The City College of New York recognizes its obligation to facilitate peaceful demonstrations in all ways possible, ensure personal safety, and enable necessary activities of the College to be free from unreasonable disruption. City College defines student demonstrations as any form of civic expression where students convey their opinions, demands, support for or opposition to any subject, or the like, through marches, parades, rallies, protests, or similar activities (collectively referred to in this Policy as “Demonstrations” and includes any counter-demonstration—any form of civic expression where students convey opposing viewpoints in response to a Demonstration). Demonstrations are distinct from student events and tabling activities, but requests to schedule Demonstrations should still be submitted through CampusGroups. Organizers of Demonstrations must read this document, complete the Student Activity Form by logging in Campus Groups, and submit it to the Office of Student Life at least three business days before the planned Demonstration date for consideration.
City College’s Commitment to an Educational Environment and Freedom of Expression
City College’s mission is to transform the lives of all students by creating a distinctive environment of intellectual rigor, research, creativity, and deep community engagement. In alignment with its mission, City College is committed to creating an educational environment in which a variety of ideas can be proposed and critically examined. The College has developed this Policy to support its mission, as well as each community member’s right to freedom of expression.
The rights of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are vital to our shared goal of the pursuit of knowledge. Such freedoms come with a responsibility to welcome and promote this freedom for all, even in disagreement or opposition. At the same time, CUNY and City College have long recognized that the right to demonstrate does not include the right to engage in conduct that disrupts the College’s operations or endangers the safety of others as per the so-called Henderson Rules, that is, the CUNY Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order Pursuant to Article 129-A of the N.Y. Education Law.
Time, Place, and Manner Regulations
The following regulations apply to all Demonstrations:
- No blocking or otherwise interfering with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic. The right of way on streets and sidewalks must be maintained.
- No blocking or otherwise interfering with the ability of others to go into and out of campus buildings.
- No preventing or attempting to force the cancellation of any class, or event or activity sponsored by the College or by any persons authorized to use College facilities. This regulation is not intended to prohibit counter-demonstrations.
- No actions that obstruct or prevent members and guests of the College community from accessing campus activities or facilities.
- No Demonstrations are allowed inside College buildings.
- No inciting imminent lawless action.
- No harassment, physical abuse, or threats toward another person or member of the College community.
- Demonstrations are not permitted between 6 PM and 8 AM and should not exceed three hours in duration.
- No demonstrations during Final Exams or Final Exams reading period.
- No volume of noise that prevents members of the College community from performing their normal campus activities. Amplified sound (e.g., bullhorns) is not permitted and may not be used unless approved in advance in writing by Student Affairs.
- No structures are allowed without the express written approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee. Temporary structures include, but are not limited to, outdoor structures, tables, monitors, tents, and encampments.
- No unattended placards, banners, or other signs, unless they are affixed securely to a location that has been approved for posting. Approval to post posters and flyers on College property must be obtained from the appropriate authority – the Student Life Office ( ) for student events and the Events Management Department ( ) for faculty/staff events.
- Persons on campus must comply with the directions of any College official, including but not limited to Public Safety.
Designated Locations
The College permits approved Demonstrations at the following locations, unless another party has previously reserved the space:
- NAC Plaza
- Front of the Administration Building
The Vice President for Student Affairs or their designee may also approve the use of other locations to accommodate particular circumstances associated with a Demonstration.
Compliance with This Policy
It is the responsibility of the Demonstration organizer and sponsoring organization leadership to educate participants about this Policy and other applicable City College policies and to immediately report any disorderly conduct to Public Safety. For example, all individuals must present a City College-issued identification card or a valid state-issued ID when requested by a City College official.
Failure to comply with instructions from Public Safety or other City College officials, whether prior to or during a Demonstration or at any time, may result in the individual being considered a trespasser. Non-compliance may also lead to conduct charges in accordance with CUNY and City College policies.
Last Updated: 12/09/2024 11:34