Forms and Procedures

Most administrative matters pertaining to academic levels are handled by the Registrar's Office at City College of New York. Please refer to the website for the Registrar's Office for all official CCNY policies, and for updates on University-wide forms and procedures.

The Psychology Admin Office has instituted additional policies to help students with the forms and procedures required by the Registrar's Office. These are outlined under the headings below, and are intended to ease the process of completing forms correctly and obtaining official signatures.

If you still have questions after reviewing the information below, please contact the Program Coordinator,

Please use the headers below to search for forms, requirements, and procedures by category. 

Levels I, II, and III

Levels - Doctoral Students

Doctoral tuition charges are based on a student’s “level,” which is determined by a combination of the number of graduate credits completed (including, in the case of transfer students, credits accepted by the student’s degree program and the Office of the Registrar) and specific academic accomplishments.

Level I — Students who have completed fewer than 45 credits of graduate work (including approved transfer credit) or who have not passed the First Examination. 

Note: For billing purposes, courses taken by Level I students on an audit basis will be treated the same as courses taken for credit and will be included in the assessment of tuition charges.

Requirements to advance to Level II: Completion of 45 credits and passing the first doctoral exam. 

Level II — From the semester following the completion of 45 credits (fully earned and evaluated and including approved transfer credits) and passing of the First Examination, to advancement to candidacy. Doctoral levels are determined by completion of credits, examinations, and advancement to candidacy. 

Note: Once you have completed 45 credits and have passed the First Doctoral Exam, email with your unofficial transcript showing that you have taken 45 credits or more and a statement that you have passed the first doc. Please, don't forget to include your EMPLID!

Requirements to advance to Level III: Completion of 90 credits, passing of the Second Doctoral Exam, passing of Research and Scholarship Project and Dissertation Topic Proposal form accepted and approved.

Level III — From the semester following advancement to candidacy. Level III students registering for courses for credit other than 90000 will be charged additional tuition on a per credit basis. Level III students do not incur additional tuition charges for courses audited. 

Registration, Tuition Refund, and Satisfactory Progress


All students are required to be in status each semester. This means that students must either be registered or be on an approved leave of absence. Students on internship must maintain full-time student status.

Information regarding registration procedures will be emailed to eligible students. The student will be advised on curriculum by his or her academic advisor. 

Students delinquent in their financial accounts (or library obligations) will be denied the opportunity to register as well as the issuance of their transcripts or their degree diplomas. In addition, students who fail to meet satisfactory progress requirements, who have not fulfilled New York State immunization laws, or who have outstanding obligations to the Offices of Financial Aid, Admissions, or Residence Life may be denied the opportunity to register.

Information on Policy and Tuition Refund Schedule (PDF) 
Weighted Instructional Units (WIUs)
When and how to register on record with Weighted Instructional Units (WIU) for Ph.D. students:
  • If you are Level I or Level II and you are not planning to take any courses for the semester, you will need to register for Weighted Instructional Units (WIU 7) to maintain your full time status. This will certify you as full time and will not affect any funding you will be receiving.

NOTE: You must register for Weighted Instructional Units (WIU 7) to maintain a full time status.

  • If you are taking courses that add up to less than 7 credits, you will need to register for the appropriate number of Weighted Instructional Units (WIU 1 - WIU 6) along with the courses you are taking to equal 7 credits in order to maintain your full time status.

  • Weighted Instructional Units are billable if you are not paying a flat tuition rate. Registration must be completed prior to the start of the term.

  • WIUs are used by Level I and Level II students only. Level III students have to register for WIUs along with their dissertation supervision course to be considered full-time.

  • The WIU CRN # changes every semester.

Auditing Courses

Matriculated students may audit courses in which they have an interest so that they can increase their knowledge and proficiency. Students must formally register to audit courses in the same manner as for any other course. You must select the audit option in the action field on the Web registration screen. “Unofficial” auditing is not permitted. Auditor status cannot be changed to credit status after the change-of-program period has ended. Likewise, credit status cannot be changed to auditor status after the same period. The grade notation “AUD,” which carries no earned credit, cannot be changed to any other grade.

For doctoral Second- and Third-Level students, who are charged a flat tuition rate, there is no additional charge for auditing courses. For doctoral First-Level students and master’s students, audited courses will be included in the calculation of total credits to determine full- or part-time status. Students registered for 7 or more credits (whether for credit or as an audit) will be charged full-time tuition, whereas students registered for 6 or fewer total credits will be charged per credit. Thus, a student registered for both a 3-credit course for credit and a 3-credit course as an audit will be charged for 6 credits at the per-credit rate; and a student registered for both a 3-credit course for credit and a 4-credit course as an audit will be charged full-time tuition.

ePermit for Students

CUNYfirst Requirements and Instructions on the e-permit process

Complete e-Permit Information and CUNY Policy

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Students must be making satisfactory progress toward the degree in order to maintain status at The City College of New York and to be eligible for any student financial assistance. A student is deemed not to be making satisfactory progress if:

  • he or she has a grade point average below 3.00,
  • has accumulated more than two open grades (“INC,” “INP,” “NGR,” “ABS,” or “ABP”),
  • has completed 45 credits without having passed the First Examination,
  • has completed 10 semesters without having passed the Second Examination,
  • has received two “NRP” grades in succession,
  • or has exceeded the time limit for the degree.

The City College of New York reviews each student’s record every semester. If formal standards have not been met, a student may register (and receive financial aid, if otherwise eligible) only upon petition of the Director of Clinical Training. Students whose petitions are approved are considered to be making satisfactory progress toward the degree and are eligible to receive financial aid.

Please refer to the sections on “Incomplete Grades,” “Standards for Retention,” “Computation of Grade Point Average,” and “Time Limits for Degrees,” which appear in the Student Handbook’s section on “Academic Policies and Procedures” for additional information.

Students who are employed as graduate assistants on departmental adjunct lines, or as research assistants by individual grant holders, must show satisfactory performance in these activities. If this performance is found to be unsatisfactory, such employment may be terminated. This type of termination is independent of satisfactory academic progress.

Grading and Transfer Credits



Regarding the CR/NC Policy and Incompletes
If a student receives a grade INC, the INC will remain on the transcript until the actual grade is earned and posted. At that time, the twenty business day opt-in period begins.

Satisfactory Academic Process
Please refer to The City College Bulletin for the grading system and the requirements to maintain satisfactory academic progress

Standards for Retention
Students' record will be evaluated at the end of each semester, and matriculation may be terminated for unsatisfactory academic performance - generally considered less than a "B" average and/or failure to meet other program requirements.

Transfer of Credits

If you are considering transferring credits:

  • Please check the Student Handbook for specific Transfer Credit Requirements.
  • Please attach a copy of the official transcript to the Transfer Credit Form and email it to .
  • Undergraduate courses taken in excess of baccalaureate requirements may not be offered as advanced standing; nor may Graduate courses taken to meet admission requirements.
  • For the PhD Degree, a student may transfer from other accredited universities not more than 15 credits approved by the Department (no grade below B accepted).
  • The Director reviews courses with the student – students should be prepared to show course descriptions and syllabus of proposed courses to be transferred.
  • The Director completes the Transfer Credit Form with the student.

1.    Discipline, EMPL ID #, Date of Admission, Name and address of student;
2.    Term Ending (semester in which course was taken), Name of Institution, Course Title and Course Number, and Grade received.
3.    CUNY Equivalent (Course name AND number OR number of equivalent blanket credits), CUNY Credits (leave blank if Blanket Credits), Program Director's signature and Date.
4.    Flag courses on the original transcript that are being transferred
5.    If original transcript is not on file in the Admission's Office, attach student’s original transcript and envelope to form. The Program Director should print their name underneath their signature.
6.    The Program Director signs and dates form

En-Route Master's Degree

The City College of New York grants an MA in Psychology to all Psychology Ph.D. students.
If you have a time deadline and need to receive your En-Route Master’s by a certain degree award date, it is best to file your paperwork by the appropriate deadline and to request the En-Route Master’s from the City College of New York.

Basic Requirements for an En-Route Master's:

  • A minimum of 45 GPA credits with an average grade of "B" (Transfer Credits do not qualify for the 45 credit requirement for the En-Route Master's.)
  • Pass the First Doctoral Exam.
  • Completion of a Major Research Paper (RSP).
  • Registered as full-time the semester the paperwork is filed.
  • Students who have a Master's Degree in Psychology from another institution are not eligible for the En-Route Master's Degree.
Degree-Granting Campus for the En-Route Master's Degree

Which college campus will grant my degree?
Only The City College of New York can grant your master's degree for Clinical Psychology. 

All questions concerning the MA degree award should be initially directed to . She may direct your questions to the Registrar.

Application for an En-Route Master's Degree

Students seeking an En-Route Master’s Degree must complete the following application:

Psychology students must process all paperwork for the En-Route Master’s Degree through the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Admin Office at CCNY.

  • Submit the completed En-Route Master’s Application AND a Major Research Paper (RSP) as email attachments. Both documents must be received in order to process the request for the En-Route Masters.
  • The En-Route Master’s Application must be signed by three Faculty Members who have read and approved the Major Paper (RSP). Electronic Signatures or email approvals from a CUNY email address are currently being accepted.
  • The paperwork additionally needs to be signed by the DCT, after which it will be forwarded to the Registrar’s Office for processing.
  • The CCNY Registrar will review all documents. En-Route Master’s Applications requesting the CCNY as the granting institution will be processed within a week or so.
  • There will be a notation posted on your transcript when the En-Route Master’s has been awarded. 

Degree Award Dates for an En-Route Master’s:
The dates at the top of the application form are the Degree Award Dates and not the submission deadline dates. These are the same award dates as the PhD degree.

Application for En-Route Master’s Degree (Award Dates)      
September            February             June            20_____     

Deadline Dates to File for an En-Route Master’s Degree

The 'deposit' deadlines are the same for both the PhD and the En-Route Master’s:

  • Roughly the third week in September (this year September 15, 2021) for a September 30th degree
  • The last week in January for a February 1st degree
  • April 30th for a June degree

How and when will I receive my physical degree?
The physical degree will be available at the annual June Commencement. Degrees are printed one time each year in May. Please contact the Registrar's Office after the third week of June to either pick up your degree, or have your degree mailed to you:

1st & 2nd Doc Exam, Advancement to Candidacy, and MPhil

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to doctoral examinations, advancement to candidacy, and the MPhil degree

First Doctoral Exam

The Ph.D. Program in Psychology requires all students to pass a First Examination, prior to registration for coursework above 45 credits.  All coursework credit (including non-graded credits) and all transfer credits are included in computing this total. The First Examination is intended to assess the student’s progress and likelihood of continuing success in the Program. 

  • Each Area in Psychology determines the content and procedures for its own examination. Passing the First Doctoral Exam and completing 45 credits automatically advances the student to Level II.

    Requirement: Please have the student’s Advisor send an email to the Psychology Admin Office,  stating:

      Student’s Name
      EMPL ID #
      Date the First Doctoral Exam was successfully completed
      No First Doctoral Exam Form is required. 

  • If revisions are required, the date the First Doctoral Exam was successfully completed is the date the revisions were approved – not the original exam date.

    The Psychology Admin's Office will notify the Registrar’s Office and the milestone will be noted at the bottom of the student’s transcript.

    Failure to officially record the First Doctoral Exam will result in a Satisfactory Progress hold being placed on the student’s Registration. The student will not be able to register until the hold is cleared.
Second Doctoral Exam

The Ph.D. Program in Psychology requires all students to pass a Second Doctoral Examination ‘within ten (10) registered semesters of enrolment in a doctoral program.’ 

Requirement: Please have your advisor send an email to the admin office,  stating:

      Student’s Name
      EMPL ID #
      Date the First Doctoral Exam was successfully completed
      No Second Doctoral Exam Form is required. 

Example: John Doe (23456789) passed the Second Doctoral Exam in Psychology on December 1, 2018.

  • If revisions are required, the date the First Doctoral Exam was successfully completed is the date the revisions were approved – not the original exam date.

    The admin office will notify the Registrar’s Office and the milestone will be noted at the bottom of the student’s transcript.

    Failure to officially record the Second Doctoral Exam will result in a Satisfactory Progress hold being placed on the student’s Registration. The student will not be able to register until the hold is cleared.
Advancement to Candidacy

A completed Dissertation Topic and Committee Selection Form initiates the process of moving to Level III and Advancing to Candidacy. This form requests the names of your committee members, the working title of your dissertation, and a summary of your proposed research. 

All the information on this form may change up until the day you defend. Please resubmit this form with any requested changes to . 

Please see the Prerequisites for the Dissertation section of the Forms and Procedures website for further details and instructions.

Prerequisites for the Dissertation (Dissertation topic, Committee Approval, Proposal, HRPP)

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to the doctoral dissertation:

Dissertation Topic and Committee Selection Form

The completed Dissertation Topic and Committee Selection Form initiates the process of moving to Level III and Advancing to Candidacy. This form requests the names of your committee members, the working title of your dissertation, and a summary of your proposed research. NOTE: The City College of New York requires that at least three committee members be CUNY doctoral faculty.

All the information on this form may change up until the day you defend. Please resubmit this form with any requested changes to .

To be certified as a candidate for a doctoral degree (advancement to Level III of the process of earning the doctoral degree), students must have completed the following requirements:

  • completed all required course work (90 credits of which only 15 credits may transferred: see guidelines) with at least an overall B average;
  • all grades are posted on the student’s transcript (any OPEN grades must be cleared before submitting forms to the Program Admin;
  • the First and Second Doctoral Examinations are posted on the student’s transcript;
  • the Committee Chair approves and signs the Dissertation Topic and Committee Selection Form and Statement (original signatures are not required);
  • the completed and signed form and the proposed research summary statement are sent as email attachments to .

The Program Coordinator will review, sign and process the form and statement. If all requirements are met:

  • The student will be sent an Advancement to Candidacy form to complete and return to .
  • The Program Coordinator will notify the Registrar who will process the request to move to Level III and Advancement to Candidacy.
  • The Program Coordinator will send an email to the student informing them that they have been Advanced to Candidacy.
  • Students will register for 90000 Dissertation Supervision and 7 WIUs, which will make them full time matriculated students.
  • Students continue to register for 90000 Dissertation Supervision and 7 WIUs through the semester they defend and/or complete the electronic dissertation deposit. Clinical Psychology students continue to register for 90000 Dissertation Supervision and 7 WIUs while they are on Internship.
Request for Approval of Non-CUNY-Doctoral Faculty Dissertation Committee Member

Please complete the Request for Approval of Non-CUNY-Doctoral Faculty Dissertation Committee Member form for any Non-CUNY-doctoral faculty on your committee. Outside readers should have demonstrable expertise in the appropriate field of study, based on their scholarly work over the recent past. Alumni from CUNY must not have overlapped with the student defending their dissertation.

Send an email attachment of the form and the member's CV to to the Program Coordinator in the Psychology Admin Office. Original signatures are not required. The form and CV will be reviewed by the Psychology Department, and you will be notified by email if the committee member(s) are not approved.

Dissertation Proposal Process

The dissertation proposal is a detailed account of the dissertation research to be conducted. In general, it includes a review of previous research in the area (Chapter 1), a statement of the hypotheses and their rationale, and a description of the research design (Chapter 2). Once the requirements for the First and Second Doctoral Exam have been met, the student may now move on to the Dissertation Proposal.

The student's Dissertation Proposal Committee is composed of three CUNY Doctoral Faculty members. The Dissertation Proposal Committee meets at least once to approve the Dissertation Proposal, and to sign off on the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form. Once the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form has been signed:

  1. A scanned copy of the approved Dissertation Proposal and Dissertation Proposal Approval Form is sent to the Program Coordinator, in the Psychology Admin Office. (Original signatures are not required on the Dissertation Proposal Approval Form - a scanned copy of the original document is fine).
  2. The student retains a copy of the approved Dissertation Approval Form for their records.
  3. After the Dissertation Proposal is approved, the student must apply to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval to conduct the proposed research. This approval must be granted before the student begins their dissertation research. For detailed information, please go to the CUNY HRPP website: .
  4. Mandatory notification requirements and travel insurance are required for international academic travel by graduate students for independent research, internships, language study, practicums, conference attendance/presentation, or job interviews regardless of the source of funding. 
Human Subjects Research Protection Program (HRPP)

The CUNY Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) is responsible for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects in research projects conducted at CUNY or by CUNY faculty, staff and students and RF CUNY staff. The program provides oversight, administrative support and educational training to ensure that CUNY research complies with federal and State regulations, University policy and the highest ethical standards. The CUNY HRPP comprises of 5 University Integrated Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and 19 on-site HRPP offices.

The CCNY Bulletin: Human Subjects Compliance
City College has an ethical and legal commitment to protect human subjects in research. All such research, whether for the dissertation or for other purposes, must be reviewed and approved by the CUNY HRPP (Human Research Protection Program) prior to its initiation. This includes interviews, observations, questionnaires, use of previously collected data with identifiers, and any other methods by which data are obtained from human subjects. Student researchers who are conducting research with human subjects must complete the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) human subjects training, as must their advisors.
Important Information for Student Principal Investigators (P.I.s) Concerning Internal Review Board (IRB) Submissions: CUNY graduate students must submit their research protocols involving human subjects research to the HRPP Office at the CUNY College with which their faculty advisor has his/her primary affiliation. This applies to new and open protocols. Thus, any P.I. with an open IRB protocol must submit continuing review applications, amendments, and/or closure forms to the advisor’s primary campus irrespective of where he/she submitted the original application.

*All CUNY students must submit their human subjects research protocols to the HRPP office at the CUNY campus with which their faculty advisor has their primary affiliation. Contact information for the HRPP Coordinator at each CUNY College is available here. 

Contact CCNY HRPP:
Tricia Mayhew-Noel
Director, Research Compliance & Safety

--- --- ---

Non-Human Animals Hunter College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Both federal and state regulations require the humane treatment of animals used in research and educational activities. Meeting these requirements is the function of the Hunter College Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IACUC, the veterinarian, and the Manager of the Hunter College Animal Facility. Quality science requires quality animal care. The IACUC, the Hunter College veterinarian, and the facility manager work together with the researcher to ensure that animal experiments and educational activities are conducted in accordance with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles. All studies involving the use of live animals must be approved by the IACUC. This applies to all vertebrate animals, even those that do not enter the animal facilities and those that may be sacrificed upon arrival. It also includes animal studies performed at other institutions by Hunter faculty and staff.

Dissertation Defense, Final Forms, and Electronic Deposit

Dissertation Timelines for Completion of Degree 

You are not required to follow this time frame. It is only a suggestion of how you might plan for your defense.
Please use these Timelines as an example and guide in estimating how long it might take to defend and deposit - so you can plan accordingly.
What IS REQUIRED is that you submit 3 of the 5 Dissertation Evaluation Forms to the APO for Academic Support and Student Progress 4 weeks prior to your defense date so we can officially notify the Provost’s Office of your defense. The remaining 2 Dissertation Evaluation forms may be turned in any time on or before the Dissertation Defense.
It is advised that you work closely with the Chair of your committee to lay out a time frame en-route to your defense date allowing time for all committee members to read the dissertation, provide feedback, and agree upon a date and time for the defense. Remember to take into account if any of your committee members will be on sabbatical.
All forms related to the Dissertation Defense should be downloaded from the Forms & Procedures page. Also, see Appendix: Dissertation Forms at the end of each Timeline document.
Please contact, , if you have any questions.

Request for Approval of Non-CUNY-Doctoral Faculty Dissertation Committee Member

Please complete the Request for Approval of Non-CUNY-Doctoral Faculty Dissertation Committee Member form for any Non-CUNY-doctoral faculty on your committee. Outside readers should have demonstrable expertise in the appropriate field of study, based on their scholarly work over the recent past. Alumni from CUNY must not have overlapped with the student defending their dissertation.

Send an email attachment of the form and the member's CV to to the Program Coordinator in the Psychology Admin Office. Original signatures are not required. The form and CV will be reviewed by the Psychology Department, and you will be notified by email if the committee member(s) are not approved.

Dissertation Evaluation Forms

THREE Dissertation Evaluation Forms must be received four weeks prior to the dissertation defense date in order for the Psychology Admin Office to officially notify the Provost’s Office of the defense. Outstanding Dissertation Evaluation Forms must be received by the day of the defense.

Top Section of Form: The student fills our EVERYTHING in the form before distributing it to committee members. The Advancement to Candidacy date is found at the bottom of your transcript. Be sure to complete the section for Chairperson and Evaluator and the Campus for each.

  • The Dissertation Evaluation form is writeable. Illegible forms will be returned.
  • Original faculty signatures are not required. Electronic signatures are accepted.
  • Please Note: Students should consult with their advisor about the timely distribution of Dissertation Evaluation Forms to committee members.

Please send the completed form as an email attachment to the Program Coordinator. The form may be sent to  either by the student, the advisor, the committee member, or the Administrative Support person for your program.

  1. Psychology Dissertation Defense Announcements: Once a dissertation defense has been set, email the program administrator, the dissertation chair, and Sasha Rudenstine the following information.

    i).  Dissertation Title
    ii). Dissertation Abstract
    iii). Date, time, and location (or Zoom link) for the defense.

  • Contact the Program Coordinator for room reservations in the NAC on the 7th or the 8th floor.
Dissertation Defense

Dissertation Defense Committee Composition

At least three members of the dissertation defense committee must be members of the CCNY doctoral faculty. If any of your dissertation committee members are not CUNY Doctoral faculty, please see the subheading "Request for Approval of Non-CUNY Doctoral Faculty Dissertation Committee Member" on the prerequisites for dissertation section above for further instructions. 

Report of Final Examination

Before the dissertation defense, the student will complete the top section of the Report of Final Examination form, including committee members’ names and affiliations. The form is then sent as an electronic attachment to the Committee Chair.

At the end of the dissertation defense, committee members will send an electronically signed Report of Final Examination form or an email approval of the defense to . The Committee Chair will complete the form indicating whether the exam has been passed without revisions, with minor revisions, with major revisions, or whether the student

Approval of Revised Dissertation Form

Upon completion of the required revisions to the dissertation, the student completes the top section of the Approval of Revised Dissertation Form and sends it as an email attachment to the Committee Chair for approval.

If there are minor revisions, the Approval of Revised Dissertation Form will require the electronic signature or email approval of the Committee Chair once the revisions are completed and accepted.

If there are major revisions, the Approval of Revised Dissertation Form will require the electronic signature or email approval of the Committee Chair and two other committee members once the revisions are completed and accepted.

The form should then be emailed to the Program Coordinator, , who will get the approval and forward the form on to the administration for further processing.

Dissertation Approval (Signature) Page

The final form for completing the dissertation process is the Dissertation Approval (Signature) Page.

The student will create this form – there is no official ‘form’ to complete. The Dissertation Approval Page is printed on regular paper. The Director of Clinical Training is Dr. Steven Tuber. Please type the Program Director's name, the Committee Chair’s name, and all of the committee members' names on the form (no signatures required for committee members).

The Committee Chair will either sign the form electronically or send an email approval with the form to .

The Program Coordinator, , will get the Program Director's signature and will forward the Dissertation Approval Page to the Dissertation Librarian. Once it is received and noted, you will be notified by the Dissertation Librarian, and you will then be able to finalize the Electronic Deposit.

Electronic Deposit

Students may start the Electronic Deposit any time after the Approval of Revisions has been completed.
The electronic deposit is complete when:

  • The Psychology Admin Office receives the signed and approved Dissertation Approval (Signature) Page
  • The student has successfully uploaded the dissertation
  • Ching-Jung sends the student an email notification that the electronic deposit has been successfully completed

If you want to order personal bound print copies of your dissertation, you may either place an order through ProQuest (the option will be presented to you during the upload process), or you may order directly through Acme Bookbinding [], the same bindery that produced the library’s bound copies. They are located in Massachusetts and are slightly less expensive than ProQuest. The Library DOES NOT handle the orders.

Contact Information for Theses and Dissertations at The City College Libraries

Charlene Darbassie

Assistant, Office of the Dean

Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership


Dissertation Format Guidelines

Full details for formatting the dissertation for deposit are found here:

The library reviews all submissions for adherence to the formatting guidelines listed on this page. Please pay special attention to the required Page Sequence and pagination requirements. The library  may request minor edits to comply with their format guidelines. The format edits must be completed within one week of the deposit date.

If you are having issues with using Microsoft Word, several helpful guides are available in the University of Michigan's instructional pages.

Applying for Graduation

Please be sure to apply for graduation in CUNYfirst. To do so, log in to CUNYfirst and select Student Center from the main menu. Under Academics, click on My Academics and select "Apply for Graduation.” Click on the “Apply for Graduation” link located next to your current CCNY degree program. You will be prompted to select a graduation term. Students filing for the February degree date should select the preceding Fall term; students filing for the May/June degree should select the current Spring term; students filing for the September degree should select the Summer term. This will notify various offices at The City College of New York, including the Library, that you plan to deposit a dissertation, thesis, or capstone project for the next degree date. Students can “View Graduation Status” to see when each program has been applied, approved (all degree requirements met), or awarded (degree has been conferred).

Transcripts and Academic Standing

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to transcripts and academic standing:

CCNY Student Transcript Requests can be made here! 
Confirmation of Good Academic Standing

Certain grant and fellowship applications require a letter confirming that a student is in good academic standing in the Ph.D. Program in Psychology at CCNY. To request a Letter of Good Academic Standing, please email  to confirm your academic standing, and include the following details:

- Student’s full name
- Student’s CUNYfirst EMPL ID #
- Name of the grant/fellowship
- Application deadline
Please allow 3-5 business days to process your request.

The Program Coordinator will confirm whether you are in good academic standing, and the Psychology admin officer will email you a signed Letter of Good Academic Standing.

Psychology Forms/Signature Procedures

To ease the burden of obtaining and processing physical signatures, the Program Director has modified the procedure for obtaining Faculty, Advisor, or Committee Chair signature approvals on all forms - in accordance with university requirements.

As of March 16, 2020, and until further notice: 
The University and the Psychology Executive Office will accept an electronic signature or an email approval for forms requiring Faculty, Advisor, or Committee Chair signatures. the Program Coordinator will get the required approval on all paperwork and will process approved paperwork on to the appropriate administrative offices.

For electronic signature approvals:
Please send completed forms with the electronic signature(s) and any required documentation as email attachments to  for processing.

For email approvals:

Requested signer will send an email approval from a CUNY email account to . The email should end with the person’s e-info: title, professional affiliation, and contact info.

Please send the completed form (minus the signature), the email approval, and any required documentation as email attachments to for processing.

Program Withdrawal and Readmission

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to program withdrawal and readmission.
Request for Program Withdrawal

Written notice of voluntary withdrawal from a doctoral program must be approved by the Program Director, forwarded to the Office of the Registrar, and cleared by the offices of Financial Aid, International Students (if applicable), the Library, and the Bursar. Such notice must be submitted prior to the end of the third week of classes of a given semester to avoid full tuition liability for that semester. To resume study, a former student must apply to the program for readmission.

Students requesting to withdraw from the program should first contact the Program Director, Steven Tuber,  

The CCNY Bulletin: Readmission

Readmission following a withdrawal is at the discretion of the student’s program. A special Application for Readmission must be filed in the Office of the Registrar, and cleared by the offices of Financial Aid, International Students (if applicable), the Wellness Center, the Library, and the Bursar. It will be forwarded to the appropriate academic program office for consideration. A $20 readmission fee will be assessed.

Before a student is considered for readmission to Psychology, they will need to meet with their Advisor to work out an acceptable plan for readmission and any specific conditions that must be met. An email with the terms for readmission should be sent to the Program Director, Steven Tuber,  

International Students

International Students

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to international students:

Taxes and Social Security Number (SSN)
  • All International Students are subject to taxation on all U.S. source income and must file annual reports ("tax returns") with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regardless of whether or not they received any income. Although the Office of International Students is not able to provide income tax advice, it does make available appropriate information concerning Federal (U.S.) and New York State tax requirements.  The City College of New York makes the Sprintax online tax preparation software available for students to help them prepare their annual U.S. tax returns.

Additional information and resources:

For questions or additional information, contact the Office of International Students.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) Recommendation Form

Please contact the Office of International Students to apply for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). 


Applying for Graduation 

Please be sure to apply for graduation in CUNYfirst. To do so, log in to CUNYfirst and select Student Center from the main menu. Under Academics, click on My Academics and select "Apply for Graduation.” Click on the “Apply for Graduation” link located next to your current CCNY degree program. You will be prompted to select a graduation term. Students filing for the February degree date should select the preceding Fall term; students filing for the May/June degree should select the current Spring term; students filing for the September degree should select the Summer term. This will notify various offices at CCNY, including the Library and the Dean’s Office, that you plan to deposit a dissertation for the next degree date. Students can “View Graduation Status” to see when each program has been applied, approved (all degree requirements met), or awarded (degree has been conferred).

Graduation Dates and Deadlines

There are three degrees conferred each academic year. Deadlines are listed in the academic calendar and reproduced below.

2023–2024 Academic Year

Degree Date

September 1, 2023

February 1, 2024

June 1, 2024

Last semester enrolled

Spring 2023

Fall 2023

Spring 2024

Apply for

in CUNYFirst

March 1 - May 27, 2023

Aug 1 -Oct 7, 2023

Nov 2023 – mid-Feb 2024**

Library deposit deadline

August 19, 2023



*Students should check with the Program administration closer to the time to learn the exact date, once this has been established by the library.

**Students should check the Spring 2023 academic calendar when it is released by the College for exact dates.

NOTE: Students should check website for details about other paperwork that is required to graduate, in addition to the library deposit deadlines above.

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to commencement:

Commencement is held annually in May/June.

  • Graduation invitations are mailed to all eligible graduates in April.

  • Diplomas are issued to the graduates at the commencement ceremony.
  • Graduates not participating in the Commencement ceremony may pick up their diplomas two business days after the commencement at the Registrar's Office.
  • Graduates who are unable to pick up their diplomas in-person should contact the Registrar's Office at 212-650-7850 for diploma delivery information.
  • In the event the original diploma has been lost or destroyed, a new diploma will be issued as a duplicate and will bear a notation to that effect. The duplicate diploma fee is $30.00 USD. Please send a written request along with a payment by check or money order payable to The City College of New York to the Registrar's Office for processing.

The City College of New York

Office of the Registrar

160 Convent Avenue, Room A-102

New York, NY 10031


Alumni Listserv

Once you have graduated from the Ph.D. Program in Psychology, contact the program webmaster so that you can be added to the alumni listserv.

Office 365 Email Changes

As part of the CUNY enterprise agreement with Microsoft, every CUNY graduate is entitled to receive the following: 

  • Business-class email account, including calendar and contacts with a 50 GB inbox
  • Mobile access available from all phones that can receive email, including Windows Phone, iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices
  • Mailbox protection, including premier anti-malware and anti-spam technology via Exchange Online Protection

NOTE: The Graduates plan does not include the ability to download Microsoft Office 365, or provide access to library services or tools.


Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to New York State residency:

New York State Residency

For the purposes of determining tuition charges, a student is considered a resident of the state of New York if he or she has his or her principal place of abode in the state of New York for a period of at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the first day of classes for the semester with respect to which the residency determination is made, states an intention to permanently live and maintain a principal place of abode in New York State, and is not in the United States on any temporary visa. International students cannot qualify for resident tuition because the U.S. government requires an international student to maintain a permanent home overseas to which he or she intends to return.

Find the Form for Petition to Change Residency here! 

Faculty Instructions

Please see the headings below for forms, requirements, and procedures related to academic work at The City College of New York:

The Psychology Admin Office has compiled the following resources for Psychology faculty, to assist with the completion of academic forms and other administrative matters.

If you still have questions after reviewing the information below, please contact the Program Coordinator, Melissa Mayers-Morris at


For attendance submission questions, please contact .


Satisfactory Academic Process
Please refer to The City College Bulletin for the grading system and the requirements to maintain satisfactory academic progress

Standards for Retention
Students' record will be evaluated at the end of each semester, and matriculation may be terminated for unsatisfactory academic performance - generally considered less than a "B" average and/or failure to meet other program requirements.

Change of Grade 

Instructors for courses with open grades must complete a Change of Grade form and submit it to the Psychology Admin Office. The Registrar’s Office does not accept electronic or stamped signatures. The course instructor can request the form from their Administrative Staff, from the Program Coordinator, or from the Registrar. The completed form is sent to the Program Coordinator as an email attachment. The coordinator will get the necessary signature and will forward the form on to the Registrar’s Office. Incomplete forms will be returned to the instructor.

COVID-19 Signature Update
Instructors may use electronic signatures until further notification. Email approvals, as well as signed and scanned forms, are also accepted.

Last Updated: 08/09/2024 12:13