- P. Brass: Advanced Data Structures. Cambridge University Press, New York. ISBN-10: 0-521-88037-8 (2008)
- J. E. Goodman, J. Pach, and R. Pollack, editors: Surveys on Discrete and Computational Geometry: Twenty Years Later. Contemporary Mathematics 453, American Mathematical Society, Providence, (2008)
- Kawaguchi, A. Japanese Translation of "Virtual Organization: Toward a Theory of Societal Transformation Stimulated by Information Technology" by A. Mowshowitz, Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002, ISBN 978156720515, PDF download available at, January 2009.
- Michael Anshel Qinghai Gao, Xiaowen Zhang: Experiments in Matching Intronized Fingerprints Minutiae Templates. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 8(9): (September 2008)
- Gilbert Baumslag, Oleg Bogopolski, Benjamin Fine, Anthony Gaglione, Gerhard Rosenberger, Dennis Spellman: On some finiteness properties in infinite groups. Algebra Colloq., 15(1): 1-22 (2008)
- Gilbert Baumslag: Groups with the same lower central sequences, L'Enseignement Mathematique (2) 54 (2008).
- G.S. Bloom, Alison Marr, and W.D. Wallis: Magic digraphs. Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computation, 65 (2008) 205-212.
- H. -K. Ahn, P. Brass, C. -S. Shin: Maximum Overlap and Minimum Convex Hull of Two Convex Polyhedra under Translations}, Computational Geometry - Theory and Applications 40: 171-177 (2008)
- I. Gladkova, D. Chebanov, Grating Lobes Suppression in Stepped-Frequency Pulse Train, IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-44 (4): p.1265-1275, Oct. 2008.
- P. Mingyang, M. Inaishi, Z. Xiaoyu, and A. Kawaguchi: Grid based Sensing Model for Autonomous Ship Agent. Japan Institute of Navigation, 118: 83-89 (April 2008)
- P. Mingyang, M. Inaishi, and A. Kawaguchi: Ship Cluster Behavior Model with Strategic and Tactical Obstacle Avoidance, Japan Institute of Navigation. 119: 43-49 (September 2008)
- N. Kumar and A. Mowshowitz, Increasing Internet access and freedoms with IGF participation. IEEE Technology & Society Magazine, 27(2): 33-36 (2008)
- A. Mowshowitz: Technology as excuse for questionable ethics. AI & Society, 22: 271-282 (2008)
- Janos Pach, F. Eisenbrand, T. Rothvoss, and N. Sopher: Convexly independent subsets of the Minkowski sum of planar point sets. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15(8), (2008)
- Janos Pach, P.K. Agarwal and M. Sharir: State of the Union--of Geometric Objects. Surveys in Discrete and Computational Geometry Twenty Years Later (J. E. Goodman et al., eds.), Contemporary Mathematics, AMS. 453: 9-48 (2008)
- Balazs Keszegh, Janos Pach, Domotor Palvolgyi, Geza Toth: Drawing cubic graphs with at most five slopes. Comput. Geom. 40(2): 138-147 (2008)
- Jan Kyncl, Janos Pach, Geza Toth: Long alternating paths in bicolored point sets. Discrete Mathematics 308(19): 4315-4321 (2008)
- Janos Pach: On Simplices Embracing a Point. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 97 (2008)
- Janos Pach, Micha Sharir: On planar intersection graphs with forbidden subgraphs. Journal of Graph Theory 59(3): 205-214 (2008)
- Gruia Calinescu, Adrian Dumitrescu, Janos Pach: Reconfigurations in Graphs and Grids. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(1): 124-138 (2008)
- K. Ravindran, K. A. Kwiat, and P. Hurley: Adaptive Voting Algorithms for Reliable Dissemination of Data in Fault-prone Distributed Environments. Intl. Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Inderscience Publ., vol. 3, no.3, pp. 277-304, 2008.
- Ioannis Stamos, Lingyun Liu, Chao Chen, George Wolberg, Gene Yu, and Siavash Zokai: Integrating Automated Range Registration with Multiview Geometry for the Photorealistic Modeling of Large-Scale Scenes. Intl. Journal of Computer Vision, 78(2-3): 237-260 (July 2008)
- Kate S. He, Jianting Zhang, Qiaofeng Zhang: Linking variability in species composition and MODIS NDVI based on beta diversity measurements. Acta Oecologica. 35(1): 14-21 (2008)
- Z. Zhu and T. Kanade, Editorial: Modeling and Representations of Large-Scale 3D Scenes. International Journal of Computer Vision, 78(2-3) (July 2008)
Conference Papers, Proceedings, Book Chapters
Michael Anshel, Iris Anshel, and Dorian Goldfeld: Actions, Commutator Identities, and the Algebraic Eraser, Aspects of Infinite Groups, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, World Scientific (B. Fine, G. Rosenberger and D. Spellman, eds.), Vol 1: 1-8 (2008)
Hee-Kap Ahn, Peter Brass, Christian Knauer, Hyeon-Suk Na, Chan-Su Shin: Covering a Simple Polygon by Monotone Directions. ISAAC 2008 (Springer LNCS 5369) 668-679
Danfeng Yao, Nelly Fazio, Yevgeniy Dodis, and Anna Lysyanskaya. ID-Based Encryption for Complex Hierarchies with Applications to Forward Security and Broadcast Encryption. In M. Joye and G. Neven, editors, Identity-Based Cryptography, 2008.
Nelly Fazio and Dulce Ponceleon. Tutorial on Content Protection. In the 16th International Conference on Multimedia-ACM Multimedia 2008, pages 1153-1154. ACM, 2008.
Irina Gladkova, Srikanth Gottipati, Michael Grossberg:, Lossless compression algorithm for multispectral imagers, Proceedings of the SPIE, Satellite Data Compression, Communication, and Processing IV, August 2008, 10p. CD-ROM
Srikanth Gottipati, Michael Grossberg, Irina Gladkova: An analysis of the information dependence between MODIS emissive bands, Proceedings of the SPIE, Satellite Data Compression, Communication, and Processing IV, August 2008, 10p. CD-ROM
Yu-Chi Hu, Michael Grossberg, and Gig Mageras: Semi-Automatic Medical Image Segmentation with Adaptive Local Statistics in Conditional Random Fields Framework. None, (August 2008)
Gene Yu, Michael Grossberg, George Wolberg and Ioannis Stamos: Think Globally, Cluster Locally: A Unified Framework for Range Segmentation. The Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, (3DPVT08), (June 2008)
A. Kawaguchi, Y. Noda, Y. Sato, Y. Kondo, and K. Terashima: A Mechatronics Vision for Smart Wheelchairs, In the 4th International Conference on Assistive Technologies (AT2008), Baltimore, Maryland (April 2008): 145-150
A. Kawaguchi, M. Inaishi, H. Kondo, and M. Kondo: Towards the Development of Intelligent Navigation Support Systems for Group Shipping and Global Marine Traffic Control. In the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT2008), Athene, Greece, (May 2008)
A. Kawaguchi, Y. Noda, Y. Sato, Y. Kondo, and K. Terashima: Mechatronics Support for Mobile Wheelchairs. In the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT2008), Athene, Greece (May 2008)
K. Mouskos, U. Uyar, A. Kawaguchi, and N. Parker: A Real-time Integrated Transport/Communication/Database Architecture to Support Traffic Simulation. In the 1st International Workshop on Computational Transportation Science, Dublin, Ireland (July 2008)
Agrawal, A. Kawaguchi, S. Lagace, R. Delisle, and Z. Chen: Deterioration Rates of Typical Bridge Elements in New York, In the 10th International Bridge and Structure Management Conference, Buffalo, New York (October 2008)
A. Kawaguchi and A. Nagel: Linear Programming in Database, Book chapter in the "New Developments in Robotics, Automation and Control", In-Tech Press, ISBN 9789537619206 (November 2008)
A. Mowshowitz, G. Bent, P. Dantressangle, D.Vyvyan, and V. Mitsou: A dynamic distributed federated database. ITA Annual Conference, Imperial College-London, (2008)
A. Mowshowitz, V. Mitsou and G. Bent. Models of network growth by combination. ITA Annual Conference, Imperial College-London, (2008)
Balazs Keszegh, Janos Pach, Domotor Palvolgyi, Geza Toth: Cubic Graphs Have Bounded Slope Parameter. Graph Drawing 2008: 50-60
Xiaomin Chen, Janos Pach, Mario Szegedy, Gabor Tardos: Delaunay graphs of point sets in the plane with respect to axis-parallel rectangles. SODA 2008: 94-101
Jacob Fox, Janos Pach: Coloring K_k-free intersection graphs of geometric objects in the plane. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 346-354
Radoslav Fulek, Andreas Holmsen, Janos Pach: Intersecting convex sets by rays. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 385-391
Jacob Fox, Janos Pach, and Csaba D. Toth: A Bipartite Strengthening of the Crossing Lemma. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin, 4875: 13-24 (2008)
Janos Pach, G. Toth: Monochromatic empty triangles in two-colored point sets. Geometry, Games, Graphs and Education: the Joe Malkevitch Festschrift (S. Garfunkel, R. Nath, eds.), COMAP, Bedford, MA pp.195-198. (November 2008)
Janos Pach, J. Fox: Coloring K_k-free intersection graphs of geometric objects in the plane. SoCG 2008, ACM Press, New York, 346-354 (2008)
Janos Pach, R. Fulek and A. Holmsen: Intersecting convex sets by rays. Proceedings 24th annual Symposium on Computational Geometry, ACM Press, pp. 385-391 (2008)
K. Ravindran, G. Ding: An Observer-based Compositional Approach for Testing of Distributed Protocols in Hostile Environments. Symposium on Quality Engineering of Embedded Systems (QEES 2008), Berlin (Germany), June 2008.
K. Ravindran, M. Rabby: Online Control Techniques for Optimal Management of Bandwidth over Shared Infrastructure Networks. In proc. 33rd Annual IEEE conf. on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2008), Montreal (Canada), Oct.2008
Rafail Ostrovsky, William Skeith: Communication Complexity in Algebraic Two-Party Protocols. Proc. of Advances in Cryptology, (CRYPTO-2008) Springer-Verlag/IACR Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Rafail Ostrovsky, William Skeith: Private Information Retrieval: Single-Database Techniques and Applications. Homeland Security Technology Challenges, Chapter 6, pp 143-176. Artech House Publishing, G. Franceschetti, M. Grossi, Eds. (2008)
D. Troeger, G. Baumslag: Virtually Free-by-Cyclic One-Relator Groups. I., Aspects of Infinite Groups, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, World Scientific (B. Fine, G. Rosenberger and D. Spellman, eds.), Vol 1: 9-25 (2008)
J. Wei: Recognizing images in the presence of image enhancement operations. ISSSR'08, (June, 2008)
Jianting Zhang, Le Gruenwald: Embedding and Extending GIS for Exploratory Analysis of Large-Scale Species Distribution Data. Proceedings of ACM-GIS'08. Irvine, CA. (November 5-7, 2008)
Jianting Zhang, Kate S. He, Michael Gertz: LEEASP: A Linked Environment of Coordinated Multiple Views for Exploratory Analysis of Large-Scale Species Distribution Data. Proceedings of 2008 Environmental Information Management Conference (EIMC), Albuquerque, NM (Sept. 10-11, 2008)
X. Li, Z. Zhu: Enhancing Relevance Models with Adaptive Passage Retrieval. The 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2008), Glasgow, Scotland, 30th March - 3rd April 2008, C. Macdonald et al. (Eds.): ECIR 2008, LNCS 4956, pp. 463-471
T. Wang and Z. Zhu: Bio-Inspired Adaptive Hyperspectral Imaging for Target Tracking. 2008 Symposium on Spectral Sensing Research (ISSSR), (June 23-27 2008)
E. Molina, H. Tang, Z. Zhu, O. Mendoza, Mosaic-based Modeling and Rendering of Large-Scale Dynamic Scenes for Internet Applications, NAECON 2008 - National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton, Ohio, United States, (Jul 16-18, 2008)
H. Tang and Z. Zhu, Exploiting Local and Global Scene Constraints in Modeling Large-Scale Dynamic 3D Scenes from Aerial Video, Workshop on Search in 3D (S3D), June 27, 2008. In conjunction with IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (2008)
Last Updated: 07/30/2015 09:09