Program details


Who should apply icon

Who should apply


This program is for students who have already earned a Bachelor’s Degree (B.A. or B.S.) in a field other than a scientific discipline and are interested in pursuing a medical or physician assistant degrees. Students seeking admission to a dental, veterinary, or other programs should contact the main pre-health advising office ( ).

You must:

  • have an overall GPA of at least 3.0.
  • have had college-level pre-calculus

Please note that at this time, we can only accept students who have received their Bachelor’s degree at an accredited U.S. or Canadian institution.

CCNY also offers Non-certificate, Postbac track for students who do not fit the above criteria.


Post Bacc Icon Apply

Application Process


Important dates:

  • September 2, 2024 - Applications open.
    • Use this link.
    • Choose "Transfer" as application type.
    • Select "Health Professions Preparation Certificate" as the Program.
  • December 1, 2024 - Deadline for all applications.
  • February 1, 2025 - Acceptances communicated.

Applications will require:

  1. Transcripts from all pre-baccalaureate institutions.
  2. A statement of interest in the program with career goals.
  3. Contact information for two individuals who will submit letters of recommendation.
  4. A non-refundable $70 application fee.



Post Bacc Icon Page

Certificate Curriculum


All students take required courses in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Math. Students interested in applying to medical programs also take Physics and Students interested in Physician Assistant programs will take Anatomy & Physiology and Microbiology. Flexible program allows time for taking other courses needed for specific schools' requirements as well.

Total credits: 42-45


Application Help

Post Bacc Icon Fees



Our program is extremely competitive with all other similar programs of its type. Pay our low-cost CUNY undergraduate tuition rates plus a program fee ($10,000). Estimated cost of the entire program for most New York State residents is less than $24,000 total.

Post Bacc Icon Faqs

Postbac Students FAQs


1. Do I need to have a Bachelor’s degree already to apply for this program?
Yes. You must have completed a Bachelor’s degree (a B.A. or a B.S.) in a field other than science.

2. Is this a career changer or grade enhancement program?
This is a career changer program.  Postbac students interested in applying must have few math and/or science credits.  If you were a science major as an undergraduate student and looking for a program to enhance your math/science grades, this is not the program for you.

3. If I took some of the courses that are offered as part of the curriculum, can I skip those?
Upon acceptance to the program, you will receive a transfer evaluation.

4. Are social science of psychology courses offered in this program?
Most of our students come in having taken Psychology and/or Sociology as part of their Bachelors degree, however these courses are important for health professions and if you have not had them, we will advise you.

5. How firm is the 3.0 minimum GPA required for acceptance to the program as a postbac?
It is mandatory with no exceptions.

6. Do I have to submit an application to CCNY/CUNY Admissions?
Yes. Use this link.

7. Do I have to complete a second Bachelor’s degree?
No.  This is a certificate program only.

8. Am I eligible for financial aid as a postbac student?
Most postbac students are not eligible for financial aid, but you may be eligible for loan programs. Please contact the CCNY Office of Financial Aid with any questions.

9. Are there any scholarships?
There may be limited opportunities for scholarship support for some students.

10. Are there linkage programs for postbac students?

11. How long should I expect to be enrolled as a postbac student?
Our program can be completed in 18 months.

12. Can I work part-time or full-time while going to school as a postbac?
This is an accelerated and intensive program. In order to succeed, you will need to devote considerable time to preparing and studying. We do not advise students in this program to work full-time.

13. Are courses offered during the evening and weekends?
Currently our classes are held between 9 am and 4 pm.

14. Are postbac’s eligible for a committee letter?
Yes.  But they must have earned a minimum GPA of 3.2, and they must have earned 24 CCNY science credits to be eligible for a committee letter.

15. Are there separate sections of courses for the postbac students?
Yes. The postbac program has dedicated sections just for these students.

16. What are the tuition costs for postbac students?
Standard CUNY undergraduate per-course tuition rates apply for all courses.

17. What is the fee for this program?
The total fees for this program are $10,000.You will be charged a subset of the fees each session that you enroll.

18. Are the classes sequential?

19. Are exemptions provided to allow students to take courses they do not have the pre-requisites for? (for example, can I take General Biology I and II at the same time?)

20. Can I be dismissed from the program?
Yes.  All postbac students are required to maintain a 3.2 cumulative GPA while in the program.  

21. Does this office provide clinical exposure, research and community service activities for postbac students?

22. Does the program offer MCAT preparation courses?

23. Am I guaranteed admission to medical or PA school?
No, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be admitted to a medical or PA school. The number of applications received by each program far exceeds the number that they are able to admit each year. We do however, strive to make you the most compelling candidate for admission as possible.

24: Is the postbac program affiliated with the CUNY School of Medicine? Can I apply there after completing this program?
You may apply to the CUNY School of Medicine's Physician Assistant program after our program, but in terms of M.D. program, they only offer a 7-year B.S./M.D. program with a single entry point after high school.

25: Does this program provide F1 visas for international students?
At this time, we cannot provide F1 visas for international students

26: What if I received my Bachelor’s degree outside of the U.S.?
At the current time, we are only accepting students who have a B.A. or B.S. degree from an accredited U.S. or Canadian college or university.


Last Updated: 07/24/2024 10:17