Raymond S. Tu
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Biomolecules
- Interfaces
- Self-Assembly
Steinman Hall
(212) 650-7031
(212) 650-6660

Raymond S. Tu
Raymond Tu received his PhD in chemical engineering from the University of California - Santa Barbara in 2004, studying the design and self-assembly of peptide functionalized molecular architectures. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship in 2005 at Georgia Institute of Technology investigating rheological properties of biologically functionalized polymer-based materials. Currently, he is an associate professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at The City College of The City University of New York. The focus of his research program is the synthesis of surface-active molecular building blocks, which are derived from the combination of elements that direct interfacial assembly with components responsible for selective binding. This methodology is proving to be an effective tool for engineering complex composite materials that contain structures with multiple length-scales.
Website: http://rtu.ccny.cuny.edu/
University of Florida, BS 1998
University of California – Santa Barbara, PhD 2004
Georgia Institute of Technology, PostDoc
Recent publications:
Jung, Y., Khan, M. K., Podbevšek, D., Sudhakar, T., Tu, R. S., & Chen, X. “Enhanced water-responsive actuation of porous Bombyx mori silk.” Soft Matter, (2023) 19,11, 2047-2052.
Kanthe, Ankit D., et al. "Differential Surface Adsorption Phenomena for Conventional and Novel Surfactants Correlates with Changes in Interfacial mAb Stabilization." Molecular Pharmaceutics 19.9 (2022): 3100-3113
Kanthe, A., Ilott, A., Krause, M., Zheng, S., Li, J., Bu, W., Bera, M.K., Lin, B., Maldarelli, C., Tu, RS. No Ordinary Proteins: Adsorption and Molecular Orientation of Monoclonal Antibodies. Science Advances. 2021, 7(35):eabg2873. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abg2873.
Hu, J., Wang, J., Zhu, X., Tu, RS, Nanda, V., and Xu, F. Design Strategies to Tune the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Synthetic Collagen Hydrogels, Biomacromol. 2021, DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac. 1c00520.
Jung, Y., Golru, S.S., Biddinger, E.J., Tu, RS, Chen, X. Tuning water-responsiveness with Bombyx mori silk–silica nanoparticle composites. Soft Matter 2021, 17 (34): 7817-7821. DOI:10.1039/D1SM00794G.
Park, Y, Jung, Y, Li, TD, Jianpei, L, Tu, RS, Chen X. Beta-Sheet Nanocrystals Dictate Water Responsiveness of Bombyx Mori Silk. Macromol. Rapid Comm. (2020) 41, 7, 1900612 DOI: 10.1002/marc.201900612.
Kanthe AD, Krause ME, Zheng S, Ilott A, Li J, Bu W, Bera MK, Lin B, Maldarelli C, Tu RS. Armoring the interface with surfactant to prevent the adsorption of monoclonal antibody. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, (2020) 12, 8, 9977–9988 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b21979
Knapp EM, Dagastine RR, Tu RS, Kretzschmar I, Effect of Orientation and Wetting Properties on the Behavior of Janus Particles at the Air-Water Interface, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2020) 12, 4, 5128-5135, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b21067
Razavi S, Lin B, Lee KY, Tu RS, Kretzschmar I. Impact of Surface Amphiphilicity on the Interfacial Behavior of Janus Particle Layers under Compression. Langmuir (2019) 35, 48, 15813-15824, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01664
Li, J.; Krause, M. E.; Chen, X.; Cheng, Y.; Dai, W.; Hill, J. J.; Huang, M.; Jordan, S.; LaCasse, D.; Narhi, L., Tu, R.S. Interfacial Stress in the Development of Biologics: Fundamental Understanding, Current Practice, and Future Perspective. The AAPS journal 2019, 21, 44. DOI: 10.1208/s12248-019-0312-3
S.C., O'Neill, A.D. Kanthe, J.A. Weber, and R. S. Tu ‘Reverse’ Hofmeister effects on the sol-gel transition rates for an α-helical peptide-PEG bioconjugate Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (2018), 20, 20287-20295. DOI: 10.1039/C8CP03316A
Nguyen, Hung and Tu, Raymond “Comprehensive Biomaterials: Chapter - Surface Engineering Using Amphiphilic Peptides” ISBN: 9780081006917, Elsevier, June 2017
Jinjiang, L, Krause, M, Tu, RS. Protein Instability at Interfaces During Product Development: Fundamental Understanding, Evaluation, and Mitigation. Book: ISBN 978-3-030-57176-4, Springer (2021).
Jinjiang, L, Krause, M, Tu, RS. Protein Instability at Interfaces During Product Development: Fundamental Understanding, Evaluation, and Mitigation. Book Chapter “Chapter 1: Overview of the Impact of Protein Interfacial Instability on the Development of Biologic Products": ISBN 978-3-030-57176-4, Springer (2021).
Kanthe AD, Tu, RS and Maldarelli C. Protein Instability at Interfaces During Product Development: Fundamental Understanding, Evaluation, and Mitigation. Book Chapter “Chapter 2: Protein Adsorption at a Gas-Aqueous Interface": ISBN 978-3-030-57176-4, Springer (2021).
Kanthe AD, Maldarelli C, Tu RS. Protein Instability at Interfaces During Product Development: Fundamental Understanding, Evaluation, and Mitigation. Book Chapter “Chapter 3: Interfacial Behaviors of Proteins": ISBN 978-3-030-57176-4, Springer (2021).