Asale Angel-Ajani
Associate Professor
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Drug Trafficking and Women
- Global Trends in the Incarceration and Imprisonment of Women and Girls
- Human Rights in Africa, Latin America, and Asia
- Immigration Detention
- Immigration and Refugees in Europe, Africa, and Asia
North Academic Center

Asale Angel-Ajani
Asale Angel-Ajani is the author three books—a novel and two works nonfiction as well ascountless articles for a variety of publications. Before coming to City College, she was on facultyat the University of Texas at Austin, New York University’s Gallatin School, and Hong KongBaptist University. Her research and writing have been featured in or earned acclaim from the New York Times, CNN, Ms. Magazine, Amazon and other media venues. She is a recipient ofgrants from the Ford, Mellon, and Rockefeller Foundations and has been awarded a HutchinsFamily Fellowship at the Hutchins Center for African and American Research at HarvardUniversity and named a Visiting Scholar at Jordon Center for Advanced Russian Studies at NewYork University. Angel-Ajani holds an MFA in Creative Writing from University of Hong Kong anda PhD in Anthropology from Stanford University.
Asale Angel-Ajani is on leave.
Strange Trade: The Story of Two Women Who Risked Everything in the International Drug Trade
Deaeuses de Droque, Paris: Original Books [translated from the English original Strange Trade]
Engaged Observer:Anthropology, Advocacy and Activism
Forthcoming Books:
Parasitic States and Penal Colonies: Gender, Migration, and the Carceral World Order
A Country You Can Leave (Novel)
Selected Publications
Peer-reviewed Scholarly Journal Articles
Angel-Ajani, Asale. "Peace in the Reign of Chaos: Afro-Colombian Peace Communities and Realities of War," in Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society: Special Issue: TransAfrica Forum: Justice for the African World, Volume 6, Number 2 Spring 2004, pp.10-18.
Angel-Ajani, Asale. "Managing Subjects: Race, Gender and Criminalization," in Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict and World Order, Special Issue: The Intersections of Ideologies of Violence. Vol. 30, No. 3, 2003, pp. 48-62.
Angel-Ajani, Asale. "A Question of Dangerous Races?" In Punishment and Society: The International Journal of Penology, Symposium Issue on Migration, Punishment and Social Control in Europe. 5(4) pp. 433-448, October 2003. London: Sage Publications.
Angel-Ajani, Asale. "Diasporic Conditions: Mapping the Discourses of Race and Criminality in Italy," in Transforming Anthropology: Journal of the Association of Black Anthropologists, a Special Issue on the African Diaspora in Europe 11 (1) pp. 36-46, 2002. Arlington, VA: American Anthropological Association.
Angel-Ajani, Asale. “Italy's Racial Cauldron: Unification, Immigration, and the Cultural Politics of Race," in Cultural Dynamics Special Edition "Dilemmas at the Border" 12(3) pp. 231-252, November 2000. London: Sage Publications.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
“Creative Writing Craft and the Production of Ethnography” in Thinking Through Feminist Ethnography: Methodologies, Challenges, and Possibilities, edited by Dana-Ain Davis and Christa Craven. New York: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2016.
"Peace in the Reign of Chaos: Afro-Colombian Peace Communities and Realities of War," [Reprint] In Press, Race, Globalization and Empire, edited by Manning Marable. New York: Palgrave/Macmillian, 2007.
“Expert Witness: Revisiting the Politics of Listening." Engaged Observer: Advocacy, Activism and Anthropology edited by Victoria Sanford and Asale Angel-Ajani. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2006.
“Displacing Diaspora: Trafficking African Women and Transnational Practice.” In New Perspectives in African Diaspora Studies, edited by Michael Gomez. New York: New York University Press, 2005.
“Global Governance and the Role of African Women” In Global Lockdown: Race, Gender and the Prison Industrial Complex, edited by Julia Sudbury. New York: Routledge Press. 2005.
Editorial, Long Form Essay
“We Travel Like Other People,” in 1966: Journal of Creative Nonfiction 3(1): 16-28. 2015
“Colombia.” Women’s World International, June 2003. Digital.
“The Laboratory of the Forgotten: Colombia,” in Humanus: Journal of Human Rights 4 (1): 25-30. 2003.
“We Are More than Survivors,” in World Pulse Magazine, June 2004.
“The Quality of Light,” in Brownstone Magazine November 4, 2003.
"Peace Communities in Urabá-Chocó, Colombia: Carving Out Peaceful Tomorrows," in Knowledge Exchange," Anthropological Newsletter, 21. 2002