC 5/142
Week 2: Thursday February 25, Calculus Problems by Professor Denoncourt 4pm-5pm Room NAC 5/142
Week 3: Monday, February 29, Set Theory and Topology Problems by Professor Ralph Kopperman 12:20pm-2pm Room Nac 5/148
Week 4: Tuesday March 8, Differential Equations Problems by Professor Davey 12pm-2pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 5: Tuesday March 15, Number Theory and Abstract Algebra Problems by Professor Feigon 12pm-2pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 6: Tuesday March 22,Complex Variables and Probability Problems by Professor Bak 12pm-1:30pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 7: Wednesday March 30, Linear Algebra Problems by Professor Medvedev 12pm-2pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 8: Tuesday April 5, Calculus Problems by Professor Bak 12pm-1:30pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 9: Monday, April 11, Combinatorics Problems by Professor Vatuk 12pm-1pm Room NAC 4/157
Week 10: Monday, May 2, Real Analysis Problems by Professor Wolf 12pm-2pm Room NAC 4/157
Monday, March 14, 12:00-1:50pm, Room NAC 6/268
Pi Day!!!!!!!!!!On the afternoon of Monday, March 14, 2016, participate in pi-related activities. This comes on a very busy exam time, a time when everyone needs comfort, and what is more comforting than a mathematical constant? Oh, I know! A sweet dessert of the same name! Jokes aside, we have a lot of cool events. Join us!
Monday, February 22, 12:30-1:30pm, Room NAC 3/217
Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. In traditional origami, constructions are done using a single sheet of colored paper that is often, though not always, square. In modular origami, a number of individual "units," each folded from a single sheet of paper, are combined to form a compound structure.Many mathematical shapes can also be constructed, especially using modular origami. Join us to explore them!
Fall 2015 Events:
Wednesday, September 2, 12:30-1:30pm, Shepard Hall, Room 1, Conference Room
Fall Welcome MeetingFall welcome meeting to introduce the chapter and leadership and discuss future goals and events. Pizza lunch will be provided. No RSVP necessary, but if you think you are likely to attend please let us know so we can order the appropriate amount of pizza.
Monday, October 5, 12:30-1:30pm, Shepard Hall, Room 1, SMART Classroom
Dr. Kathrin Maurischat (Heidelberg University, Germany),Dr. Maurischat will join us for an informal discussion about topics related to conducting math research and being a woman in math. Pizza lunch will be provided.
Tuesday, October 20, 12:00-2:00pm, Shepard Hall, Room 1, Conference Room
Paper Folding Workshop, led by Prof. Sunita VatukPlease see below for a handout from Prof. Sunita Vatuk on paper folding.
Monday, October 26, 12:30-1:00pm, Shepard Hall, Room 1, SMART Classroom
Tai-Danae Bradley (CUNY Graduate Center), The Distribution of the Greatest Common Divisor of Gaussian IntegersI will discuss a research project I was involved in as a student at CCNY. In sum, we find asymptotics for the average norm of a pair of random Gaussian integers chosen uniformly and independently from the set of all Gaussian integers of norm x or less as x tends to infinity. We also present results for higher moments along with computational data which support results for the second, third, fourth, and fifth moments.
Pizza lunch will be provided.Monday, October 26, 1:00-1:45pm, Shepard Hall, Room 1, SMART Classroom
Panel Discussion on Graduate SchoolWe will have a panel discussion on applying for and being in graduate school in math. Our panelists will be Tai-Danae Bradley, a CCNY graduate and current PhD student at the Grad Center, Prof. Sean Cleary, Graduate Advisor for the CCNY Math Department and Prof. Blair Davey, an Assistant Professor in the CCNY Math Department. Pizza lunch will be provided.
Wednesday, December 2, Shepard Hall, Room 1, SMART Classroom
Prof. Sunita Vatuk (CCNY), Kolams and Mathematical Thinking
Last Updated: 09/17/2018 09:28