Mark D. Shattuck
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Computation
- Computational Biophysics
- Computer Simulation
- Granular Materials
- Materials Science
- Soft Matter/Colloid Science
Steinman 1M-16, Marshak 419, 328

Mark D. Shattuck
2013 | American Physical Society Fellow: For significant contributions to the understanding of the statistical properties of granular materials, and their analogy to molecular systems. |
2002 | National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Awardee: Granular Media: Experimental Kinetic Theory. |
Professional Activities:
2018 — 2021 | Chair-line, American Physical Society Group on Non-linear and Statistical Physics (GNSP). |
2017 — | Editor, Granular Matter. 2010- Editorial Board, Granular Matter. |
2009 — | Governing board of Association pour L'Etude de la Micromecanique des Milieux Granulaires. |
2008 — | Director and Faculty, Hands-On Research in Complex Systems Schools sponsered by The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP, Trieste, Italy). |
2008 — 2009 | American Physical Society, Journal Pricing Task Force. |
2002 — 2007 | American Physical Society, Publications Oversight Committee (Chair 2005-2006). |
2002 — | Founder and Organizer of Annual Northeastern Granular Materials Workshop. |
Ph.D. in Physics, Duke University, Durham NC, 1995.
Dissertation: Flows in Porous Media: Visualization by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, PhD Dissertation, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, NC:(194 pages.) 1995. [abs] [pdf]
Courses Taught
Previous courses:
- PHYS 203 [F2008] [F2009]
- PHYS 204 [S2001][F2001][F2002][S2004][F2004][F2005][S2006]
- PHYS 207 [F2003][S2005][F2010]
- PHYS 208 [S2003]
- PHYS 351 [F2022]
- PHYS 371 [F2013] [F2015] [F2016] [F2017] [F2018] [F2019] [F2020]
- PHYS 471 [S2012] [S2014] [S2016] [S2017] [S2018] [S2019] [S2020] [S2021]
- PHYS U856 Granular Materials [S2002][S2004]
Research Interests
Experimental fluid mechanics, transport processes, complex fluids
Granular Media: Mesoscopic Physics on a Laboratory Scale
Experimental tests of granular kinetic theory:
Experimental granular rheology:
Granular media as an analog for collective systems in extreme conditions:
Granular pattern formation:
Biologically-Inspired Micro-robotics
Patterns: Competition and Control
Total Citations: 2436, Citations/Publication: 25.91, h-index: 28. (Last updated: 05/24/2022. Latest updates).
- [96] D Wang, JD Treado, A Boromand, B Norwick, MP Murrell, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, The Structural, Vibrational, and Mechanical Properties of Jammed Packings of Deformable Particles in Three Dimensions (vol 17, Pg 9901, 2021), Soft Matter 18(19):3815(1) 2022. PMID:35506750. [abs] [pdf]
- [95] B Chakraborty, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, A Tordesillas, In Memoriam of Robert P. Behringer, Granul. Matter 24(1):30(7) 2022. [pdf]
- [94] M Galanis, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, NT Ouellette, Directional Strengthening and Weakening in Hydrodynamically Sheared Granular Beds, Phys. Rev. Fluids 7(1):013802(11) 2022. [abs] [pdf]
- [93] D Wang, JD Treado, A Boromand, B Norwick, MP Murrell, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, The Structural, Vibrational, and Mechanical Properties of Jammed Packings of Deformable Particles in Three Dimensions, Soft Matter 17(43):9901(16) 2021. PMID:34697616. [abs] [pdf]
- [92] WW Jin, A Datye, UD Schwarz, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Using Delaunay Triangularization to Characterize Non-affine Displacement Fields During Athermal, Quasistatic Deformation of Amorphous Solids, Soft Matter 17(38):(13) 2021. PMID:34545381. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [91] M Galanis, P Wang, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, NT Ouellette, Onset of Grain Motion in Eroding Subaqueous Bimodal Granular Beds, Phys. Rev. Fluids 6(9):094301(12) 2021. Citations:1. [abs] [pdf]
- [90] J Zhang, K Vanderwerf, CL Li, SY Zhang, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Mechanical Response of Packings of Nonspherical Particles: a Case Study of Two-dimensional Packings of Circulo-lines, Phys. Rev. E 104(1):014901(14) 2021. PMID:34412339. Citations:1. [abs] [pdf]
- [89] SY Kim, SLZ Liu, S Sohn, J Jacobs, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, J Schroers, M Loewenberg, R Kramer-bottiglio, Static-state Particle Fabrication Via Rapid Vitrification of a Thixotropic Medium, Nat. Commun. 12(1):3768(8) 2021. PMID:34145267. Citations:2. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [88] JD Treado, D Wang, A Boromand, MP Murrell, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Bridging Particle Deformability and Collective Response in Soft Solids, Phys. Rev. Mater. 5(5):055605(12) 2021. Citations:4. [abs] [pdf]
- [87] P Wang, SY Zhang, P Tuckman, NT Ouellette, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Shear Response of Granular Packings Compressed Above Jamming Onset, Phys. Rev. E 103(2):022902(15) 2021. PMID:33736049. Citations:3. [abs] [pdf]
- [86] WW Jin, CS O'Hern, C Radin, MD Shattuck, HL Swinney, Homogeneous Crystallization in Cyclically Sheared Frictionless Grains, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125(25):258003(6) 2020. PMID:33416399. Citations:2. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [85] PJ Tuckman, K Vanderwerf, Y Yuan, SY Zhang, J Zhang, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Contact Network Changes in Ordered and Disordered Disk Packings, Soft Matter 16(41):9443(13) 2020. PMID:32940321. Citations:6. [abs] [pdf]
- [84] YC Hu, K Zhang, SA Kube, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Glass Formation in Binary Alloys with Different Atomic Symmetries, Phys. Rev. Mater. 4(10):105602(15) 2020. [abs] [pdf]
- [83] K Vanderwerf, A Boromand, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Pressure Dependent Shear Response of Jammed Packings of Frictionless Spherical Particles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124(3):038004(6) 2020. PMID:32031840. Citations:8. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [82] Y Yuan, K Vanderwerf, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Jammed Packings of 3d Superellipsoids with Tunable Packing Fraction, Coordination Number, and Ordering, Soft Matter 15(47):9751(11) 2019. PMID:31742301. Citations:10. [abs] [pdf]
- [81] FS Xiong, P Wang, AH Clark, T Bertrand, NT Ouellette, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Comparison of Shear and Compression Jammed Packings of Frictional Disks, Granul. Matter 21(4):109(14) 2019. Citations:4. [abs] [pdf]
- [80] M Fan, A Nawano, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Intrinsic Dissipation Mechanisms in Metallic Glass Resonators, J. Chem. Phys. 151(14):144506(15) 2019. PMID:31615234. Citations:4. [abs] [pdf]
- [79] YC Hu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Tuning the Glass-forming Ability of Metallic Glasses Through Energetic Frustration, Phys. Rev. Mater. 3(8):085602(9) 2019. Citations:6. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [78] A Boromand, A Signoriello, J Lowensohn, CS Orellana, ER Weeks, FF Ye, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, The Role of Deformability in Determining the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Bubbles and Emulsions, Soft Matter 15(29):5854(12) 2019. PMID:31246221. Citations:17. [abs] [pdf]
- [77] D Das, D Julich, J Schwendinger-schreck, E Guillon, AK Lawton, N Dray, T Emonet, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, SA Holley, Organization of Embryonic Morphogenesis Via Mechanical Information, Dev. Cell 49(6):829(16) 2019. PMID:31178400. Citations:13. [abs] [pdf]
- [76] QK Wu, CY Cui, T Bertrand, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Active Acoustic Switches Using Two-dimensional Granular Crystals, Phys. Rev. E 99(6):062901(15) 2019. PMID:31330653. Citations:4. [abs] [pdf]
- [75] YJ Xie, S Sohn, ML Wang, HL Xin, Y Jung, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, J Schroers, JJ Cha, Supercluster-coupled Crystal Growth in Metallic Glass Forming Liquids, Nat. Commun. 10:915(9) 2019. PMID:30796248. Citations:19. [abs] [pdf]
- [74] A Boromand, A Signoriello, FF Ye, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Jamming of Deformable Polygons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121(24):248003(5) 2018. PMID:30608748. Citations:38. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [73] S Chen, T Bertrand, WW Jin, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Stress Anisotropy in Shear-jammed Packings of Frictionless Disks, Phys. Rev. E 98(4):042906(14) 2018. Citations:16. [abs] [pdf]
- [72] J Ketkaew, W Chen, H Wang, A Datye, M Fan, G Pereira, UD Schwarz, Z Liu, R Yamada, W Dmowski, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, T Egami, E Bouchbinder, J Schroers, Mechanical Glass Transition Revealed by the Fracture Toughness of Metallic Glasses, Nat. Commun. 9:3271(7) 2018. PMID:30115910. Citations:69. [abs] [pdf]
- [71] AH Clark, JD Thompson, MD Shattuck, NT Ouellette, CS O'Hern, Critical Scaling Near the Yielding Transition in Granular Media, Phys. Rev. E 97(6):062901(10) 2018. PMID:30011584. Citations:22. [abs] [pdf]
- [70] J Ketkaew, M Fan, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, J Schroers, Structural Relaxation Kinetics Defines Embrittlement in Metallic Glasses, Scr. Mater. 149:21(5) 2018. Citations:9. [abs] [pdf]
- [69] K Vanderwerf, WW Jin, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Hypostatic Jammed Packings of Frictionless Nonspherical Particles, Phys. Rev. E 97(1):012909(16) 2018. PMID:29448406. Citations:46. [abs] [pdf]
- [68] Q Wu, T Bertrand, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Response of Jammed Packings to Thermal Fluctuations, Phys. Rev. E 96(6):062902(15) 2017. PMID:29347455. Citations:6. [abs] [pdf]
- [67] JC Salevan, AH Clark, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, NT Ouellette, Determining the Onset of Hydrodynamic Erosion in Turbulent Flow, Phys. Rev. Fluids 2(11):114302(11) 2017. Citations:9. [abs] [pdf]
- [66] M Fan, K Zhang, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Particle Rearrangement and Softening Contributions to the Nonlinear Mechanical Response of Glasses, Phys. Rev. E 96(3):032602(18) 2017. PMID:29346996. Citations:9. [abs] [pdf]
- [65] AH Clark, MD Shattuck, NT Ouellette, CS O'Hern, Role of Grain Dynamics in Determining the Onset of Sediment Transport, Phys. Rev. Fluids 2(3):034305(23) 2017. Citations:18. [abs] [pdf]
- [64] M Fan, ML Wang, K Zhang, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Effects of Cooling Rate on Particle Rearrangement Statistics: Rapidly Cooled Glasses Are More Ductile and Less Reversible, Phys. Rev. E 95(2):022611(8) 2017. PMID:28297989. Citations:33. [abs] [pdf]
- [63] K Wang, S Langevin, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, S Ogle, A Forero, J Morrison, R Slayden, MG Katze, M Kirby, Anomaly Detection in Host Signaling Pathways for the Early Prognosis of Acute Infection, Plos One 11(8):e0160919(26) 2016. PMID:27532264. Citations:8. [abs] [pdf]
- [62] T Bertrand, RP Behringer, B Chakraborty, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Protocol Dependence of the Jamming Transition, Phys. Rev. E 93(1):012901(7) 2016. PMID:26871137. Citations:34. [abs] [pdf]
- [61] P Mort, JN Michaels, RP Behringer, CS Campbell, L Kondic, MK Langroudi, M Shattuck, J Tang, GI Tardos, C Wassgren, Dense Granular Flow - a Collaborative Study, Powder Technol. 284:571(14) 2015. Citations:22. [abs] [pdf]
- [60] K Zhang, M Fan, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Beyond Packing of Hard Spheres: the Effects of Core Softness, Non-additivity, Intermediate-range Repulsion, and Many-body Interactions on the Glass-forming Ability of Bulk Metallic Glasses, J. Chem. Phys. 143(18):184502(10) 2015. PMID:26567672. Citations:14. [abs] [pdf]
- [59] AH Clark, MD Shattuck, NT Ouellette, CS O'Hern, Onset and Cessation of Motion in Hydrodynamically Sheared Granular Beds, Phys. Rev. E 92(4):042202(7) 2015. PMID:26565230. Citations:32. [abs] [pdf]
- [58] SV Franklin, MD Shattuck;, Handbook of Grnaular Materials;, CRC Press:(506 pages.) 2015.
- [57] K Zhang, B Dice, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, On the Origin of Multi-component Bulk Metallic Glasses: Atomic Size Mismatches and De-mixing, J. Chem. Phys. 143(5):054501(7) 2015. PMID:26254655. Citations:20. [abs] [pdf]
- [56] M Mai, K Wang, G Huber, M Kirby, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Outcome Prediction in Mathematical Models of Immune Response to Infection, Plos One 10(8):e0135861(15) 2015. PMID:26287609. Citations:2. [abs] [pdf]
- [55] ML Wang, K Zhang, ZS Li, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Asymmetric Crystallization During Cooling and Heating in Model Glass-forming Systems, Phys. Rev. E 91(3):032309(7) 2015. PMID:25871112. Citations:11. [abs] [pdf]
- [54] K Zhang, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, The Glass-forming Ability of Model Metal-metalloid Alloys, J. Chem. Phys. 142(10):104504(5) 2015. PMID:25770548. Citations:13. [abs] [pdf]
- [53] TQ Shen, S Papanikolaou, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Statistics of Frictional Families, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113(12):128302(5) 2014. PMID:25279647. Citations:8. [abs] [pdf] [sup]
- [52] K Zhang, WW Smith, ML Wang, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Connection Between the Packing Efficiency of Binary Hard Spheres and the Glass-forming Ability of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Phys. Rev. E 90(3):032311(7) 2014. PMID:25314450. Citations:25. [abs] [pdf]
- [51] K Wang, V Bhandari, JS Giuliano, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, M Kirby, Angiopoietin-1, Angiopoietin-2 and Bicarbonate as Diagnostic Biomarkers in Children with Severe Sepsis, Plos One 9(9):e108461(9) 2014. PMID:25255212. Citations:10. [abs] [pdf]
- [50] T Bertrand, CF Schreck, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Hypocoordinated Solids in Particulate Media, Phys. Rev. E 89(6):062203(9) 2014. PMID:25019766. Citations:14. [abs] [pdf]
- [49] D Abrams, ME Trusheim, DR Englund, MD Shattuck, CA Meriles, Dynamic Nuclear Spin Polarization of Liquids and Gases in Contact with Nanostructured Diamond, Nano Lett. 14(5):2471(8) 2014. PMID:24754755. Citations:43. [abs] [pdf]
- [48] CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, A Tordesillas, Flows and Patterns: the Physics of Fluids, Granular Materials, and Soft Matter, Granul. Matter 16(2):163(2) 2014. [pdf]
- [47] CF Schreck, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Vibrations of Jammed Disk Packings with Hertzian Interactions, Granul. Matter 16(2):209(8) 2014. Citations:13. [abs] [pdf]
- [46] K Wang, V Bhandari, S Chepustanova, G Huber, S O'Hara, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, M Kirby, Which Biomarkers Reveal Neonatal Sepsis?, Plos One 8(12):e82700(8) 2013. PMID:24367543. Citations:23. [abs] [pdf]
- [45] CF Schreck, RS Hoy, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Particle-scale Reversibility in Athermal Particulate Media Below Jamming, Phys. Rev. E 88(5):052205(9) 2013. PMID:24329257. Citations:42. [abs] [pdf]
- [44] S O'Hara, K Wang, RA Slayden, AR Schenkel, G Huber, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, M Kirby, Iterative Feature Removal Yields Highly Discriminative Pathways, BMC Genomics 14:832(15) 2013. PMID:24274115. Citations:10. [abs] [pdf]
- [43] K Zhang, ML Wang, S Papanikolaou, YH Liu, J Schroers, MD Shattuck, CS O'Hern, Computational Studies of the Glass-forming Ability of Model Bulk Metallic Glasses, J. Chem. Phys. 139(12):124503(8) 2013. PMID:24089782. Citations:23. [abs] [pdf]
- [42] S Papanikolaou, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Isostaticity at Frictional Jamming, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110(19):198002(5) 2013. PMID:23705742. Citations:49. [abs] [pdf]
- [41] CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Granular Materials Highly Evolved Grains, Nat. Mater. 12(4):287(2) 2013. PMID:23511577. Citations:1. [pdf]
- [40] CS O'Hern, CF Schreck, RS Hoy, MD Shattuck, Reversibility and Irreversibility in Oscillatory Shear Flows of Model Granular Media, Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 244:(1) 2012.
- [39] SS Ashwin, J Blawzdziewicz, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Calculations of the Structure of Basin Volumes for Mechanically Stable Packings, Phys. Rev. E 85(6):061307(8) 2012. PMID:23005086. Citations:26. [abs] [pdf]
- [38] TQ Shen, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Contact Percolation Transition in Athermal Particulate Systems, Phys. Rev. E 85(1):011308(4) 2012. PMID:22400566. Citations:26. [abs] [pdf]
- [37] CF Schreck, T Bertrand, CS O'Hern, MD Shattuck, Repulsive Contact Interactions Make Jammed Particulate Systems Inherently Nonharmonic, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107(7):078301(5) 2011. PMID:21902435. Citations:65. [abs] [pdf]
- [36] GJ Gao, J Blawzdziewicz, CS O'Hern, M Shattuck, Experimental Demonstration of Nonuniform Frequency Distributions of Granular Packings, Phys. Rev. E 80(6):061304(5) 2009. PMID:20365165. Citations:37. [abs] [pdf]
- [35] MD Shattuck, RA Ingale, PM Reis, Granular Thermodynamics, Powders And Grains 2009, ed. M Nakagawa, S Luding, AIP Conference Proceedings 1145:43(2) 2009. Citations:4. [abs] [pdf]
- [34] PM Reis, A Kumar, MD Shattuck, B Roman, Unzip Instabilities: Straight to Oscillatory Transitions in the Cutting of Thin Polymer Sheets, Epl 82(6):64002(6) 2008. Citations:9. [abs] [pdf]
- [33] MD Mantle, AJ Sederman, LF Gladden, JM Huntley, TW Martin, RD Wildman, MD Shattuck, MRI Investigations of Particle Motion Within a Three-dimensional Vibro-fluidized Granular Bed, Powder Technol. 179(3):164(6) 2008. Citations:15. [abs] [pdf]
- [32] JM Huntley, TW Martin, MD Mantle, MD Shattuck, AJ Sederman, RD Wildman, LF Gladden, NA Halliwell, NMR Measurements and Hydrodynamic Simulations of Phase-resolved Velocity Distributions Within a Three-dimensional Vibrofluidized Granular Bed, Proc. R. Soc. A-math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 463(2086):2519(24) 2007. Citations:19. [abs] [pdf]
- [31] PM Reis, RA Ingale, MD Shattuck, Caging Dynamics in a Granular Fluid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(18):188301(4) 2007. PMID:17501613. Citations:127. [abs] [pdf]
- [30] PM Reis, RA Ingale, MD Shattuck, Forcing Independent Velocity Distributions in an Experimental Granular Fluid, Phys. Rev. E 75(5):051311(14) 2007. PMID:17677058. Citations:45. [abs] [pdf]
- [29] PM Reis, RA Ingale, MD Shattuck, Crystallization of a Quasi-two-dimensional Granular Fluid, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96(25):258001(4) 2006. PMID:16907345. Citations:133. [abs] [pdf]
- [28] DI Goldman, MD Shattuck, SJ Moon, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Lattice Dynamics and Melting of a Nonequilibrium Pattern, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90(10):104302(4) 2003. PMID:12688998. Citations:30. [abs] [pdf]
- [27] DI Goldman, MD Shattuck, HL Swinney, GH Gunaratne, Emergence of Order in an Oscillated Granular Layer, Physica A 306(1-4):180(9) 2002. Citations:9. [abs] [pdf]
- [26] SJ Moon, MD Shattuck, C Bizon, DI Goldman, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Phase Bubbles and Spatiotemporal Chaos in Granular Patterns, Phys. Rev. E 65(1):011301(10) 2002. PMID:11800687. Citations:20. [abs] [pdf]
- [25] EC Rericha, C Bizon, MD Shattuck, HL Swinney, Shocks in Supersonic Sand, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88(1):014302(4) 2002. PMID:11800951. Citations:118. [abs] [pdf]
- [24] SJ Moon, MD Shattuck, JB Swift, Velocity Distributions and Correlations in Homogeneously Heated Granular Media, Phys. Rev. E 64(3):031303(10) 2001. PMID:11580328. Citations:75. [abs] [pdf]
- [23] JR De bruyn, BC Lewis, MD Shattuck, HL Swinney, Spiral Patterns in Oscillated Granular Layers, Phys. Rev. E 63(4):041305(12) 2001. PMID:11308836. Citations:25. [abs] [pdf]
- [22] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Velocity Correlations in Driven Two-dimensional Granular Media, Dynamics: Models And Kinetic Methods For Non-equilibrium Many Body Systems, ed. J Karkheck, Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series E, Applied Sciences 371:361(11) 2000. Citations:1. [abs] [pdf]
- [21] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JB Swift, Linear Stability Analysis of a Vertically Oscillated Granular Layer, Phys. Rev. E 60(6):7210(7) 1999. PMID:11970664. Citations:24. [abs] [pdf]
- [20] MD Shattuck, C Bizon, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Computational Test of Kinetic Theory of Granular Media, Physica A 274(1-2):158(13) 1999. Citations:14. [abs] [pdf]
- [19] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Transport Coefficients for Granular Media From Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Phys. Rev. E 60(4):4340(12) 1999. PMID:11970288. Citations:98. [abs] [pdf]
- [18] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JR De bruyn, JB Swift, WD Mccormick, HL Swinney, Convection and Diffusion in Patterns in Oscillated Granular Media, J. Stat. Phys. 93(3-4):449(17) 1998. Citations:26. [abs] [pdf]
- [17] JR De bruyn, C Bizon, MD Shattuck, D Goldman, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Continuum-type Stability Balloon in Oscillated Granular Layers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81(7):1421(4) 1998. Citations:39. [abs] [pdf]
- [16] BR Smith, MD Shattuck, LW Hedlund, GA Johnson, Time-course Imaging of Rat Embryos in Utero with Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Magn. Reson. Med. 39(4):673(5) 1998. PMID:9543433. Citations:30. [abs] [pdf]
- [15] D Goldman, MD Shattuck, C Bizon, WD Mccormick, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Absence of Inelastic Collapse in a Realistic Three Ball Model, Phys. Rev. E 57(4):4831(3) 1998. Citations:43. [abs] [pdf]
- [14] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JB Swift, WD Mccormick, HL Swinney, Patterns in 3d Vertically Oscillated Granular Layers: Simulation and Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80(1):57(4) 1998. Citations:212. [abs] [pdf]
- [13] MD Shattuck, C Bizon, PB Umbanhowar, JB Swift, HL Swinney, Pattern Formation in Vertically Vibrated Granular Layers: Experiment and Simulation, Physics Of Dry Granular Media, ed. HJ Herrmann, JP Hovi, S Luding, Nato Advanced Science Institutes Series, Series E, Applied Sciences 350:613(6) 1998. Citations:1. [abs] [pdf]
- [12] MD Shattuck, SL Gewalt, GH Glover, LW Hedlund, GA Johnson, Mr Microimaging of the Lung Using Volume Projection Encoding, Magn. Reson. Med. 38(6):938(5) 1997. PMID:9402195. Citations:38. [abs] [pdf]
- [11] C Bizon, MD Shattuck, JT Newman, PB Umbanhowar, JB Swift, WD Mccormick, HL Swinney, Spontaneous Wave Pattern Formation in Vibrated Granular Materials - Comment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79(23):4713(1) 1997. Citations:6. [pdf]
- [10] GA Johnson, G Cates, XJ Chen, GP Cofer, B Driehuys, W Happer, LW Hedlund, B Saam, MD Shattuck, J Swartz, Dynamics of Magnetization in Hyperpolarized Gas MRI of the Lung, Magn. Reson. Med. 38(1):66(6) 1997. PMID:9211381. Citations:60. [abs] [pdf]
- [9] MD Shattuck, RP Behringer, GA Johnson, JG Georgiadis, Convection and Flow in Porous Media. Part 1. Visualization by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, J. Fluid Mech. 332:215(31) 1997. Citations:49. [abs] [pdf]
- [8] MD Shattuck, C Bizon, PB Umbanhowar, JB Swift, HL Swinney, 2d Vertically Vibrated Granular Media: Experiment and Simulation, Powders & Grains 97, ed. RP Behringer, JT Jenkins, Powders & Grains 97:429(3) 1997. Citations:2. [abs] [pdf]
- [7] G Metcalfe, M Shattuck, Pattern Formation During Mixing and Segregation of Flowing Granular Materials, Physica A 233(3-4):709(9) 1996. Citations:58. [abs] [pdf]
- [6] RD Black, HL Middleton, GD Cates, GP Cofer, B Driehuys, W Happer, LW Hedlund, GA Johnson, MD Shattuck, JC Swartz, In Vivo He-3 Mr Images of Guinea Pig Lungs, Radiology 199(3):867(4) 1996. PMID:8638019. Citations:102. [abs] [pdf]
- [5] LL Arnder, MD Shattuck, RD Black, Signal-to-noise Ratio Comparison Between Surface Coils and Implanted Coils, Magn. Reson. Med. 35(5):727(7) 1996. PMID:8722824. Citations:20. [abs] [pdf]
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