See our trainee videos

Chelsea Marks

Mentor : Karen Hubbard

Topic : The effect of Ruthenium IM on IL-8 in women of both European and African descent with triple negative breast cancer

So if by some miracle after I graduate I get offered to be a rock star…I might still switch to that."

Donna Bedasee

Mentor: Anu Janakiraman

Topic: Characterization of Atypical B cells in chronic Hepatitis B infection

"The reason why I specifically chose biology was because my brother had cancer and I had to learn a specific field that I was not familiar with."


Charles Robinson

Mentor: Reza Khayat

Topic: Determining the binding of the Cystovirus to its host to utilize it as a nanocontainer to deliver antibiotics to pathogenic bacteria

"I did viruses because of Madonna…"

Amelia Ryan

Mentor: Ryan Williams

Topic: Development of carbon nanosensors for pro-inflammatory cytokines

"My grandmother, she was an academic herself  and when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s it was so difficult to watch her lose everything that she had worked so hard for so many years to learn."

Katherine Anderson

Mentor: Osceola Whitney

Topic: Characterization of the expression patterns and molecular mechanisms of vasotocin family receptors in zebra finches

"I just really like research for research’s sake…the  specific question isn’t as important to me as just getting into the lab, getting into the nitty gritty of things."

Nana Agyemang

Mentor: Mark Biscoe

Topic: Stereoselective cross coupling with application to catalysis

"I saw opportunities that I didn’t see back home and I knew I had to take advantage of it."

Raihan Udin 

Mentor : Marilyn Gunner


"My grandfather also influenced me to know science."


Bright Shi

Mentor: Zimei Bu

Topic: Structural and dynamic study of cell adhesion complexes using X-ray and neutron scattering

"I became interested in learning about how things work in a most fundamental way."

Liliana Margent

Mentor: Daniel Keedy

Topic: The Structure of the Striata-Enriched Tyrosine Phosphatase (STEP)

"New York is a very welcoming city for immigrants…"

Evan Azoulay

Mentor: Luis Cardoso

Topic: The effects of bone deformities on biomechanics in children during growth and development

"Why should I pay to go to a fancy private school when I could go to a school with a top 20 in the country in the field I want to study anyway…turns out that was one of the best decision I ever made."

Jose C. Ortiz-Soto

Mentor: Marilyn Gunner

Topic: Protein interaction electrostatically 

“The biggest influence would be my dad – he always cultivated that curiosity for science.”

Rachele Rameau

Mentor: Karen Hubbard

Topic: The role of ruthenium-based compound in altering epigenetic mechanisms in triple negative breast cancer

“It was interesting to see how by doing some research experiences, I was able to understand the big picture.”

Nigel Gebodh

Mentor: Marom Bikson

Topic: combining EEG and noninvasive brain stimulation

“My daily motivation is that drive to make a difference in the field or give something back…knowing that it’s going to be used to help someone in the future.”

Santiago Uribe-Cano

Mentor: Andreas Kottmann

Topic: The role of Sonic Hedgehog from dopamine neurons in striatal regionality and habit formation

“There’s just an energy of being in cities that I love.”



G-RISE & RAMP Lab Tours

Last Updated: 12/05/2024 12:29