Online Resources


The CCNY School of Education requires that all graduate students maintain an active Taskstream account for all semesters from matriculation to graduation. Please visit the Taskstream website to create an account. You will need a credit card for signup; CCNY does not offer Taskstream key codes. If you need assistance, please look through the Taskstream page of the Learning & Technology Resource Center or contact Dr. Leonard Lewis at llewis@ccny.cun %79.%65du" rel="nofollow"> .


Blackboard may be required for specific courses. Instructors can use Blackboard to share articles or announcements to your course. Blackboard accounts are free. You can access Blackboard through your CUNY portal.

Virtual Bookstore

Each semester before classes begin, you can learn which texts will be required for your courses by visiting and searching the course number(s) for your upcoming course(s). You may choose to purchase texts directly from the CCNY virtual bookstore, or you may elect to procure your texts via alternate venues (e.g., library, Amazon, secondhand)

Last Updated: 05/06/2021 10:52