Sophie A. Marinez
Adjunct Professor
25 Broadway, 7th Floor
Sophie A. Marinez
PhD, French, CUNY Graduate Center
MA, Liberal Studies, SUNY Empire College
BA, Translation Studies, Universidad APEC
“Haitian Literature and the Dominican Republic.” The Cambridge History of Haitian Literature. Eds. Kaiama Glover and Marlene Daut. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“Prólogo,” in Anne Eller, Soñemos juntos: La independencia Dominicana, Haití y la lucha por la libertad en el Caribe (Spanish translation of We Dream Together: Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom, Duke UP, 2016). Editorial Bonó, 2021, 19-25.
“Shee Cut Tongue Out: Slavery, Gender, and Resistance.” Review of Ana-Maurine Lara, Konhjehr Woman (Redbone Press, 2017). Small Axe Salon 37 (June 2021).
“Jacques Viau Renaud: Icon of Solidarity between Haiti and the Dominican Republic,” The Border of Lights Reader: Bearing Witness to Genocide in the Dominican Republic. Eds. Megan Jeannette Myers and Edward Paulino. Amherst College Press, 2021, 86-90.
“Looking for Solidarity.” The Boston Review, May 24, 2019.
Review of Anne Eller, We Dream Together: Dominican Independence, Haiti, and the Fight for Caribbean Freedom, Duke UP, 2016. H-Haiti, H-Net Reviews. September 2018.
“The Quisqueya Diaspora: The Emergence of Latina/o Literature from Hispaniola.” The Cambridge History of Latina/o American Literature. Eds. John Moran and Laura Lomas. Cambridge University Press, 2018, 561-581.
“Du massacre de 1937 à la sentence 168-13: conflit fatal ou solidarité? Notes d’un parcours littéraire des rapports entre Haïti et la République Dominicaine.” Chemins Critiques, Revue Haïtiano-Caraïbéenne. Eds. Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis & Franklin Midy, 6.1 (2017): 71-90.
“Mito y feminismo en Marassá y la Nada de Alanna Lockward.” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 40.2 (2016): 437-454.
“Alegorías de una hermandad atormentada: Haití en la literatura dominicana.” Memorias: Revista Digital de Historia y Arqueología del Caribe 12.28 (2016): 61-92.
“Straighten Those Curls! Style, Gender, and Morality in Seventeenth-Century French Treatises of Architecture.” Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature 49:76 (2012): 13-33.
“Poética de la Relación en Dominicanish de Josefina Báez.” La Torre: Revista de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. 10: 35 (2005): 149-160.