

UTRC Innovation Award

UTRC partners with NYC DOT on $16M federal funded mobility innovation projects

The University Transportation Research Center (UTRC) at The City College of New York is partnering with the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) on two transformative transportation initiatives supported by $16 million in federal funding. The cutting-edge projects promise to revolutionize urban mobility and infrastructure management through advanced artificial intelligence and smart technology solutions. NYC DOT is one of seven recipients nationwide to receive funding through the U.S. Department of Transportation's Congestion Relief Grant Program. Their $11.6m award will fund
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CCNY 2024 Chem-E-Car team members

Grove School’s “VitaVroom” is top four finisher at international Chem-E-Car event

“VitaVroom,” the latest incarnation of student-designed, chemically-powered shoebox sized-vehicles from The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering, placed fourth at AIChE's annual Chem-E-Car Competition® in San Diego, California, from a field of 51 foreign and domestic entries. The result maintains the Grove School’s reputation as a top performer in the international event. Student teams qualify for the finals by excelling in regional competitions. VitaVroom secured CCNY’s trip to the finals –- held at the San Diego Convention Center -- with a top four finish at the AIChE Mid
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Raymond Tu Water-responsive materials research

CCNY discovery creates new possibilities for water-responsive materials

Water-responsive materials exist everywhere in nature, but transforming these natural materials into sustainably sourced high energy engineered materials requires a fundamental understanding of how they work. Now a groundbreaking discovery by City College of New York researchers from the Grove School of Engineering unravels the connection between water and surfaces to engineer water responsive properties. The experts, including chemical engineers Raymond Tu and Xi Chen, mechanical engineer Honghui Yu, and postdoctoral associate Darjan Podbevsek (power and process engineering), determined how
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Grove School ME Professor Taehun Lee

U.S. DoE awards supercomputing access to cutting edge CCNY fluid mechanics project

A trailblazing fluid mechanics project led by City College of New York Grove School of Engineering Professor T aehun Lee is one of 16 initiatives nationally awarded supercomputing time at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge (ALCC). They will pursue advances in areas ranging from quantum chemistry to clean energy technologies to AI for science. The Lee project, “High-Fidelity Simulations of Helium-Air Mixing in High-Temperature Gas Reactor Cavities,” will use the
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CUNY CREST_IISSM MoU_ Reza Khanbilvardi [left] and Ravindra Kishore Sinha

CUNY CREST & India’s IISSM sign MoU to establish research, educational collaboration and cultural exchange

The City College of New York-based CUNY Remote Sensing Earth System Institute (CUNY CREST) and the International Institute for Security and Safety Management (IISSM) are establishing a mutually beneficial research and educational collaboration and cultural exchange initiative aimed at driving innovation and impact across CUNY and in India. The two institutions signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) at CCNY to launch the initiative. “The collaboration with CUNY CREST represents a major step forward in our efforts to build resilient and sustainable communities,” said Ravindra Kishore Sinha
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U.S. News & World Report ranks CCNY’s Grove School among 2024 Best Graduate Schools

U.S. News & World Report ranks CCNY’s Grove School among 2024 Best Graduate Schools

The City College of New York’s Grove School of Engineering, the only public school of engineering in the metropolitan area, has once again been ranked among the 2024 Best Graduate Schools by U.S. News & World Report. The Grove School ranked #109 in the overall Best Engineering School category. Designed for prospective students looking to advance their education post-college, the Best Graduate Schools rankings evaluate programs in a variety of disciplines, including business, education, engineering, law, medicine and nursing. Other Grove programs ranked nationally by U.S. News are: Best
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AAAS Fellows Robert Anderson (left) and Jeff Morris

AAAS honors CCNY researchers Robert Anderson and Jeff Morris as lifetime Fellows

Robert P. Anderson and Jeff Morris, faculty members at The City College of New York, have been elected 2023 Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). They are among 502 scientists, engineers and innovators recognized for their scientifically and socially distinguished achievements by the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the “Science” family of journals. Anderson is professor of biology and member of the biodiversity group in the Division of Science, and Morris, professor and director of the Levich Institute in CCNY’s Grove School of
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CCNY's Shepard Hall

CCNY hosts eco-literacy environmental conference for 300 NYC students, March 5

"How Things Work," an eco-literacy conference on how environmental systems function in the face of climate change, takes place at The City College of New York on Tuesday, March 5. Up to 300 New York City students from middle school-level to college undergraduates will attend. Other participants include educators, stakeholders and climate change advocates. The day-long conference, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in The Great Hall located in CCNY’s Shepard Hall, is co-hosted by the CCNY-based City University of New York Remote Sensing Earth System Institute ( CUNY CREST), the Environmental Education
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Grove School Wind Team 2024

CCNY team triumphs in 2024 Collegiate Wind Competition, advances to final round

In its debut appearance in the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE)-sponsored event, a City College of New York team of mostly Grove School of Engineering undergraduates is among 12 winners in Phase 2 of the 2024 Collegiate Wind Competition (CWC). The annual national competition aims to prepare college students for jobs in the wind energy workforce through real-world wind energy technology, project development, and outreach experience. CCNY’s Phase 2 co-winners include: • Johns Hopkins University; • Rice University; • The Pennsylvania State University; • University of Colorado Boulder; • University
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Sanjoy Banerjee, CCNY Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering & Director, CUNY Energy Institute

National Academy of Inventors elects CCNY’s Sanjoy Banerjee to latest Class of Fellows

Sanjoy Banerjee, Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering at The City College of New York, and Director of the City University of New York (CUNY) Energy Institute, has been elected to the National Academy of Inventors’ (NAI) Class of 2023 Fellows. Election as an Academy Fellow is the highest professional distinction awarded solely to inventors. Banerjee and 161 other academic inventors will be inducted as NAI Fellows at the Academy’s 13th annual meeting on June 18, 2024, in Raleigh, North Carolina. His new peers include two Nobel Laureates – Morten P. Meldal (University of Copenhagen)
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