Ali Sadegh
Steinman Hall
Ali Sadegh
Professor Sadegh is the Founder and Director of the Center for Advanced Engineering Design and was the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CCNY. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer, P.E., and a Certified Manufacturing Engineer, CMfgE. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award from the Bioengineering Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1992 and was the recipient of the Melville Medal from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1993. He is also the recipient of the Inventor Award from General Motors Corp.
Professor Sadegh has been elected to Fellow of ASME and Fellow of SME (society of Manufacturing Engineering). He was Chairman of Chapter 320 of Society of Manufacturing Engineers, New Jersey. He is reviewer of many national and international archived journals. He was the director of the Selected Program in Science and Engineering (SPISE) at CCNY. Dr. Sadegh has conducted research and has over 180 publications including 15 book chapters. He also has 23 US patents and 50 technical reports. He is the lead editor and author of 7 chapters of Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, published by McGraw Hill. He is one of the two authors of Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain book, published by McGraw Hill. He has over 112 presentations at major conferences and over 32 invited presentations at conferences and universities. Throughout the years he received research funding from many federal agencies and industrial sponsors, including NSF, ONR/ASEE, AFOSR, ALCOA, Lucent Technologies, General Dynamics, Con-Edison, ATK-GESL, NCIIA, Multi Flex, ASML, Edwards Lifesicences, Roanwell Corp. and CUNY. He has organized and chaired many technical sessions at conferences. He was an Evaluator of Mechanical Engineering programs of Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET) 1996-2004.
- B.S. (M.E.), 1972, Sharif University of Technology
- M.S. (M.E.), 1975, Michigan State University
- Ph.D.(M.E.), 1978, Michigan State University
- Postdoctoral, 1979, University of Michigan
Courses Taught
- Accidental Injury biomechanics
- Automotive Safety Design and Injury Biomechanics
- Senior Design Projects I and II
- Composite Materials
- Boundary Element Methods
- Finite Element Methods
- Machine Design
- Computer Aided Design
- Manufacturing Processes
- Materials Advance Stress Analysis
- Theory of Elasticity
- Theory of Vibration
- Advanced Vibration
- Advanced Numerical Methods
- Complex Variable Analysis
Research Interests
A: Mechanical engineering:
- Material modeling and computational mechanics;
- Composite materials;
- Mechanics of Woven/Braded Fabrics;
- Mechanics and Testing of Drop-Stitch and Air Inflated Structures;
- Automotive Safety;
- Mechanical Systems Analyses; and,
- Design and Manufacturing of Novel Devices.
B: Biomechanics:
- Brain Biomechanics, Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injuries in Sports and Accidents, Histology and Morphology and Structural Architecture of Subarachnoid Space;
- Skeletal Biomechanics, Cervical Spine Injuries in Sports and Accidents, Discectomy and Fusion;
- Prosthesis, Medical and Rehabilitation Devices;
- Accidental injury biomechanics
- Bone Remodeling, Bone and Implants Interactions, Osseointegration, Fracture Damage and Healing of Bone;
- Implant Design and Biodynamic;
- Computational Biomechanics; and,
- Body-Machine Interaction, Ergonomics and Human Factors.
- Yuyang Song, Paul Cavallaro, and Ali Sadegh, “Structural Rigidity Analysis of Inflatable Wing Designs Constructed with High-Performance Fabric Membranes” Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE) IMECE2023-112189, October 29-November 2, 2023,
- Pradip Thapa, Shahab Mansoor Baghaei, and Ali M. Sadegh, “Analytical Impact Analysis of The Brain Motion In Low-Velocity Head Impacts Using Concentric Viscoelastic Bodies” Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE) IMECE2021-73590, November 1-5, 2021
- “Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain”, Richard G. Budynas, and Ali M. Sadegh, Ninth edition, book 905 pages, McGraw-Hill Publication, April 2020
- Shahab Mansoor-Baghaei, Ali M. Sadegh, and Shawn Charles “Characteristics of HIC in prediction of mTBI relating to crash pulses” Int. J. Vehicle Design, Vol. 80, No. 1, PP 59-81, 2019
- Arpad Bakonyi, Avi Faitelewicz, Siavash Hashemi, and Ali Sadegh, “Properties Of The Six Layers Of The Gray Matter” SB3C2019 Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference June 25 -28, Seven Springs, PA, USA 2019.
- Mahir D. Rafi, Ali M. Sadegh and Zelda Frankel, “Impact Analysis of Bubble Soccer to Prevent Head Injuries” Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE) IMECE2019-10650, November 8-14, 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Hashemi, S. and Sadegh, A.M. ‘The effects of trabecular architectures on transferring dynamic loads to the brain’, Int. J. Experimental and Computational Biomechanics, Vol. 4, Nos. 2/3, pp.95–112, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Mechanics of Materials”, Chapter 3.2, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 214 to 253, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Nonmetallic Materials”, Chapter 4.7, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 418 to 422, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Mechanism”, Chapter 6.1, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 607 to 614, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Machine Elements”, Chapter 6.2, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 614 to 689, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Surface Texture Designation, Production, and Quality Control”, Chapter 4.15, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 516 to 518, 2018.
- Sadegh Ali, “Introduction to Biomechanics”, Chapter 12.6, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 1431-1457 2018.
- Cavallaro Paul, and Sadegh Ali, “Air-Inflated Fabric Structures”, Chapter 12.5, 12th Edition of Marks Handbook, McGraw-Hill PP 1419-1431, 2018.
- “Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers”, Ali Sadegh and William Worek, 12th edition, over 1500 pages, McGraw-Hill Publication, November 2017.
- Siavash Hashemi, Doug Jahnke, Ali Sadegh and Yiannis Andreopoulos, “The effect of shock waves on brain blood pressure; experimental and computational studies” Int. J. Experimental and Computational Biomechanics, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016
- Peyman Honarmandi, Ali Sadegh and Paul Cavallaro, “Modeling and Impact Analysis of Football Player Head with Helmet Toward Mitigating Brain Concussion” Int. J. of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics, Vol. 3, No. 4, 2015
- Parisa Saboori and Ali Sadegh, “"Histology and Morphology of the Brain Subarachnoid Trabeculae," Anatomy Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 279814, 9 pages, 2015.
- Shahab Baghaei, and Ali Sadegh, “The impact of arbitrary oriented ellipsoidal shell with a barrier: Analytical study” J. of Applied Mechanics, APRIL, Vol. 82 041005-1-8, 2015.
- Shahab Baghaei, and Ali Sadegh, "A closed form solution for the impact analysis of elastic ellipsoidal thin shells", J. of Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 93, PP 54-63, 2015
- Parisa Saboori and Ali Sadegh, “Morphology of the Brain Sub Arachnoid Space; An Experimental Technique and Analytical Model.” Proceedings of the 17th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Michigan State University, B-08-324, June 2014.
- Mansoor-Baghaei, P. Saboori, A. Sadegh, “New Shortcoming of HIC, HIP and Improved Head Injury Criteria” Proceedings of 7th World Congress of Biomechanics, Boston, MA, M186, July, 2014.
- Parisa Saboori and Ali Sadegh, “On the Properties of Brain Sub Arachnoid Space and Biomechanics of Head Impacts Leading to Traumatic Brain Injury”, Advances in Biomechanics & Applications, An International Journal", Vol. 1, No. 4 253-267, PP 253-267, (2014)
- Parisa Saboori and Ali Sadegh, “"Histology and Morphology of the Brain Subarachnoid Trabeculae," Anatomy Research International, vol. 2015, Article ID 279814, 9 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/279814.
- Saboori, P. Sadegh, A. ,"Head-brain-SAS Biomechanics and TBI in Sports and Accidents", Book Chapter 40, Routledge Handbook of Ergonomics in Sports and Exercise, Edited by Y. Hong: Published by Taylor & Francis, p-494-510, 2013.
- Sadegh, A and Cavallaro, P. " Mechanics of Energy Absorbability in Plain-Woven Fabrics: An Analytical Approach", the Journal of Engineering Fibers and Fabrics, Vol. 7, issue 1, 2012.
- Honarmandi, P., Sadegh, A., "Modeling and Impact Analysis of Football Helmets: Toward Mitigating mTBI", Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE), IMECE2012-87173, Houston, Texas, November 9-15, 2012.
- Saboori, P. and Sadegh, A., "The Effect of the Sulcus Morphology on the Transduction of Impacts to the Brain”, Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE), IMECE2012-86689, Houston, Texas, November 9-15, 2012
- "Roark's Formulas for Stress and Strain", Warren C. Young, Richard G. Budynas, and Ali M. Sadegh, eighth edition, 1087 pages, McGraw-Hill Publication, December 2011.
- Shahab Baghaei, and Ali Sadegh, "Elastic Spherical Shell Impacted with an Elastic Barrier: A Closed Form Solution" , International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 48, Issues 22-23, Pages 3257-3266, November 2011
- Shahab Baghaei, Ali Sadegh, and Mohamad Rajaai, "An Analytical Model For Investigating The Role Of Meningeal Interfaces In The Brain Motion Relative To The Skull In Low-Velocity Head Impacts" Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2011
- Saboori, P. and Sadegh, A., "Material modeling of the head's subarachnoid space" Int. J. of Science and Technolgy, Scientia Iranica, Elsevier Publications, volume 18, Issue 6, PP1492-1499, December 2011
- Zoghi M., Sadegh, A, "Equivalent Fluid Model for CSF and SAS Trabeculae Using Head/Brain Damping", Int. J. of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol. 4 No. 4 2010.
- Zoghi M., Sadegh, A, "Global/Local Head Models to Analyze Cerebral Blood Vessel Rupture Leading to ASDH and SAH", Int. J. of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. 12, issue 1, pp1-12, January 2009.
- Sadegh, A., and Cavallaro, P., "Nonlinear Constitutive Relationships of Plain-Woven Fabric for Inflatable Structures", Macro-to Nano-Scale Inelastic Behavior of Materials: Plasticity, Fatigue and Fracture, Edited by Akhtar Khan and Babak Farrokh, Proceedings of PLASTICITY '09, The 15th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications, paper number 256, ISBN 0-9659463-9-8, St. Thomas, January 5, 2009.
- Saboori, P. and Sadegh, A., "The Effect of Mechanical Properties of SAS Trabeculae in transferring Loads to the Brain", IMECE2009-13350, Proceedings of the International Mech. Engr. Congress and Exposition, (IMECE), BED/ASME, Orlando Florida, November 2009.
- Baghaei, S.M., Sadegh, A. M., and Rajaai, S.M. "A Mathematical Head/Brain Model for Investigation of Damping Characteristics of SAS in Low Velocity Head Impacts" Proceedings of the 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, edited by A. McGoron, C-Z Li, and W-C Lin. Also published in the Int. J. of Medical Implants and Devices, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp 58, 2009.
- Tchako A, and Sadegh A. "A Cervical Spine Model To Predict Injury Scenarios And Clinical Instability" Journal of Sports Biomechanics, Vol. 8(1): pp 78-95, March 2009.
- Tchako A, and Sadegh A. "Stress Changes In Intervertebral Discs Of The Cervical Spine Due To Partial Discectomies And Fusion" Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol.131, Iss.5, 2009.
- Zoghi M., Sadegh, A, Watkins, C. and Dan Dunlap "Biodynamics Model for Operator Head Injury In Stand-Up Lift Trucks", Int. J. of Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp 397-405, 2008.
- Parisa Saboori, William Morris, Jizhong Xiao, Ali Sadgeh, "Aerodynamic Analysis of City-Climber Robot", Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio 2007), pp1855-1860, 2007.
- Cavallaro, P., Sadegh, A. and Quigley, C., "Decrimping Behavior of Uncoated Plain-woven Fabrics Subjected to Combined Biaxial Tension and Shear Stresses", Textile Research Journal, Vol.77 (6), PP 403-416, 2007.
- Cavallaro, P., Sadegh, A. and Quigley, C., "Contributions Of Strain Energy And Pdv-Work On The Bending Behavior Of Fabric Air Beams" Journal of Engineered Fibers & Fabrics, Vol 2, Issue 1, 2007.
- "Marks Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers", Avallone, E, Baumeister III,T and Sadegh, A., 11th edition, over 1800 pages, McGraw-Hill Publication, December 2006.
- Jizhong Xiao, Angel Calle, Ali Sadegh, Matthew Elliot, "Modular Wall Climbing Robots with Transition Capability", Proc. 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (IEEE ROBIO), pp246-250, 2005.
- Jizhong Xiao, Ali Sadegh, Matthew Elliot, Angel Calle, Avinash Persad, Ho Ming Chiu, "Design of Mobile Robots with Wall Climbing Capability", Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, pp438~443, July 24-28, 2005.
- Cavallaro, P., Johnson, M. and Sadegh, A. "Mechanics of plain-woven fabrics for inflated structures" International Journal of Composite Structures, Vol. 61, Issue 4, pp 375-393, Sept. 2003.
Recent U.S. Patents:
- Ali M. Sadegh, Jorge E. Gonzalez-Cruz, Joseph James D'Alba; George Victor St. George Farinick; Provisional patent filed; SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MINING A BODY OF WATER on March 28, 2024
- Sadegh Ali M, Jorge E.Gonzalez-Cruz, Joseph James D’Alba, George Victor St. Pierre and George Farinick, “Desalination System” US Patent No.11,401,174, August 2, 2022.
- Sadegh; Ali M., Honarmandi; Peyman, and Cavallaro; Paul V. “Biomimetic and inflatable energy-absorbing helmet to reduce head injuries and concussions” US Patent No. 11,019,871, Issued on June 1, 2021.
- Ali M. Sadegh, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Joseph J. D'alba, and George V. St. Pierre, George Farinick and Joseph Plumbo “Desalination Of Water Using Solar Power” Provisional patent filed: Application Serial No.: 62/893,402, August 29, 2019
- Ali M. Sadegh, Jorge E. Gonzalez, Joseph J. D'alba, and George V. St. Pierre, , "Solar Powered Water Purification Device with Cylindrical Structure-2” US Patent No. 10150050, Issued on December 11, 2018.
- Joseph J. D'alba, George V. St. Pierre, Ali M. Sadegh, and Jorge E. Gonzalez, “Solar Powered Water Purification Device with Cylindrical Structure-1”, US Patent No. 10150049, Issued on December 11, 2018.
- Benjamin Diamond and Ali M. Sadegh, "Portable Adjustable Multiple End Drill Device," Patent No. 9050662, issued on June 9, 2015
- Sadegh, A., Cavallaro, P, Quigley, C, “Deployable and Inflatable Fendering Apparatus and Method”, Patent No. 8,087,371, Issued on January 3, 2012.
- Sadegh, A., Cavallaro, P, Quigley, C, “Compact and Stand-Alone Combined Multi-Axial and Shear Test Apparatus”, Patent No. 8,082,802, Issued on December 27, 2011.
- Sadegh, A, and Wolberge, G, “Page Turner with Moving Page Retaining Arms and Method of Operation”, 7939739, Issued on May 10, 2011.
- Caraballoso, E. A., and Sadegh A., “Retractable Composite Impeller Assembly”, Patent No. 2010/0104437 A1, Issued on April 19, 2010.
Additional Information
Honors and Awards:
- Best Paper Award Bioengineering Division ASME (1992)
- Melville Medal of the ASME (1993)
- Inventor Award from General Motors Corp. (1989)
- Teacher of the Year Award (2006), GSOE the City College of the City University of New York.
- Associate Editor of ASME Journal of Engineering and Science in Medical Diagnostics and Therapy, 2017-present.
- Editor and author of McGraw-Hill’s Marks Mechanical Engineering Handbook 2006, 2011 and 2018.
- Author of “Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain,” with Budynas, R. book, Published by McGraw-Hill, 2011 and 2020.
- Best Design Award from NASA, SATOP program, 2007
- Excellence In Technology Transfer Award from Federal Laboratory Consortium Technolog Transfer 2010 and 2014
- Consulting Editor of McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 2005-2018.
- Member of the Editorial Board of "Scientia Iranica, International Journal of Science and Technology," 1994-present.
- Won Best Design Award from NASA, Space Alliance Technology Outreach Program (SATOP), 2007
- Elected Life FELLOW of ASME (1995)
- Elected Life FELLOW of SME (1996)
- Professional Engineering (PE) Licensed since 1982.
- Certified Manufacturing Engineer, in Design, (CMfgE) since 1988.