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Total Credits: 30

GRE Required: No

Minimum Language Test Scores: 500 (TOEFL PBT), 61 (TOEFL IBT), 6 (IELTS), 44 (PTE) or 85 (Duolingo)

Degree Awarded: M.S.

Students who have not completed undergraduate real analysis or advanced calculus courses deemed equivalent to Math 32300 and 32404 will be required to complete this sequence immediately upon admission; students who have not completed a satisfactory course in linear algebra will be required to complete Math 34600 or its equivalent during their first semester. No credit toward the master's degree is given for any of these courses.

Supporting Documents Required:

  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • 2 letters of recommendation
  • Resume/CV
  • Personal Statement

Program Advisors: Professor Gautam Chinta and Professor Jay Jorgenson

For more information, please visit the Program Website.


Last Updated: 07/23/2024 12:02