Feridun Delale
Professor and Chairman
Steinman Hall

Feridun Delale
Dr. Delale has experience in failure phenomena associated with non-homogeneous materials, interfaces, adhesive bonding and delamination. He is a full professor and the Chair of the Mechanical Engineering Department at CCNY. His most recent research activities are in both experimental and theoretical studies of damage behavior of polymer as well as ceramic matrix composites (including nanocomposites) and development of multi-functional composites for armor technology.
Dr. Delale has served on the editorial board of Composites Engineering and is the author of more than 90 refereed publications. His research has been supported with grants from NASA, NSF, AFOSR, ARO, NATO, U.S. Army (TACOM-TARDEC and ARDEC-Picatinny Arsenal), NRC, FHWA, Global Contour, Inc., Performance Polymers, Inc., and Alliant TechSystems, Inc.
He has also been heavily involved in educational activities. He participated in the ECSEL coalition as the local evaluator. As PI, he directed the NSF supported department-level curriculum reform of the Mechanical Engineering program at CCNY. Currently, he is Co-PI on a STEP grant coordinating the undergraduate research experiences effort for transfers and also Co-PI on the just concluded NUE grant participating in the development of a Nanotechnology/Science course.
- M.E., 1971, Istanbul Technical University
- Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics, 1976, Lehigh University
Courses Taught
Composite Materials
Research Interests
Professor Delale has over 90 refereed publications dealing with a wide array of damage and failure problems in composite materials. His early contributions were in extending fracture analysis to anisotropic layered media and considering the Reissner effect in the solution of crack problems in plates and shells.
In collaboration with Professor Erdogan of Lehigh University he has developed the field of fracture of functionally graded materials and an interface model for bonded materials. His most recent research interests are in the area of high temperature and hybrid composites, and nanocomposites. With Professor Liaw of CCNY he has developed a novel technique to test composites at high temperatures in an SEM and observe and record the damage until failure.
- Delale, F.and Erdogan, F.,"Line-Spring Model for Surface Cracks in a Reissner Plate", Int. J. of Engineering Science, Vol. 19, pp. 1331-1340, 1981
- Delale, F. and Erdogan, F. "The Crack Problem for a Non- Homogeneous Plane " ASME; J. of Applied Mechanics, pp.609-614,Vol. 50, 1983
- Delale, F. and Erdogan, F. "On the Mechanical Modeling of the Interfacial Region in Bonded Half Planes", ASME, J. of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 55, pp. 317-323, 1988
- Xu,Y. L. Delale, F. and Liaw, B. M., "Effects of Temperature and Fiber Distribution on Matrix Cracking in Ceramic Matrix Composites", Composites Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 67-79, 1992
- Zhang, H. Q., Delale, F. and Liaw, B. M. "Interface and Matrix Fracture in Brittle Fiber-Reinforced Composites", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 55., pp. 249-273, 1996
- Long, X., and Delale, F.,"The General Problem for an Arbitrarily Oriented Crack in a FGM Layer", International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 129, pp.221-238, 2004.
- Long, X., and Delale, F.,"The Mixed Mode Crack Problem in an FGM Layer Bonded to a Homogeneous Half-Plane", Int. J. Solids & Structures, Vol. 42, pp. 3897-3917, 2005.
- Shen, L., Li, J., Liaw, B.M., F. Delale, and Chung J., " Modeling and Analysis of the Electrical Resistance Measurement of Carbon Fiber Polymer-Matrix Composites", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 67, pp. 2513-2520, 2007.
- E. Sevkat, J. Li, B.M. Liaw and F. Delale, "A Statistical Model of Electrical Resistance of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites under Tensile Loading", Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp. 2214-2219, 2008.
- E. Sevkat, B. Liaw, F. Delale and B. B. Raju, " Drop-Weight Impact of Plain-Woven Hybrid Glass-Graphite/Toughened Epoxy Composites", Composite Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing (2009), DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2009.04.028.
- Wan, H. and Delale, F. " A Structural Mechanics Approach for Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes", Meccanica, DOI:10.1007/s11012-009-O222-2,2009.