Nadjwa Norton
Associate Professor, Literacy Program
North Academic Center

Nadjwa Norton
Nadjwa is a Native New Yorker who has taught in and out of public schools, private schools, and alternative schools from preschool through high school. She has also worked in a variety of social service agencies and after school programs. She participates with a variety of organizations in developing curriculum and designing and implementing professional development opportunities.
Ed.D Early Childhood Education Curriculum Development Teachers College, Columbia University
BA Sociology Yale University
Research Interests
Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
Critical Literacies
Hip-hop Literacies
Qualitiative Methodologies
Children/Youth Co-researcher Methodologies
Norton, N. (2017). If the support isn't strong enough, we will all hurt ourselves: Culturally responsive scaffolding for educators and leaders.
Norton, N. (2008). Aligning hip-hop, curriculum, standards, and potential. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 9(1), 62-100.
Norton, N. (2009). Negotiating Speech-Related Disabilities and Interpersonal School Structures With Agencies and Intersecting Identities. Disabilities Studies Quarterly.
Norton, N. (2008). Singing in the spirit: Spiritual practices inside public school classrooms. Education and Urban Society, 40(3), 342-360.
Norton, N. (2006). Talking spirituality with family members: Black and Latina/o Children Co-researcher Methodologies, Urban Review, 38(4), 313-334.
Norton, N. (2005). Permitanme hablar: Allow me to speak. Language Arts, 83(2), 118-127.
Norton, N., & Bentley C. (2006). Making the connection: Extending culturally responsive teaching through home(land) pedagogies. The Feminist Teacher, 17(1), 52-10.
Knight, M., Norton, N, Bentley, C., & Dixon, I. (2004). The power of Black and Latina/o counterstories: Urban families and college-going processes. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 35(1), 99-120.
Additional Information
Associate Professor