Fiorella Garrido Lecca

Fiorella Garrido Lecca
Sociology Major
Mellon Mays Fellow

%6dgarrid00%30@citymail.cuny.ed %75" rel="nofollow">

Fiorella Garrido Lecca was born in Lima, Peru and is currently pursuing her B.A. in Sociology. She is researching gender violence in Lima by focusing on the several mechanisms in place that women use to resist violence, oppression, and inequality in the private and public spheres. Her goal is to contribute to the existing Peruvian literature on the topic in order to increase the resources available for women and the community. Fiorella plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Sociology with the intention of launching her career as a researcher in academia.



Last Updated: 09/24/2018 22:37