Welcome to CCNY Chemical Engineering

Our Chemical Engineering Department by the Numbers
In Research Funding
Per Year
Ph.D. Students
Undergraduate Students
Faculty/Staff Members
We at the CCNY Chemical Engineering Department fulfill our mission by bringing to bear methods of scientific inquiry and engineering practice to address problems of practical interest and urgency, with particular relevance to the needs of New York and the Nation. We integrate top-tier undergraduate and graduate student education with cutting-edge research in fundamental and applied chemical engineering sciences and associated disciplines, thereby preparing our students for successful careers in both traditional and emerging fields. We pride ourselves on the economic, ethnic, and national heritage diversity of our students. Chemical engineers transform matter and energy to make things: chemicals, fuels, materials, pharmaceuticals, personal products, and devices. Our unique combination of fluid mechanics, mass and energy transport, chemical reaction engineering, thermodynamics, separations, basic sciences, and mathematics equips us to do so in creative and elegant ways. Chemical engineers tackle technological challenges in diverse fields, including energy, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials discovery and development, pharmaceuticals, and electronics.
Contact Information
Marco Castaldi
Professor & Department Chair, Chemical Engineering
Steinman Hall
Room 323
140th Street & Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
p: 212.650.6679
f: 212.650.6660
Chemical Engineering Useful Links