Verasonics Vantage 256 Ultrasound System

Location and contact information

  • Location: Steinman Hall 569
  • Facility Manager: Dr. Luis Cardoso
  • Office Phone: 212.650.7154


  • Available 24/7


  • Federal Rate: $11/h
  • Non-Federal Rate: $17/h

Facility Images

About the facility

The Verasonics Vantage system is a flexible ultrasound research platform that provides direct access to raw ultrasound data, while preserving the ability to perform high quality real-time imaging with custom software, at clinically useful frame rates. The system’s open architecture, provides all-software beamforming and sequence control, instead of hardware-based beamforming. Many new acquisition schemes using unconventional transmit beams and transmit/receive sequences can be readily examined using the Vantage system, whereas such approaches typically cannot be implemented using conventional data flow architectures that are based on hardware beamformers. The Vantage system is designed for ultrasound research rather than routine diagnostic use, and to be used as a research laboratory tool to acquire, store, display and analyze data. The Vantage system has a well-documented, flexible and easy-to-use Application Programming Interface (API), a MATLAB scripting environment for development of custom user algorithms and graphical interfaces, additional software tools to facilitate control script development, analysis, and debugging, as well as rapid integration of custom transducers, a set of over 200 example control scripts (programs) for various transducers and applications, including plane wave imaging, color flow and power Doppler, spectral Doppler, conventional line mode imaging, harmonic imaging, pulse inversion, radiation force and shear wave visualization, coded excitation, and many others.

Last Updated: 06/29/2023 14:21