Study Abroad_demo

Welcome to The CCNY Office of Study Abroad & International Programs

The City College of New York has a variety of opportunities that run from semester-long programs to short-term programs during the fall, winter, spring and summer sessions in various locations throughout the world. CCNY also offers International Service-Learning programs through which students intern in countries with communities in need that can offer an enriching environment of collaboration. Some of these programs offer home-stays with host families, and field trips to places of historical and cultural interest. All of them give you the opportunity to earn academic credit for offered courses, or for research and experiential learning.

Study Abroad Announcement

  • ATTENTION: CCNY students who want to participate in any CUNY or non-CUNY study-abroad program MUST file the CCNY Study Abroad Permit before departure. The Permit can no longer be filed retroactively.  Students who fail to file the Permit before departure will not be eligible to transfer credits earned during the study-abroad program upon return.
  • All CCNY students applying to

CUNY-Wide Policies On Traveling Abroad

The CCNY Office of Study Abroad & International Programs' main goal is to offer CCNY students the opportunity to grow both academically and personally through a formative experience abroad within a supportive, professional and safe environment. Study abroad, exchanges, class trips, internships, and site visits are all wonderful ways of internationalizing curricula at the College. Such activities are encouraged while always maintaining best practices that are now standard in international education.

The staff at the Office of Study Abroad & International Programs not only helps advise students but also faculty members who become engaged in international education programs through the College. The Office should be considered as the main resource on campus for designing, managing, and assessing international programs of any nature – be it for academic credit or not. Any manner of international travel with students of the College requires the proper documentation and approval.

The program or trip director/leader must provide a comprehensive itinerary to the Office. All participants must sign the CUNY Waiver & Release Agreement, which details appropriate behavior and individual accountability according to a host country's laws while on the trip. This document is irreplaceable as it clarifies any question of liability issues between all participants and CUNY. All participants must be enrolled for international health insurance through the duration of travel. CUNY has an account with CISI and enrollment is managed by the CCNY Office of Study Abroad and International Programs. All participants complete the Emergency Contacts Form, which allows the College to notify those listed in case it was necessary. FERPA regulations would prevent us from doing so without the Form and the participant's approval.

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Last Updated: 06/16/2023 18:41