Undergraduate Student Government (USG)

Greetings CCNY Students,

To those who do not know us, we are the Undergraduate Student Government (USG) here at the City College of New York. We have represented the undergraduate students since 1867, making us the oldest USG. Our mission is to serve as representatives on behalf of the students to the faculty and administration of the college, and to the persons or groups outside of the college whenever such representation is called for. We are also here to promote the development and organization of the City College community, financially supporting student organizations, representing student interest, and advocating for student rights. USG is here to create a college community that meets your needs. For latest information make sure to follow us on InstagramFacebook, and LinkedIn. Make sure to check out our new website for helpful resources, events, and so much more. Reach out to our email,  %75s%67@gtest.ccny.cuny.edu " rel="nofollow"> usg@gtest.ccny.cuny.edu , with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Can’t wait to hear from you!


2024 City College Student Government   
Title Name 
USG President  Aila Choudhary
USG Executive Vice President  Chase Johnson
USG VP for Finance Mashud Choudhury
USG VP of Academic Affairs Olivia Cruz 
USG VP of Campus Affairs Deborah Languerre
USG VP of Student Affairs  Maureen Nelson
USG VP of Public Affairs Jessica Garcia
Student Ombudsperson Derrick Thomas
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Shari Clark
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Fahlovi Noman
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Rahenuma Tabassum
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Dema Abulibda
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Bragye Payano
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Mohammad Hami
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Aman Mallik
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Jerry Vaughn 
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator JaQuan Brown 
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Hadeeqa Malik
USG Liberal Arts & Science Senator Josue Ramos Carpio
USG Engineering Senator Varin Sawh
GSC Liberal Arts & Science Councilor Bianca Jones

Last Updated: 11/05/2024 17:03