The primary purpose of the Poetry Outreach Center is to encourage poetic activity--the creation and appreciation of poetry--at all levels of public education.  An ancillary purpose is to strengthen overall literacy through creative writing.  We do this through workshops, an Annual Poetry Festival, contests, and an annual anthology containing student and adult poetry, Poetry in Performance. 

Poets from City College's faculty and graduate students, go into the public schools of NYC to give readings and conduct hands-on writing workshops which culminate in students' participation at the Annual Spring Poetry Festival. Students from all five boroughs also enter a high-school poetry contest in which winners receive cash prizes and attend special events. Over the years our activities have become more widespread and our goal is to continue and go into more diverse areas of this city so that its rich cultures can be tapped and appreciated.


Poetry Outreach Center
NAC 6/260
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031