SUS 7200C Sustainable Aquatic, Terrestrial, and Atmospheric Systems

Spring 2022. Subject to refinement/updating.

Instructor: Ashfaq Khan
Schedule: Thursday 5:20 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Online
3 credits 3 hours/week

Lecture Sections
SUS-7200C (CCNY; 3 credits) - Sustainable Aquatic, Terrestrial, and Atmospheric Systems EAS-B4800, EAS-44800 (CCNY; 4 credits) - Terrestrial, Aquatic, and Atmospheric Systems

Course Description:

Growing concern about human impact on all of Earth’s systems has led to a rash of initiatives to reduce our global ecological footprint and to greater interest in living and designing sustainably. An understanding of the ecological interactions that underlie our Earth systems is critical for developing the sustainable solutions that we seek. This course will place environmental issues in an ecological framework. After completing the course, students will (1) Be familiar with the global environmental picture, (2) Understand ecosystems, their structure, how they function, and challenges to their sustainability, (3) Understand the basics of the cycling of carbon, water, and energy in the Earth system and concerns and consequences of associated human influence, (4) Appreciate the intrinsic and extrinsic values of ecosystems and biodiversity, (5) Understand energy usage and production including renewable resources, (6) Understand atmospheric processes and involvement in ecosystem interactions, and (7) Comprehend the dimensions of the sustainability challenge in terms of economics, resources, the public and public policy and urban sprawl.

Format: On-line, Synchronous Lecture, Asynchronous Lab

This course format will be on-line and have a synchronous and asynchronous component this semester. This means there will be no formal in person meeting time for our class. Material and instructions will be posted to blackboard. I will hold office hours online at pre-arranged times or by appointment.

Students registered for EAS-B4800 or EAS-44800 (4 credit hours) have an additional lab section that will also be on-line asynchronous format.

Lecture - Thursdays 5:20PM – 8:00PM
Zoom Link:…: 319879

Instructor: Professor Ashfaq Khan Email:

Include the course title “SUS-7200C” in the subject line. Include your contact information, including your full name. (I cannot recognize folks by their email addresses!)

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Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Nominal hours, subject to update) I will keep office hours on Zoom, or by appointment. It is more than a good idea to confirm my availability if you plan on meeting me for office hours. Zoom link/passcode is same as lecture’s.

Reading: Environmental Science: A Global Concern (15th edition) by William and Mary Cunningham (2020) is the recommended text for this class. There is a 14th edition of the text available as well. E-books are available on-line at reasonable prices.

Additional readings will be distributed throughout the course. Make sure that you check blackboard for reading assignments.

Blackboard: All students must use CUNY electronic blackboard. It is assumed that you will check blackboard for all assignments and announcements. Blackboard includes a feature that automatically sends announcements via email (CCNY email). Be sure you check the appropriate email. CUNY does not permits auto-forwarding of email.

Make sure you can access Blackboard!

Course Requirements:

  • -  Active participation – attend and engage in the on-line class on a weekly basis

  • -  Timely completion of all required work

    Although we are in a distance learning synchronous mode this semester, be conscientious of your need to be part of this class.

    CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity

    This is posted on Blackboard. Be familiar with this!


  1. 1)  Participation through synchronous tools and material - 15%

  2. 2)  Assignments 1-3: 45%

    1. Reading and analysis of writings of Gifford Pinchot, John Muir, and Aldo Leopold (10%)

    2. Newspaper Article Summary and Analysis. (15%)

    III. Analysis of geospatial datasets (20%)

  3. 3)  Final Project– 30%

    1. Complete & timely submission of summary and literature cited (2% of final grade)

    2. Complete & timely submission of outline (3% of final grade)

  4. 4)  Final project reviews (10%)

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Lab Section: For those registered in EAS B4800 and EAS 44800, these are four credit hour courses. The above grading schedule represents 75% of your grade. Your grade in the lab section will constitute the other 25% of your grade.

Topic and assignment specifics are subject to modification during the semester

(** subject to change - Topic schedule may be updated based on asynchronous distance learning venue, class interests, and progress)




Assignments due
Readings will be drawn from the text and supplementary material


Course Introduction Science and Sustainability

Assignment I: Readings for Analysis

Cunningham & Cunningham

Chapter 1: Understanding Our Environment Chapter 2: Principles of Science and Systems

Gifford Pinchot: “The Conservation of Natural Resources”

John Muir: “Our National Parks”

Aldo Leopold: “The Land Ethic” in A Sand County

David Owen: “Green Manhattan” in The NewYorker


Earth Systems

Assignment I: Part 1

Cunningham & Cunningham Chapter 2: Principles
Chapter 3: Matter, Energy and Life

02/17 The Pleistocene Glaciations Assignment I: Parts 2 and 3


Sustainability concepts.

Ecosystems, Biomes and Biodiversity

Assignment II: Newspaper article summary and analysis

Cunningham & Cunningham
Chapter 5: Biomes
Chapter 11: Biodiversity: Preserving Species Chapter 12: Biodiversity: Preserving landscapes

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Date Topic

Assignments due
Readings will be drawn from the text and supplementary material

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Biodiversity-Views of Evolution

Assignment II: Article summary and analysis Part 1

Cunningham & Cunningham
Chapter 4: Evolution
Chapter 17: Water use and management Chapter 18: Water pollution

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Assignment III: Geospatial Data Set Analysis Project: Part I

Assign Final Project


Assignment II: Article summary and analysis Parts 2 & 3

Cunningham & Cunningham Chapter 6: Population Biology Chapter 7: Human Population

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Remote Sensing as a Monitoring Tool

Dataset Analysis

Assign Geospatial Data Set Analysis Project: Part II

Assignment III: Analysis of Geospatial Datasets - Part I

Cunningham & Cunningham
Chapter 17: Water use and management Chapter 18: Water pollution

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Field Trip (?) – Bronx River


Restoration Project (Tentative)

This may be on-line synchronous or in-person. Timing is TBD based on availability of the restoration project staff and of students.

03/31 Geospatial Dataset Analysis Projects

Assignment III: Analysis of Geospatial Datasets - Part II



Final Project: Provide topics (Partner Groups?)

Cunningham & Cunningham
Chapter 11: Biodiversity: Preserving Species Chapter 12: Biodiversity: Preserving landscapes


Final Project: Groups’ short update.

Cycling of Water, Carbon and Energy:
Carbon and Climate
Climate and the Cryosphere

Final Project:
Summary with literature cited. Any questions or concerns

Cunningham and Cunningham:
Chapter 15: Climate Systems and Climate Change Chapter 16: Air Pollution


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Date Topic

Assignments due
Readings will be drawn from the text and supplementary material


Cycling of Water, Carbon and Energy:
Carbon and Climate
Climate and the Cryosphere

Cunningham and Cunningham:
Chapter 15: Climate Systems and Climate Change Chapter 16: Air Pollution

Final Project: Short update and written Bulleted outline of each section Environmental Issue, Ecological Concept(s), Daily Life, Sustainable Practice with literature cited

05/05 Our Changing Planet: Evidence of our Tenure

05/12 Project review guidelines 05/19 Final Exams Week

Final Project (Papers) Due
Final Proposal Reviews (Panel forum)

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Last Updated: 01/29/2024 10:43