
CCNY In the News

February 03, 2017

New York’s corner-store owners united against Trump’s travel ban, in photos

Quartz discusses the recent protest by Yemeni-Americans, including CCNY master's student Muaad Alody, in regards to President Trump's recent executive orders.
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February 03, 2017

Webinar provides the facts for undocumented students under a Trump presidency

Daily Lobo discusses a recent webinar which provided CCNY Dream Team members with information about the executive orders on immigration.
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January 31, 2017

Black History Month 2017 Events at City College

Black Star News publishes a list of Black History Month events that are taking place at City College.
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January 26, 2017

Ranking U.S. Colleges on How They Change Lives of Low-Income Students

A new report shows CCNY as an engine to foster intergenerational economic mobility.
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January 19, 2017

America's Great Working-Class Colleges

An op-ed in The New York Times about the socioeconomic mobility gained from a public college education.
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January 18, 2017

Economic diversity and student outcomes at City College of New York

A New York Times interactive project about economic mobility from an education at the City College of New York.
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January 18, 2017

Andrew Cuomo is the latest to propose free public tuition, but he’s not the first

AM New York article regarding free tuition and CCNY founder Townsend Harris' vision as told by CCNY archivist Sydney Van Nort.
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January 13, 2017

Review: A Husband Vanishes in ‘Claire in Motion.’ Mysteries Multiply.

New York Times review of MCA Distinguished Lecturer Annie Howell's new film
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January 12, 2017

Will Trump Shred The Iran Nuclear Deal?

Huff Post Op-ed by the Colin Powell School's Rajan Menon on Trump and the Iranian nuclear deal
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January 10, 2017

High-Quality Early Learning According to Yvonne Smith

Education professor Beverly Falk's short film "Walking Alongside the Learner: Curriculum in Yvonne’s Pre-K Classroom" is the focus of this ECE Policy Matters article.
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