Faculty and staff profiles

Faculty and Staff

Richard Horwitz

Adjunct Professor

o: North Academic Center

Lydia Hoshovskyj

Library Assistant Circulation

o: NAC
p: 212-650-7174

Craig Houser

Lecturer, Art History, Museum Studies

o: 244 Compton - Goethals Hall
p: 212-650-5963

Katherine Howard

CUNY Office Assistant

o: 102 H E Wille Administration Bldg

Annie J. Howell

Distinguished Lecturer

o: Shepard Hall

Elsuida Hoxha

Non-Teaching Adj Doct 2

Matthew Hoyt

Adjunct Lecturer

Yu-Yun Hsieh

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Gavin Hsu

Non-Teaching Adj Doct 2

Danian Hu


o: 5/129D North Academic Center

Helen Hu

Non-Teaching Adjunct 2

Carol Huang

Assistant Professor, Education Foundations

o: 5/204A North Academic Center
p: 212-650-7537

Da-Wei Huang

Senior Applied Research Associate

o: 118 Marshak Science Building
p: 212-650-5731

Joann Huang

Communications Publications Editorial Manager

o: 157 Shepard Hall

Karen Hubbard


o: 631 Marshak Science Building
p: 212-650-8566

Kesia Hudson

Managing Director, Standard Chartered Women Entrepreneurs Pr...

p: 212-650-7490

Kevaughn Hunter

Adjunct Assistant Professor

Kimberly Huppert

Assistant Professor

o: 718 Marshak Science Building
p: 212-650-6318

Denise Hurd


o: 311 Compton - Goethals Hall
p: 212-650-6666

Jackie Hurt

Case Worker (POISED at Home)

o: 7/310 North Academic Center
p: 212-650-6591

Chanda Huston

Adjunct Assistant Professor

o: 25 Broadway, 7th Floor

Dina Huxley

Adjunct Lecturer

Athalia Hylton


o: H E Wille Administration Bldg

Lauren Hynd

Exam Proctor

o: NAC 1/218
p: 212-650-7942