Daniel Gustafson

Associate Professor

Main Affiliation


Areas of Expertise/Research

  • Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Drama
  • Theater and Performance Studies


North Academic Center





Daniel Gustafson



Daniel Gustafson specializes in Restoration and eighteenth-century British literature and drama. His research focuses on drama, politics, and performance history across the long eighteenth century (1660-1832). He is also interested in contemporary drama and speculative fiction. The courses that he regularly offers include Introduction to Literary Study (ENGL 25000), Representative Writers of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century, British Drama after Shakespeare, Modern and Contemporary Drama, Studies in Drama, Tragedy, and Jane Austen.  


B.A., Kenyon College, 2003
Ph.D., Yale University, 2011



Lothario’s Corpse: Libertine Drama and the Long-Running Restoration, 1700-1832 (Bucknell University Press, 2020)


"'A Separate Ministry': John Dennis, Drury Lane, and Opposition Politics." 1650-1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era Vol. 25 (2020).

"A World on Fire: Seeing beyond the Discrimination Paradigm in Marvel's Daredevil. Co-authored with Matthew Vernon. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 11.2 (2020): 144-166.

"On Getting over the Restoration." Restoration 40.2 (2016): 83-89.

“Tragedy.” The Encyclopedia of British Literature, 1660-1789, 3 vols., eds. Gary Day and Jack Lynch (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2015): 3:1241-50.

“The Rake’s Revival: Steele, Dennis, and the Early Eighteenth-Century Repertory.” Modern Philology 112.2 (Fall 2014): 358-80.

“Teaching Dryden’s Heroic Plays.” Co-authored with Elliott Visconsi. Approaches to Teaching the Works of John Dryden, eds. Jayne Lewis and Lisa Zunshine (New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2013): 98-103.

“Cultural Memory and the Royalist Political Aesthetic in Aphra Behn’s Later Works.” Restoration 36.2 (Fall 2012): 1-22.


Review of Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, New World Drama: The Performative Commons in the Atlantic World, 1649-1849. Eighteenth-Century Fiction 27.3-4 (Spring-Summer 2015): 744-47.

Review of Le Cid at the Storm Theatre in New York City. Restoration 37.1 (Spring 2013): 91-93.

Review of The London Merchant at the Storm Theatre in New York City. Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Theatre Research 26.1-2 (Fall 2012): 73-76.

Review of Pilar Cuder-Dominguez, Stuart Women Playwrights, 1613-1713. Restoration 36.2 (Fall 2012): 67-69.