Our Mission

The Urban Mentoring and Achievement Network (UMAAN) is a CUNY Black Male Initiative (BMI) project on the CCNY campus. The overall project goal is to apply all available resources in assisting participants in their pursuit of an undergraduate degree at CCNY.  UMAAN is a peer mentoring program that also offers tutoring referrals, academic skills workshops, socio-emotional presentations, and information regarding scholarship and career opportunities. UMAAN assists students with meeting academic challenges, helps to build student self-esteem and confidence, provides information about the college’s resources and extra-curricular activities, and makes available forums to develop the ability of the participants to navigate the complex currents of college life successfully.


As a CUNY-wide initiative, CUNY BMI’s mission is to increase, encourage, and support the inclusion and educational success of students from groups that are severely underrepresented in higher education, in particular African, African American/Black, Caribbean and Latino/Hispanic males.

CUNY BMI projects do not discriminate based on race or gender and will serve as models for improving educational outcomes of all students. All programs and activities of the CUNY Black Male Initiative are open to all academically eligible students, faculty and staff, without regard to race, gender, national origin or other characteristic.

Contact Information

Ernest Pierre-Louis

Associate Director

North Academic Center
Room 1/110
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031

p: 212.650.700   Ext. 13455
e:   umaan@ccny.cuny.edu