Jose Ramirez

 Jose Ramirez

Born in El Salvador, Jose Ramirez immigrated with his family to the United States as political refugees in 1981.  As a refugee of El Salvador’s civil war, he has a deep interest in the history of Latin American politics, especially from the Cold-War era to the present. Participation in a January 2015 study abroad program in Chile solidified Jose’s desire to pursue research to understand how dictatorships in modern Latin America have impinged on the freedoms, civil rights, and human rights of the people, and what factors can foster democratization.  Given the current historical conjuncture, he would love to study Cuban history and Cuban-American relations. 

Upon completing his BA, Jose aspires to pursue a PhD in History so that he can build a career as a researcher and educator at the university level. Jose is a world traveler and an extreme sports enthusiast (despite his fear of heights).  He loves talking to his friends about his travels and encourages everyone to take part in the great world that is out there to be explored.


Last Updated: 11/05/2019 14:19