Alex Gilerson
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Steinman Hall
ST 541
(212) 650-8413
(212) 650-8249

Alex Gilerson
Prof. A. Gilerson received his PhD, Master and Bachelor degrees from the Technical University, Kazan, Russia. He started his work at the CCNY in 1997 at the Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL) with the focus on medical applications of optical coherence tomography. Since joining Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory of Electrical Engineering Department in 2003 he worked on multiple projects related to Remote Sensing of the coupled Ocean-Atmosphere environment, specifically on development of algorithms for the estimation of chlorophyll concentration and chlorophyll fluorescence, detection of algal blooms, validation of satellite sensors for ocean monitoring, development of instrumentation and systems for advanced characterization of the ocean waters and ocean surface.
He developed (together of Dr. S. Ahmed) the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO) for the validation of the Ocean Color satellite sensors which is a part of NASA AERONET and AERONET-Ocean Color Networks; developed integrated system for the study of underwater polarized light fields; developed a hyperspectral polarimetric imaging system for ocean studies; led CCNY group in multiple ocean field campaigns.
He is a member of the NOAA-NASA-Navy team for the calibration/validation of the Ocean Color satellites. His work has been supported by grants from NASA, NOAA and the Office of Naval Research.
He is a part of Earth System Science and Environmental Engineering Program and a member of doctoral faculty of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Program at the Graduate Center of CUNY, member of NOAA CREST center.
- Ph.D., Engineering, Kazan Technical University, Russia, 1987
- M.S., Engineering, Kazan Technical University, Russia, 1977
- B.S., Engineering, Kazan Technical University, Russia, 1975
Courses Taught
EE 33000 Elements of Electromagnetics
ENGR 30100 Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing and Imaging
ENGR 20400 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
EE 59866/67 Capstone Senior Design
EE 51000 Independent Study
Research Interests
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Coastal Waters and Atmosphere, Underwater Imaging and Visibility, Polarization Techniques
Development of VIIRS-OLCI chlorophyll-a product for the coastal estuaries, Frontiers in Marine Sciences, 2024. A. Gilerson, M. Malinowski, J. Agagliate, E. Herrera-Estrella, M. Tzortziou, M. Tomlinson, A. Meredith, R. Stumpf, M. Ondrusek, L. Jiang and M. Wang.
Uncertainties in radiometric measurements of the ocean surface from above water and helicopter hyperspectral and polarimetric observations, Applied Optics, 63, 6097 -6111, 2024. M. Malinowski, A. Gilerson, E. Herrera-Estrella, R. Foster, A. Ibrahim, J. Agagliate, and M. Ondrusek.
Surface roughness and wave slope statistics from the multi-spectral polarimetric imaging of the ocean surface, Optics Express Vol. 32, pp. 22110-22131, 2024. M. Malinowski, A. Gilerson, E. Herrera-Estrella, R. Foster, J. Agagliate, and M. Ondrusek.
A neural network approach to the estimation of in-water attenuation to absorption ratios from PACE mission measurements,” Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2023. J. Agagliate, R. Foster, A. Ibrahim and A. Gilerson.
Determining the primary sources of uncertainty in the retrieval of marine remote sensing reflectance from satellite ocean color sensors II. Sentinel 3 OLCI sensors,” Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2023, A. Gilerson, E. Herrera Estrella, J. Agagliate, R. Foster, J. I. Gossn, D. Dessailly, E. Kwiatkowska.
Determining the Primary Sources of Uncertainty in Retrieval of Marine Remote Sensing Reflectance from Satellite Ocean Color Sensors,” Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 2022. A. Gilerson, E. Herrera-Estrella, R. Foster, J. Agagliate, C. Hu, A. Ibrahim, and B. Franz.
Atmospheric correction over coastal waters with aerosol properties constrained by multi-pixel observations, “ Remote Sensing of Environment 265, 2021. J. Wang, Z. Lee, D. Wang, S. Shang, J. Wei, A. Gilerson.
Spectral decomposition of remote sensing reflectance variance due to the spatial variability from ocean color and high-resolution satellite sensors, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 15(2), 2021. E. Herrera Estrella, A. Gilerson, R. Foster, and P. Groetsch.
Exploring the limits for sky and sun glint correction of hyperspectral above-surface reflectance observations. Applied Optics, 59, 2942-2954, 2020. P. Groetsch, R. Foster, A. Gilerson.
Hyperspectral polarimetric imaging of the water surface and retrieval of water optical parameters from multi-angular polarimetric data. Applied Optics, 59(10) C8-C20, 2020. A. Gilerson, C. Carrizo, A. Ibrahim, R. Foster, T. Harmel, A. El-Habashi, Z. Lee, X. Yu, S. Ladner and M. Ondrusek.
A review of protocols for Fiducial Reference Measurements of water-leaving radiance for validation of satellite remote sensing data over water. Remote Sensing, MDPI, 2019,11, 298. K. Ruddick, K. Voss, E. Boss, A. Castagna, R. Frouin, A. Gilerson, M. Hieronymi, B. C. Johnson, J. Kuusk, Z.P. Lee, M. Ondrusek, V. Vabson, R. Vendt.
Characterization of radiance from the ocean surface by hyperspectral imaging. Optics Express, 27, 1750-1768, 2019. C. Carrizo, A. Gilerson, R. Foster, A. Golovin, A. El-Habashi.
- Variability of the reflectance coefficient of skylight from the ocean surface and its implications to Ocean Color. Optics Express, 26, 9615-9633, 2018. A. Gilerson, C. Carrizo, R. Foster, T. Harmel.
- Airborne and shipborne polarimetric measurements over open ocean and coastal waters: intercomparisons and implications for spaceborne observations, Remote Sensing of Environment, 206, 375-390, 2018. M. Ottaviani, R. Foster, A. Gilerson, A. Ibrahim, C. Carrizo, A. El-Habashi, B. Cairns, J. Chowdhary, C. Hostetler, J. Hair, S. Burton, Y. Hu, M. Twardowski, N. Stockley, D. Gray, W. Slade, I. Cetinic.
- Sun-induced chlorophyll-a fluorescence. A. Gilerson and Y. Huot. Chapter 7 in the book “Bio-optical modelling and remote sensing of inland waters,” Elsevier, 2017.
Polarized Transfer Functions of the Ocean Surface for Above-Surface Determination of the Vector Submarine Light Field. Applied Optics, 55, 9476-9494, 2016. R. Foster, A. Gilerson
Retrieval of macro- and micro-physical properties of oceanic hydrosols from polarimetric observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 186, 548-566, 2016. A. Ibrahim, A. Gilerson, J. Chowdhary, S. Ahmed
Open-ocean fish reveal an omnidirectional solution to camouflage in polarized environments. Response to comment. Science, 353, 552. P. Brady, A. Gilerson, G. Kattawar, J. Sullivan, M. Twardowski, H. Dierssen, M. Cummings.
Polarimetric imaging and retrieval of target polarization characteristics in underwater environment. Applied Optics, 55, 626-637, 2016. Y. Gu, C. Carrizo, A. A. Gilerson, P. C. Brady, M. E. Cummings, M. S. Twardowski, J. M. Sullivan, A. I. Ibrahim and G. W. Kattawar.
- Open ocean fish reveal an omnidirectional solution to camouflage in polarized environments. Science, 350, 965-969, 2015.P. C. Brady, A. A. Gilerson, G. W. Kattawar, J. M. Sullivan, M. S. Twardowski, H. M. Dierssen, M. Gao, K. Travis , R. I. Etheredge, A. Tonizzo, A. Ibrahim, C. Carrizo, Y. Gu, B. Russell, K. Mislinski, S. Zhao, and M. E. Cummings
- Radiometric calibration of ocean color satellite sensors using AERONET-OC data, Optics Express, 22, 23385 – 23401, 2014. S. Hlaing, A. Gilerson, R. Foster, M. Wang, R. Arnone and S. Ahmed
- Benthic effects on the polarization of light in shallow waters, Applied Optics, 52, 8685-8705, 2013. A.A. Gilerson, J. Stepinski, A.I. Ibrahim, Y. You, J.M. Sullivan, M.S.Twardowski, H.M. Dierssen, B.Russell, M.E. Cummings, P. Brady, S.A. Ahmed, and G.W. Kattawar
- Evaluation of the VIIRS ocean color monitoring performance in coastal regions. S. Hlaing, T. Harmel, A. Gilerson, R. Foster, A. Weidemann, R. Arnone, M. Wang, S. Ahmed, Remote Sensing of Environment (2013).
- Deriving ocean color products using neural networks. I. Ioannou, A. Gilerson, B. Gross, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed,Remote Sensing of Environment, 134, 78-91 (2013).
- Polarization impacts on the water-leaving radiance retrieval from above-water radiometric measurements.T. Harmel, A. Gilerson, A. Tonizzo, J. Chowdhary, A. Weidemann, R. Arnone, S. Ahmed,Applied Optics, 51, 8324-8340 (2012).
- The relationship between upwelling underwater polarization and attenuation/absorption ratio. A. Ibrahim, A. Gilerson, T. Harmel, A. Tonizzo, J. Chowdhary, S. Ahmed,Optics Express, 20, 25662-25680 (2012).
- Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory: assessment of above-water radiometric measurement uncertainties using collocated multi and hyper-spectral systems: reply to comment. T. Harmel, A. Gilerson, S. Hlaing, A. Weidemann, R. Arnone, and S. Ahmed, Applied Optics, 51, 3893-3899 (2012).
- Assessment of a Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Correction of Above-water and Satellite Water-leaving Radiance in Coastal Waters. S. Hlaing, A. Gilerson, T. Harmel, A. Tonizzo, A. Weidemann, R. Arnone and S. Ahmed. Applied Optics, 51, 220-237 (2012).
- Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory: Assessment of Above-water Reflectance Measurement Uncertainties Using Collocated Multi and Hyper-spectral Radiometers. T. Harmel, A. Gilerson, S. Hlaing, A. Tonizzo, T. Legbandt, A. Weidemann, R. Arnone and S. Ahmed. Applied Optics, 50, 5842 (2011).
- Measurements and simulations of polarization states of underwater light in clear oceanic waters. Y. You, A. Tonizzo, A. A. Gilerson, M. E. Cummings, P. Brady, J. M. Sullivan, M. S. Twardowski, H. M. Dierssen, S. A. Ahmed, and G. W. Kattawar. Applied Optics, 50, 4873 (2011).
- Estimating particles composition and size distribution from the polarized water-leaving radiance. A. Tonizzo, A. Gilerson, T. Harmel, A. Ibrahim, J. Chowdhary, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed. Applied Optics, 50, 5047 (2011).
- A neural network approach to retrieve the inherent optical properties of the ocean from the observations of MODIS. I. Ioannou, A. Gilerson, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed. Applied Optics, 50, 3168 (2011).
- Algorithms for remote estimation of chlorophyll-a in coastal and inland waters using red and near infrared bands. A. A. Gilerson, A. A. Gitelson, J. Zhou, D. Gurlin, W. Moses, I. Ioannou, S. A. Ahmed. Optics Express,18, 24109 (2010).
- Novel optical techniques for detecting and classifying toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis blooms using satellite imagery. R. Amin, J. Zhou, A. Gilerson, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed. Optics Express, 17, 9126 (2009).
- Polarized light in coastal waters: hyperspectral and multiangular analysis. A. Tonizzo, J. Zhou, A. Gilerson, M. Twardowski, D. Gray, R. Arnone, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed Optics Express, 17, 5666 (2009).
- Retrieving quantum yield of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence near surface from hyperspectral in-situ measurement in productive water. J. Zhou, A. Gilerson, I. Ioannou, S. Hlaing, J. Schalles, B. Gross, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed. Optics Express, 16, 17468 (2008).
- Fluorescence Component in the Reflectance Spectra from Coastal Waters. II. Performance of retrieval algorithms. A. Gilerson, J. Zhou, S. Hlaing, I. Ioannou, B. Gross, F. Moshary, and S. Ahmed. Optics Express, 16, 2446 (2008).
- Fluorescence component in the reflectance spectra from coastal waters. Dependence on water composition. A. Gilerson, J. Zhou, S. Hlaing, I. Ioannou, J. Schalles, B. Gross, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed. Optics Express, 15, 15702 (2007).
- Retrieval of fluorescence from reflectance spectra of algae in sea water through polarization discrimination: modeling and experiments. A. Gilerson, .J Zhou, M. Oo, J. Chowdhary, B. Gross, F. Moshary, S. Ahmed. Applied Optics, 45, 5568 (2006).
- Range-resolved pulsed and CWFM lidars: Potential capabilities comparison. R. Agishev, B. Gross, F. Moshary, A. Gilerson, S. Ahmed. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 85, 149 (2006).