Catherine Franklin
Associate Professor, Childhood Education
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Civic Education
- Curriculum Design
North Academic Center
Catherine Franklin
Ed. D. Curriculum & Teaching Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. International Education Lesley Graduate School, Lesley University
B. A. Elementary Education & Speech Communication, University of Rhode Island
Courses Taught
Undergraduate Courses
EDCE 20000 "Inquiry in Education"
EDCE 42100 "Integrating the Curriculum through the Social Studies"
Graduate Courses
EDCE 2100C "Teaching Social Studies in Childhood Education"
EDCE 2300C "Social Studies Inquiry for Pre-K to 6 Teachers"
Research Interests
Civic Education
Middle School Curriculum
Social Studies Inquiry
Aesthetic Education
Selected Publications
Franklin, C. (2009). Civic literacy through curriculum drama: Grades 6 - 12. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Sage Publications.
Refereed Monograph
Franklin, C. (2003). Curriculum drama: Using imagination and inquiry in a middle school social studies classroom. Occasional Paper Series. 10. New York: Bank Street College of Education.
Refereed Articles
Franklin, C. & Johnson, G. (2010). Disrupting the taken for granted: Exploring urban teacher candidate experiences in aesthetic education. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 5. 83-96.
Franklin, C. (2009). The promise for hope: Creating a classroom peace summit. Peace & Change: A Journal of Peace Research. Vol. 34 (4). 533-547.
Book Chapter
Franklin, C. (2005). Being there. Middle school students as coconstructors of a classroom senate. in C. T. Fosnot. (Ed.). (2nd ed). Constructivism: Theory, perspectives, and practice. New York: Teachers College Press. 246-262.
Additional Information
Academic and Professional Honors
Fulbright Lecturing Award (Spring 2010). Slovak Republic. Comenius University. Departments: Civic Education and English Language & Literature.