Prathap Ramamurthy
Associate Professor
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Climate Change
- Energy Sustainability
- Environmental Fluid Dyanmics
- Urban Boundary Layer
Steinman Hall

Prathap Ramamurthy
Bachelor of Engineering,Mechanical Engineering, Madras University 2002
Masters, Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah 2006
PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah 2011
PostDoctoral Research Scholar, Princeton University 2011-2014
Courses Taught
Fluid Mechanics (UG)
Heat Transfer (UG)
Turbulence (G)
Building Energy and Environment (G)
Solar & Thermal Engineering (G)
Research Interests
Biosphere-atmosphere interactions over complex terrains, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Urbanization, Sustainability and Climate Change.
Rahman, K., Pena, J.C., Gamarro, H., Gonzalez, J., Bornstein, R., and Ramamurthy, P., “The boundary layer characteristics of coastal urban environments”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, (2024) DOI : 10.1007/s00704-024-05036-z.
Garraway, D., Rob, S. M., Turbeville, G., Ramamurthy, P., & Gonzalez-Cruz, J. E.. “Improved Performance of Transcritical R744 Gas Coolers for Efficient Heat Pumps in the Northeastern US Winter Markets”, 2024. ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities.
Rob, S. M., Turbeville, G., Garraway, D., Ramamurthy, P., & Gonzalez-Cruz, J. E. “Experimental Performance Analysis of R410A Heat Pump System in the Northeastern US Winter Climates”, 2024. ASME Journal of Engineering for Sustainable Buildings and Cities.
Bartsevich M, Rahman K, Addasi O, Ramamurthy P. “On the Applicability of Ground-Based Microwave Radiometers for Urban Boundary Layer Research”, Sensors (Basel). 2024 Mar 25;24(7):2101. doi: 10.3390/s24072101. PMID: 38610316; PMCID: PMC11014401.
Rios, G. & Ramamurthy, P., “Turbulence in the mixed layer over an urban area: a New York City case study”, Boundary-layer Turbulence, Volume 188, pages 419–440, (2023).
Pokhrel, R., Gonzalez, J., Ramamurthy P., Comarazamy, D., “Impact of building energy mitigation measures on future climate”, Atmospheres 14(3), 2023.
Garraway, D., Rpb, A., Gonzalez, J., Ramamurthy P, “Development of Electrified Transcritical R744 Heat Pump Systems for Northeastern Winter Markets ”, ASME, ES2022-90241, 2023.
Rios, G., Ramamurthy P, “A novel model to estimate sensible heat fluxes in urban areas using satellite-derived data”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 270:112880, 2022.
Srivatsava, A., Prashanth, S. Ramamurthy P, Rao, S, “Scale-dependent response of the urban heat island to the European heatwave of 2018”, Env. Res. Lett., 16(10) 2021
Pioppi B, Pisello A, Ramamurthy P, “Wearable sensing techniques to understand pedestrian-level outdoor microclimate affecting heat related risk in urban parks”, Solar Energy, 2021.
González J, Ramamurthy P, Bornstein R, Chen F, Bou-Zeid E, Ghandehari M, Luvall J, Mitra C, Niyogi D. (2021)“Urban climate and resiliency: A synthesis report of state of the art and future research directions”. Urban Climate.38:10058.
Hrisko, J., Ramamurthy, P., Melecio-Vázquez, D., Gonzalez, J.E. 2021. "Spatiotemporal Variability of Heat Storage in Major U.S. Cities—A Satellite-Based Analysis" Remote Sens.,13, no. 1: 59.
Hosannah, N., Ramamurthy, P., Marti, J., Munoz, J., & González, J. E. (2021) "Impacts of Hurricane Maria on land and convection modification over Puerto Rico", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126, e2020JD032493.
Hrisko, J., Ramamurthy, P.,(2020) “Estimating Heat Storage in Urban Areas Using Multispectral Satellite Data and Machine Learning”, Remote Sensing of Environment. 252:112125
Hrisko, J., Ramamurthy, P., Yu, Y., Yu, P., Melecio-Vazquez, D. (2020) “Urban air temperature model using GOES-16 LST and a diurnal regressive neural network algorithm”, Remote Sensing of Environment. 237:111495
Ortiz, L., Gonzalez, J., Ramamurthy, P. et al. (2019) “High‐resolution projections of extreme heat in New York City”, Int. Jour. Clim., 39: 4721– 4735
Yu, Miao, Ramamurthy, P. et al. (2019)“On the Assessment of a Cooling Tower Scheme for High-Resolution Numerical Weather Modeling for Urban Areas.” Jour. of Appl. Meteorol. & Climatol.
Melecio, D., Ramamurthy, P., Gonzalez, J., and Mark Arend (2018) “Thermal structure of a coastal urban boundary layer”, Boundary-layer Meteorology
Vant-Hull, B. and Ramamurthy, P., “The Harlem Heat Project: a Unique Media/Community Collaboration to Study Indoor Heat Waves” (2018), Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc
Olivo, Y.,A. Hamidi and P. Ramamurthy (2017), “Spatiotemporal variability in building energy use in New York City”, Energy, 141: 1393-1401
Ramamurthy, P. and E. Bou-Zeid (2017), “Heatwaves and urban heat islands: A comparative analysis of multiple cities”, Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 122: 168–178
Carl Mailings, Matteo Pozzi, Kelly Klima, Mario Berges, Elie Bou-Zeid and Prathap Ramamurthy (2018), “Surface heat assessment for developed environments: Optimizing urban temperature monitoring”, Building and Environment, 141: 143-154
Carl Mailings, Matteo Pozzi, Kelly Klima, Mario Berges, Elie Bou-Zeid and Prathap Ramamurthy (2017), “Surface heat assessment for developed environments: Probabilistic urban temperature modeling”, Computer Environment and Urban Systems, 36: 43-64
Hosannah, N., J. Gonzalez, R. Rodriguez-Solis, H. Parsiani, F. Moshary, Luis Aponte, R. Armstrong, E. Harmsen, P. Ramamurthy, M. Angeles, L. León, N. Ramírez, D. Niyogi and R. Bornstein (2017), “The Convection, Aerosol, and Synoptic-Effects in the Tropics (CAST) Experiment: Building an Understanding of Multi-Scale Impacts on Caribbean Weather via Field Campaigns”, Bulletin of American Meteorological Society, DOI:
Ramamurthy, P., J. Gonzalez, L. Ortiz, F. Moshari, and M. Arend (2017), “Impact of heatwave on a megacity: an observational analysis of New York City during July 2016”, Environmental Research Letters, 12(5): 054011