
CCNY In the News

December 30, 2021

Documentary on tragic Native American incident results in film awards

Long Island Advance Q&A with CCNY filmmaker and professor Campbell Dalglish, whose "Savage Land" documentary is picking up numerous awards.
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December 30, 2021

Mystery donor sends box of cash to college

Good Morning America piece on anonymous $180K gift to CCNY
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December 30, 2021

Op-Ed: How the U.S. could help prevent the Russia-Ukraine crisis from morphing into war

Los Angeles Times op-ed by CCNY international relations professor Rajan Menon on how the U.S. can help prevent war between Russia and Ukraine.
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December 20, 2021

4 awards for Scanlon’s ‘Love Song'

Irish Echo piece on the success of "The Butterfly Love Song" by CWE librarian, playwright and author Seamus Scanlon at the Underground Cinema in Dublin.
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December 03, 2021

'Spirit of resistance': Marking 500 years since the first slave revolt in the Americas

NBC News piece on the "The Struggle for Freedom in La Española" organized by the CCNY-based CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. It marks the 500th anniversary of the first revolt of enslaved people in the Caribbean.
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November 22, 2021

Op-Ed: How U.S.-China ‘competition’ could lead both countries to disaster

Los Angeles Times op-ed by CCNY professor of international relations Rajan Menon on US-China trade relations.
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November 10, 2021

¿Por qué la primera gran reunión de Eric Adams como Alcalde electo de NYC fue en República Dominicana?

El Diario ewspaper of the Dominican Republic quotes Ramona Hernández, director of the CCNY-based CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
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November 01, 2021

Myriam Sarachik, Physicist Who Plumbed Magnetism, Dies at 88

New York Times obituary of CCNY Distinguished Professor Myriam Sarachik
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October 07, 2021

Alumnos de la escuela Spitzer ganan el premio internacional de paisaje en Barcelona

Spanish-language Noticias Ultimas reports on victory by CCNY Spitzer School architecture students in international landscape competition in Barcelona, Spain.
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