
Spring Research Ethics Seminar

Lectures and Seminars are on Thursdays: 12:30-1:45pm

This course has two components: the shortcourse on Research Ethics and Seminars.

Course Objectives for the Research Ethics shortcourse:

This course will cover some of the major topics in research ethics. The introductory lecture will examine the applicability of ethical concepts to science as well as the philosophical and historical underpinnings of research ethics. During the course we will cover issues of misconduct, conflict of interest in research, disparities in research participation, research on animals, and we will discuss the ethical implications of neuroscience.

Upon completion of the course, the students should be able to identify and discuss the ethical principles covered in the course; identify the application of those principles to research ethics; improve their ability to identify ethically challenging issues as they arise in research; and improve their ability to reason through and resolve ethical issues.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is MANDATORY for all the sessions.  Grade in this course will depend on the attendance and participation in the lectures and seminars. In addition to regular attendance and participation, the students are required to pass a final exam and to give a bullet point presentation of their research.

Last Updated: 07/05/2023 10:36