Data Request Form

Pease be as specific as possible in your requests, including the purpose for which you are requesting the data, how it will be used, and the variables you wish to include. We may need follow-up to clarify or refine your request before processing. Please allow 2-3 working days for initial follow-up and at least 2 weeks minimum for processing of your requests.

The request form will take approximately 8 minutes to complete. For all questions, please email .

Requester information
Data Requesting
Is this for internal or external reporting?
Data Security and Student Records Access Policy

Please review the following guidelines to adhere to CUNY policies on accessing student records:

The person granted access to data and/or reports...

will download and save reports only to a password protected device or secure network drive
will not disclose or provide access to all or any part of the information contained in the data files except to those having legal or otherwise permissible rights
will share reports using the CCNY Secure File Transfer ( or another secure file sharing method
I have reviewed CUNY's privacy policy and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and agree to its terms and IR's terms for accessing requested data