Mitchell B. Schaffler
CUNY Distinguished Professor and Wallace H Coulter Professor
Chair, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Steinman Hall

Mitchell B. Schaffler
B.S., 1978, Stony Brook University (Biological Sciences)
Ph.D., 1985, West Virginia University (Anatomy & Orthopaedic Engineering)
Post-doc, 1987, University of Utah/U.S. Department of Energy (Radiobiology)
Research Interests
- Bone biomechanics
- Skeletal fragility, material properties and aging
- Bone physiology
- Osteocyte function and mechano-biology
- Osteoporosis
- Osteoarthritis
- Imaging of skeletal structure
The major research emphasis of the Bone and Joint Laboratory is to understand how skeletal tissues (bone, ligament, tendon, cartilage) develop, maintain and repair themselves in order to meet mechanical demands throughout life. We focus on the cellular and integrative processes that control the architectural features of bone and tendon, and governs how they responds to physical challenges normally and in aging and in diseases such as osteoporosis, genetic defects and diabetes. Our current research efforts focus on fatigue and repair in bone and tendon, with specific emphasis on discovering how living cells in these tissues detect and repair wear and tear damage before it accumulates to the point of mechanical failure. We are also examining how osteocytes (the tissue-resident bone cells) influence s mechanical function, both directly by modulating local matrix composition, and indirectly by controlling local bone remodeling activities. In related studies, we are examining how osteocytes function as mechanical sensors that allow bone to perceive and react to mechanical loading. Experimental approaches used in the Bone and Joint Laboratory focus on the cell and tissue levels, and include in vivo and tissue mechanical loading studies, mechanical and biomaterials testing, microscopy, microcomputed tomography , in vivo microscopy and super-resolution microscopy, cell culture and molecular biology.
Google Scholar link for Professor Schaffler's publications
Additional Information
Selected Awards & Honors
Elected Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
Elected Fellow, American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
Elected Fellow, American Association of Anatomists
AcroMed Award for Outstanding Research, North American Spine Society,
Editorial Boards, Journal of Orthopaedic Research (1990 - 2005), BONE, (1990-2010), Anatomical Record (2003 - 2018);
Grant review panels: National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH), National Science Foundation, The Wellcome Trust (UK), Medical Research Council (Canada), Orthopaedic Research Society