Students FAQ


I was involved in an incident.  What do I need to do?

If you were documented (by Public Safety, The Towers, faculty, or anyone else) as being involved in an incident, expect a Notice of Charge letter from our office.  After receiving the letter, it is imperative that you call as soon as possible during business hours to schedule your appointment with a conduct officer.  You should also consider reviewing the Henderson Rules of Student Conduct and specifically the policy in question and the procedure.  If you did violate the Code, we encourage you to take responsibility for your actions.  If you did not do anything wrong, understand that the process is fair and that your side of the story will be heard.  If you are in violation and there are sanctions, complete them on time to avoid further consequences.

I'm a good student!  I did not do anything wrong!

Sometimes there are mix-ups and students find themselves "in the wrong place at the wrong time".  You will be treated fairly and given an opportunity to explain what happened.  Experienced staff and a highly trained Disciplinary Committee (made up of faculty, staff, and fellow students) make determinations about what occurred.  However, sometimes students make mistakes.  Our process at its core is educational and that will be our focus when we meet with you.

What can happen to me?

If you are in violation of the Code, sanctions can range from a disciplinary reprimand (a written warning) up to loss of housing or suspension and expulsion for more serious or repeat offenses.  Often times there are additional sanctions added on including attendance at an alcohol class, service hours, fines, or other projects.  These must be completed as well or there may be further consequences.  Academic integrity violations could result in failure for the course or the assignment.  If you are not in violation or charges are withdrawn, there would be no sanctions and no conduct record.

Do I have a "record"?  Does this go on my transcript?

Conduct records are confidential and cannot be released without the written consent of the student.  Many graduate, law, and medical schools and employers with sensitive information (like the United States Government) often ask for a release of the applicant's conduct record.  If that is the case, we encourage you to be open and honest about what happened and share any relevant details. Most places are pretty understanding about a relatively minor incident that happened years ago.  Serious violations, repeat incidents, or lying about it can play a much more significant role.

Our office maintains files related to alcohol, drugs, and violence for seven years after the date of the incident.  Most other files are kept until one year after graduation (or expected graduation).

Conduct records do not appear on transcripts.

Do my parents find out?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) keeps university students' academic records (including grades and conduct) confidential.  A student must complete a waiver for our office to share details with anybody besides the student.  Please go to the Registrar's Office located in the Administration Building for instructions on how you can complete a waiver.

There are exceptions to FERPA.  For alcohol, drug, and other serious violations, CCNY is permitted to and will notify parents of them.  We encourage you to talk with your family before such notification.

What took so long?

Our office tries to resolve cases as soon as possible but sometimes there are delays.  It may take a while to get a completed investigation report or we may be backed up with other cases.  If your case is going to the Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee, it may take time to coordinate everyone's schedules.

What rights do I have?

Students' rights include the assistance of an advisor, the right to review the complaint made against them, the right to have witnesses, and the right to appeal.

Should I get a lawyer?

Unless there are concurrent criminal charges, lawyers are not permitted to be a part of the conduct process.  Lawyers are often not aware of the distinct differences between criminal proceedings and university student conduct procedures.  You are permitted an advisor – someone internal to City College.  Our office has a list of faculty and staff members who are well-versed in process and can help students prepare their cases.

Am I still obligated to pay tuition & fees if I am suspended or dismissed?

In cases when a student conduct sanction involves a suspension, dismissal or expulsion, please note that the student is still responsible for payment of their tuition & fees for the semester in question.

What are some additional resources for me?

  • The Counseling Center
  • Student Health Services
  • Writing Center
  • Student Ombudsperson


Faculty Student Disciplinary Committee: A group of students, faculty, and staff that hear cases involving alleged student misconduct.  The FSDC is trained to evaluate the information regarding a case, ask questions, and determine whether or not a violation has occurred.  They also recommend sanctions.

Henderson Rules: The general term used when referring to the University Rules for Student Conduct which are the New York State Rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order pursuant to Article 129-A of the education law.

Admonition/Warning: The student is warned that further misconduct shall result in more severe disciplinary action.  This is the lowest sanction available.

Disciplinary Probation: Exclusion from participation in privileges or extracurricular University activities for a specified period of time.  This is not academic nor does it appear on a transcript.

Mediation Conference: An effort to meet with the student and resolve the matter without going to an official hearing.

Disciplinary Hearing: Formal disciplinary charges are brought against the student and he/she appears before a committee of faculty, staff and students who determine the appropriate action.

Suspension: A separation of the student from the University for a specified period of time.  A suspended student will be withdrawn from all courses and may not attend classes, take exams, receive grades, maintain a position as a co-op student, hold a leadership position or be on University premises.  A student may return to CCNY after the suspension period is completed.

Expulsion: A permanent disaffiliation between the student and the University.  An expelled student shall not be permitted on University property.

Last Updated: 11/02/2017 10:11