Raquel Chang-Rodriguez
Distinguished Professor
North Academic Center

Raquel Chang-Rodriguez
- Raquel Chang-Rodríguez, Ph.D. New York University, is Distinguished Professor of Spanish-American literature and culture at the Graduate Center and the City College, CUNY, where she co-directs the Cátedra Mario Vargas Llosa. She has held visiting appointments at Colgate University (Colgate Professor of the Humanities) and Columbia University. Among other books, Chang-Rodríguez has written: El discurso disidente: ensayos de literatura colonial peruana (1991), Hidden Messages: Representation and Resistance in Andean Colonial Drama (1999), La palabra y la pluma en “Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno” (2005), Cartografía garcilasista (2013) and Luis Jerónimo de Oré and his “Relación“ (c. 1619): A Peruvian’s Account of Spanish Florida) (2021). She has edited and co-edited important collections such as Beyond Books and Borders: Garcilaso de la Vega and “La Florida del Inca” (2006), Literatura y cultura en el Virreinato del Perú: apropiación y diferencia (2017), Vol. 2 of Historia de las literaturas en el Perú, and Talking Books with Mario Vargas Llosa. A Retrospective (2020). Chang-Rodríguez has published numerous scholarly articles and book chapters in journals and collections from Europe and the Americas, and has contributed to major national and international projects such as Latin American Writers (1989), History of Literature in the Caribbean (1994), Diccionario Enciclopédico de las Letras de América Latina (1995), the Encyclopedia of Latin American History (1996), the Guide to Documentary Sources for Andean Art History and Archaeology (2008), The Oxford Handbook on the Latin American Novel (in press). In 2013 she was the guest academic co-editor of Review: Latin American Literature and Arts, dedicated to Mario Vargas Llosa, 2010 Nobel Prize winner. Professor Chang-Rodríguez is the founding editor of Colonial Latin American Review, the prize-winning journal devoted to studying the colonial period from an interdisciplinary perspective. Her research projects have been supported by the Mex-Am Cultural Foundation, The Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and United States Universities, the New York Council for the Humanities, the Organization for American States, and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). Professor Chang-Rodríguez currently serves as board member of Review: Latin American Literature and Arts, Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana, and Revista de la ANLE. From 1997-2000, she was the President of the Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (IILI). A frequent key-note speaker at conferences and symposia, Chang- Rodríguez was the co-anchor of “Charlando con Cervantes,” a program of interviews with prominent personalities from the Hispanic world sponsored by CUNY-TV and the Instituto Cervantes. She is an Honorary Associate of the Hispanic Society of America, Doctor Honoris Causa from the National and Kapodistriac University of Athens, Greece, “miembro correspondiente” of the Academia Peruana de la Lengua, the recipient of the “Enrique Anderson Imbert,” Career Achievement Award of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language (ANLE) and “miembro de número” of the ANLE, an affiliate of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language.
Ph.D., New York University
Professor Chang-Rodríguez has the following significant academic publications:
Cartografía garcilasista (Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 2013)
Entre la espada y la pluma. El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus "Comentarios Reales." Introduction and ed. Lima: Fondo Editorial, PUCP, 2010
“Aquí, ninfas del sur, venid ligeras.” Voces poéticas virreinales (Madrid/Frankfurt: Vervuert/Iberoamericana, 2008)
Beyond Books and Borders: Garcilaso de la Vega and La Florida del Inca (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2006)
Franqueando fronteras: Garcilaso de la Vega y La Florida del Inca (Lima: PUCP, 2006)
La palabra y la pluma en Primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno (Lima: PUCP, 2005)
La cultura letrada en la Nueva España del siglo XVII. 2nd. Volume of the new Historia de la literatura mexicana (México: Siglo XXI-UNAM, 2002)
Hidden Messages: Representation and Resistance in Andean Colonial Drama (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 1999)
El discurso disidente: ensayos de literatura colonial peruana (Lima: PUCP, 1991)
La apropiación del signo: tres cronistas indígenas del Perú (Tempe: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1988), etc.