Francisco Salgado-Robles
Associate Professor, Secondary Spanish Education Program Director
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Heritage Language Teaching
- Hispanic Sociolinguistics
- Second Dialect Acquisition
- Second Language Acquisition
- Spanish Applied Linguistics
North Academic Center

Francisco Salgado-Robles
Francisco Salgado-Robles (Ph.D., University of Florida) is Associate Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics and directs the Lower Division Spanish Program (Division of Humanities and The Arts' Department of Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures) and the Secondary Spanish Education Program (School of Education's Department of Teaching and Learning).
Prior to coming to the City College of New York, Professor Salgado-Robles worked for the University of Missouri, the University of Florida, the University of Kentucky, and the College of Staten Island (CSI). At CSI, where he received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor, Professor Salgado-Robles taught courses on Spanish language, Hispanic linguistics, and secondary world language education, coordinated the Spanish Program, developed new curricula for courses in Hispanic linguistics, supervised the Secondary World Language Education Program, and promoted international education among CSI (and CUNY-wide) students. He also launched the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (Sigma Delta Pi) and served as the faculty advisor for the Alpha Alpha Delta Chapter. Furthermore, he worked as a consultant and teacher preparer with Spanish dual-language and heritage language programs across New York City public schools.
His line of inquiry explores three interrelated avenues in the field of Spanish Applied Linguistics: language education, language learning, and language in society. Dr. Salgado-Robles examines how contextual factors help to understand differences in Spanish second language (L2) and heritage language (HL) acquisition, and, more specifically, how L2 and HL learners develop their (socio)linguistic competence in different contexts, e.g., in an at-home classroom, through study abroad experiences, in electronic and community service-learning environments, and in both pre-service and in-service teacher education programs. This research incorporates current theories and methodologies in sociolinguistics and L2 and HL acquisition to examine language variation among native and nonnative speakers of Spanish. To this end, he employs quantitative methods to uncover the social and linguistic factors that shape Spanish at the individual and societal levels. His research has been published in national and international refereed journals (e.g., Boletín de Filología, Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, Heritage Language Journal, Hispania, Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, Lenguas Modernas, Revista Signos, etc.) and books (e.g., Brill, Cuadernos de ALDEEU, John Benjamins, Peter Lang, Routledge, Santiago de Compostela University Press, etc.).
Ph.D., Hispanic Linguistics, University of Florida
M.Ed., Bilingual Education, Universidad Pablo de OIavide (Spain)
M.A.T., Secondary English Education, Universidad de Extremadura (Spain)
M.A., Hispanic Studies, University of Missouri
B.A., English Philology, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses:
EDSE 41300 Methods of Teaching Writing and Reading in Spanish in Secondary Schools
SPAN 32700 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics
SPAN 46200 Spanish Dialectology and Sociolinguistics
SPAN 46301 Spanish in Contact Worldwide
SPAN 46302 Spanish in Contact in the United States
SPAN 49900 Experiential and Service Learning
Graduate Courses:
EDSE 1105E Methods of Teaching World Languages
EDSE 1204E The Teaching of Reading and Writing across the Curriculum Spanish in Secondary Schools
EDSE 1304E The Teaching of Spanish to Heritage Language Learners in Secondary Schools
EDSE 7200I Master's Project
EDSE 7305E Curriculum Design in World Language Teaching
SPAN B9820 Advanced Spanish Phonetics
SPAN V0600 Spanish Morphology and Syntax
SPANE 3400E Spanish Phonetics for Teachers
Selected Publications Include:
Authored Book:
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2018). Desarrollo de la competencia sociolingüística por aprendices de español en un contexto de inmersión en el extranjero. Linguistic Insights Series. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
- Reviewed in Hispania, 102(4), 633–635.
- Reviewed in Sociolinguistic Studies, 12(3-4), 555–558.
- Reviewed in Boletín de ASELE, 59, 79–81.
Edited Volumes:
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Lamboy, E. M. (Eds.). (2020). Spanish across domains in the United States: Education, public space, and social media. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
- Reviewed in Hispania, 105(1), 159–160.
- Reviewed in Boletín de la ANLE, 23, 381–385.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (Ed.). (2019). Advances in Spanish for specific purposes in the United States: Connecting the heritage language pedagogy and the Hispanic community. Viña del Mar, Chile: Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (Ed.). (2018). Service-learning and Spanish for specific purposes in U.S. higher education. New York, NY: Cuadernos de ALDEEU.
Referred Articles:
- Salgado-Robles, F., & George, A. (2019). The sociolinguistic impact of service-learning on heritage learners sojourning in Spain: Vosotros vs. ustedes. Heritage Language Journal, 16(1), 71–98.
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Lamboy, E. M. (2019). The learning and teaching of Spanish as a heritage language through community service learning in New York City. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 52(101), 1057–1077.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2019). Special issue: Advances in Spanish for specific purposes in the United States: Connecting the heritage language pedagogy and the Hispanic community. Revista Signos. Estudios de Lingüística, 52(101), 902–907.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2018a). Efectos del contexto de inmersión en la competencia sociolingüística de EL2: La adquisición del laísmo madrileño. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 74, 307–332.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2018b). Guest editor’s remarks: Service-learning and Spanish for specific purposes in U.S. higher education. Cuadernos de ALDEEU, 33(1), 3–18.
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Kirven, L. (2018). Boosting intercultural competence in Spanish for social service professionals through service-learning. Cuadernos de ALDEEU, 33(1), 159–188.
- George, A., & Salgado-Robles, F. (2018). Raising awareness about heritage language learners in the L2 Spanish classroom: Teacher beliefs and attitudes. Revista de Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 18, 157–181.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2017). Los efectos del contexto educativo en la adquisición del uso del pronombre personal sujeto en español como segunda lengua. Revista Internacional de Lenguas Extranjeras, 7, 85–119.
- Knouse, S., & Salgado-Robles, F. (2015). Expanding the community and enhancing the experience: The dual university model and web 2.0 technologies in a Spanish community service-learning course. The Journal of Language Teaching and Learning, 5(2), 54–73.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2014a). Desarrollo de la competencia estratégica oral en español como segunda lengua mediante el aprendizaje-servicio en el Bluegrass de Mexington. Revista Estudios de Lingüística Aplicada, 59, 125–149.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2014b). Variación dialectal por aprendices de español en un contexto de inmersión en el extranjero: Un análisis cuantitativo del uso leísta en el discurso oral y escrito. Revista Lenguas Modernas, 43(1), 97–112.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2014c). Los efectos del aprendizaje-servicio en la adquisición de la variación regional por aprendices de español en un contexto de inmersión: El caso del leísmo vallisoletano. Revista Electrónica de Lingüística Aplicada, 13, 233–258.
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Díaz-Collazos, A. M. (2012). Variación lingüística en la expresión del pretérito en el español del siglo XIX de España y México: Rasgos deícticos y aspectuales. Boletín de Filología, 47(1), 187–208.
Book Chapters:
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Lorenzo, F. (2025). Enseñanza de español para fines específicos a hablantes de herencia (Teaching Spanish for specific purposes to heritage speakers). In B. A. Lafford, A. Ferreira Cabrera, & E. Arnó Macià (Eds.), Español para Fines Específicos (EFE) / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish for Specific Purposes (SPP) (pp. 317–331). London, UK: Routledge.
- Salgado-Robles, F., & George, A. (2023). Relationship between external factors and development of regional variation (vosotros vs. ustedes) by L2 learners of Spanish in Spain. In S. L. Zahler, A. Y. Long, & B. Linford (Eds.), Study abroad and the second language acquisition of sociolinguistic variation in Spanish (pp. 20–53). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
- Salgado-Robles, F., & Thompson, G. L. (2022). Language learners and service-learning. In K. Geeslin (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and sociolinguistics (pp. 277–290). New York, USA: Routledge.
- George, A., & Salgado-Robles, F. (2021). The long-term impact of a sojourn abroad by heritage language learners of Spanish: The case of vosotros vs. ustedes. In R. Pozzi, C. Escalante, & T. Quan (Eds.), Heritage speakers of Spanish in study abroad (pp. 33–50). London, UK: Routledge.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2020). Relación entre tipo de programa académico en el extranjero, competencia intercultural y adquisición del leísmo por aprendices de español como lengua de herencia. In P. Taboada de Zúñiga Romero & R. Barros Lorenzo (Eds.), Perfiles, factores y contextos en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de ELE/EL2 (pp. 971–983). Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Santiago de Compostela University Press.
- Lamboy, E. M., & Salgado-Robles, F. (2020). Introduction: Spanish in the United States and across domains. In F. Salgado-Robles & E. M. Lamboy (Eds.), Spanish across domains in the United States: Education, public space, and social media (pp. 1–21). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Book Reviews:
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2024).[Review of the book Historias migratorias y educativas de estudiantes transfronterizos entre Estados Unidos y México, by Vilma Huerta Cordova, Tatyana Kleyn, & Mario Enrique López Gopar]. International Migration Review.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2019). [Review of the book The changing landscape of Spanish language curricula, by Alan V. Brown & Gregory L. Thompson]. Hispania, 102(4), 629–631.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2018a). [Review of the book Spanish for the professions, by Marta Boris Tarré & Lori Celaya]. Hispania, 101(1), 160–161.
- Salgado-Robles, F. (2018b). [Review of the book Innovative strategies for heritage language teaching, by Marta Fairclough & Sara M. Beaudrie]. Hispania, 101(3), 471–472.