Michael Lubell
Mark W. Zemansky Professor of Physics Fellow, American Physical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science
Marshak Science Building

Michael Lubell
Michael Lubell is the Mark W. Zemansky Professor of Physics at the City College of the City University of New York. He received his B.A from Columbia University and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Yale, where he was a faculty member for ten years before assuming his position at CCNY. He has held fellowships from the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and visiting appointments at Brookhaven National Laboratory, the University of Texas-Austin, the University of Bielefeld and the Santa Barbara Institute of Theoretical Physics (now the Kavli Institute). He served as CCNY Physics Department chairman for six and half years. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. For 22 years, beginning in 1994, he was director of public affairs of the American Physical Society.
Dr. Lubell's publications comprise more than 300 articles, abstracts and columns in scientific journals, books, conference proceedings and newspapers in the fields of high-energy physics; nuclear physics; atomic, molecular and optical physics; and science policy. He appears on radio and TV in North America, Europe and Asia and is one of the experts most frequently quoted by the U.S. media on science policy issues. He has been a newspaper columnist, a regular "Guest Observer" in Roll Call and a contributor to The Hill. From 1996 until 2016 was the author of a bimonthly column, "Inside the Beltway," in APS News. He has worked on local, state and national political campaigns, has held elective office and has been a policy advisor to several members of the United States Congress. He is credited as being one of the pioneers of science lobbying in Washington.
A.B., Columbia Univ.; M.S., Yale Univ., Ph.D.
Courses Taught
Astronomy 30500
Science 10101
MHC 20301
Research Interests
Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Experimental programs: uv and soft x-ray interactions with two-electron atomic systems and simple molecules; spin-dependence in atomic interactions.
Science and Technology Policy
Michael S. Lubell Science: The Public, Congress and You, Colloquium, Drexel University (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Public, Science and You, Colloquium, University of Illinois (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Public, Science and You, Colloquium, Ohio State University (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Can Science and Politics Coexist?, APS News, 21 (4) (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Circus Is Coming, APS News, (20) 2 (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Department of Energy in the FY 2012 Budget, AAAS Report XXXVI, Research and Development FY 2012, Am. Assn. for the Adv. of Sci. 2012, XXXVI, 88-92 (2012) (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Fix the Hollowing Out of the Supply Chain, Roll Call, April 17, 2012 (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Smart, Not Fat, Cats Fuel Economic Growth, Roll Call, January 29, 2012 (2012).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. LUbell Will Barack Obama Back Down on Science?, APS News, 20 (1) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Morning Coffee, APS News, 20 (3) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Path Forward May Get Considerably Harder, APS News, 20 (5) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Caught in a Vise, APS News, 20 (5) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Summer of Discontent, APS News, 20 (9) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Department of Energy in the FY 2012 Budget, AAAS Report XXXVI, Research and Development FY 2012, Am. Assn. for the Adv. of Sci. 2011, XXXVI, 88-92 (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing and What You Can Contribute, Colloquium, Vanderbilt Univeristy, Nashville, TN (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: MIchael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing and What You Can Contribute, Colloquium, Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE), Los Alamos, New Mexico (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing and What You Can Contribute, Colloquium, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing and What You Can Contribute, Colloquium, Fermi National Laboratory, Batavia, IL (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell What the Public Is Thinking, What Congress Is Doing and What You Can Contribute, National User Facilities Organization Annual Meeting, SLAC National Laboratory, Stanford, CA (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science and the Public, CLEO: 2011 Technical Conference, Baltimore, MD (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science and the Public, American Physical Society March Meeting 2011, Dallas, TX (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Roger Blanford, Adam Burrows, Dennis Kovar, Michael S. Lubell, Jon Morse, Pier Odonne, Carl Wieman and William Zaic Discovery Science in a Time of Harsh Budgetary Constraints, American Physical Society April Meeting 2011, Anaheim, CA (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Testimony on the National Science Foundation, Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science, United States House of Representatives (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science: The Public, Congress and You, Physics Colloquium, CCNY (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell and Burton Richter Energy Efficiency: Transportation and Buildings, Physics of Sustainable Energy II: Using Energy Efficiently and Producing It Renewably, AIP Conf. Proceedings, 1401 (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Wall Street's Loss May Be the Nation's Gain, APS News, 20 (9) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Internal Publication ID: 1785
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Michael S. Lubell The Circus Is Coming, APS News, 21 (2) (2011).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Department of Energy, AAAS Report XXXV Research & Development FY 2011, XXXV, 81-88 (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Vox Populi, APS News, 19 (2) (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell If It's Broken, Fix It, APS News, 19 (4) (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Risk(y) Management, APS News, 19 (6) (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Passions of Politics, APS News, 19 (8) (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Task Ahead, APS News, 19 (10) (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Prospects for American Science, Keynote Address at Advanced Light source User's Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Phillip Schewe, Cathy O'Riordan, Dick Munson, Michael Lubell Green Grid Ironies, 10th National Conference on Science, Policy and the Environment: The New Green Economy, Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael Lubell
Michael S. Lubell How Nasty Can It Get? Prospects for American Science, Advanced Light Source Users Meeting, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Washington Landscape, National User Facilities Organization Annual Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Ridge, LI, NY (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Efficient Enterprises: Powering American Industry, Congressional Briefing: March 19, 2010, United States House of Representatives (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The Electricity Grid, The New Green Economy, National Council for Science and the Environment, Washington, DC (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Letter to the Editor Re "Degree in Three", New York Times, May 29, 2010 (2010).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael Lubell, Skip Laitner Low-Hanging Fruit: The Economics of Energy Efficiency, EESI Congressional Briefing, Rayburn House Office Building (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science, Science, Science, Science!, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Washington, DC (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science in the Obama White House and the 111th Congress: Insights and Speculations, National Academy of Sciences Board on Physics and Astronomy Meeting, Washington, DC (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Science in the Obama White House and the 111th Congress, NIST SAA, Gaithersburg, MD (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell The 2009 Economic Stimulus Bill: What's In It and How It Happened, Science Division Colloquium, CCNY (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Low Hanging Fruit: The Economics of Energy Efficiency, Environmental and Energy Study Institute Congressional Briefing, United States House of Representatives (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Energy Research: Where Basic Science Meets Applied Science, Materials Research Society Advocacy Summit, Pittsburgh, PA (2009).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Burton Richter, David Goldston,George Crabtree, Leon Glicksman, David Goldstein, David Greene, Dan Kammen, Mark Levine, Michael Lubell, Maxine Savitz, Daniel Sperling, Fred Schlachter, John Scofield, James Dawson How America can look within to achieve energy security and reduce global warming, Rev. Mod. Phys., 80, S1-S109 (2008) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael Lubell
Richter B., Goldston D, Crabtree G., Glicksman L., Goldstein D., Greene D., Kammen D., Levine M., Lubell M., Savitz M., Sperling D., Schlachter F., Scofield J., and Dawson, J. Energy Future: Think Efficiency, Rev. Mod. Phys., 80, S1 (2008) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Inside the Beltway - Harry and Nancy, APS News, 17 (10) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Inside the Beltway - Oil Shock 2008, APS News, 17 (8) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Inside the Beltway - Science! Who Needs It?, APS News, 17 (6) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Inside the Beltway - Physicists Feel the Pain, Too, APS News, 17 (4) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Inside the Beltway - Shoot-Out at the O.K. Corral, APS News, 17 (2) (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Energy Future: Think Efficiency, Colloquium CCNY Physics Department, CCNY (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Washington Update, ALS Users Meeting, LBL (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Washington Perspectives, SSRL Users Meeting, SLAC (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Washington Insights, FRA Board Meeting, FNAL (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Lubell M. Energy Future: Think Efficiency, American Center for Physics Colloquium, american Center for Physics (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell M.
Michael S. Lubell Energy Future: Think Efficiency, Physics Colloquium, CCNY (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Washington Insights, Fermi Research Alliance Board Meeting, Fermi National Laboratory (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubel Washington Perspectives, SSRL Users Meeting, SLAC National Laboratory, Stanford, CA (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Michael S. Lubell Energy Future: Think Efficiency, Seminar, American Center for Physics, College Park, MD (2008).
CCNY Authors assigned: Michael S. Lubell
Lubell M.S. Inside the Beltway: Washington Analysis and Opinion �Democrats in Control: What Next?,�, APS News, 16, no.1, (2007).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell
Lubell M.S. Inside the Beltway: Washington Analysis and Opinion �Bipartisanship? Fuggedaboutit!,�, APS News, 16, no. 3, (2007).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell
Lubell M.S. Inside the Beltway: Washington Analysis and Opinion �Twelve Year Term Limits Twelve Years Later,�, APS News,, 16, no. 5 (2007).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell
Lubell M.S. The Energy in the FY 2008 Budget, AAAS Report XXXII, Research and Development FY 2008, Washington, D.C.: Am. Assn. for the Adv. of Sci 2007, 91-100, (2007).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell
Scully S. W., Alveraz I., Cisneros C., Emmons E. D., Gharaibeh M. F., Leitner D., Lubell M. S., M�ller A., Phaneuf R. A., P�ttner R., Schlachter A. S., Schippers S., Shi W., Balance C. P., McLaughlin B. M. Doubly Excited Resonances in the Photoionization of Li+, 13th Intl. Conf. On the Physics of Highly Charged Ions,, 58, 387 (2007).
CCNY Authors assigned: Lubell