Why Asian Studies?

Why Asian Studies

Many students ask, "Why should I choose Asian Studies as a major? What kind of job will I be able to find after graduation?" For students interested in studying Asia, there are generally three areas of study that can lead to an exciting, and stimulating occupation.

First: students who are interested in the histories, languages, or ethnic studies of East, South, and/or Southeast Asian countries can prepare themselves for a career in academia. An undergraduate degree in Asian Studies is a great stepping stone toward a PhD. in the Asian Humanities or Social Sciences.

Second: those who are interested in business will find that Asian Studies in combination with a degree in economics, finance, or an MBA, can be a great asset for pursuing an international profession in today's globalized economy.

Third: a career in the Foreign Service with the US Department of State (as a Foreign Service officer), or working in an international agency dealing with Asia, is another excellent opportunity afforded to those who have a good understanding of Asia and are also skilled in Asian languages.

With the great variety of interesting and intellectually stimulating courses offered by the Asian Studies Program, and with the growing importance of these subjects in today's world, it is easy to see why Asian Studies would be an exciting and practical alternative for those who desire to pursue a fascinating career path in the future. With a good attitude, clearly defined goals, and hard work one is sure to find success.

Last Updated: 11/10/2015 14:05