

CCNY students_entering_shepard_square

CCNY expands ties with Argentina’s Universidad Nacional de Tucumán

Long a magnet for students from all corners of the globe – with up to 93 % of the world’s sovereign states represented on its campus -- The City College of New York continues to pursue ties with schools abroad for collaborative research, scholarship and training. Argentina’s 70,000-student Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT) is CCNY’s latest partner. Early fruits of the CCNY-UNT partnership established last fall include online and hybrid training of government employees in Tucumán, in creative thinking and development of new strategies on social and institutional communication. It was
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Kristen Yang with Dr. Soliman

CCNY Medical students present Tanzania research

Students in the CUNY School of Medicine at The City College of New York presented their research at the 6 thAnnual Conference of the NYC Epidemiology Forum. Their presentations stemmed from research conducted at the Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar es Salaam—the only cancer treatment center in Tanzania. The students’ research was made possible by Medical Professor Amr Soliman’s National Institutes of Health grant for Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations (CEESP). The three students involved in the Tanzania research opportunity are Kristen Yang, Elizabeth Yim and Ugochukwu
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U.S. News & World Report ranks CCNY grad programs among the best

In a huge leap from last year, the physician assistant program at the City College of New York-based CUNY School of Medicine now ranks in the top 50 in the nation in U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Graduate Schools 2020” rankings released today. The newspaper also lists five other CCNY programs among the nation’s best. The PA program moves 87 places from #133 in the previous rankings to #46 today, tied with 15 other schools. These include Pennsylvania State University, Medical University of South Carolina and Albany Medical College. Fine Arts, offered by CCNY’s Division of Humanities and the
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Pioneering CCNY nucleoside research attains protocol status

In 2017, Hari Akula, then a City College of New York graduate student, and his mentor, chemistry professor Mahesh Lakshman, published a facile approach to the modification of pyrimidine nucleosides. Their work, which has potential to yield compounds that inhibit the virus that causes AIDS, has now been accepted as a protocol in the field. It is the cover story in the current issue of “ Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry.” In the natural sciences, a protocol is a predefined written procedural method in the design and implementation of experiments. Protocols are written whenever it is
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CMYK 2018 Winners

BIC students shine in CMYK’s Top New Creatives competition

Five students from the Master’s Program in Branding + Integrated Communications (BIC) in the Division of Humanities and the Arts at The City College of New York are winners of CMYK’s “Top New Creatives 58” competition. The online design competition is open to aspiring art directors, copywriters, designers, illustrators and photographers. CMYK magazine has recognized top student design work since 1996. After a brief hiatus, they reemerged in 2018 with their 58 th issue, which recognized 70 winners and 100 projects in its “Top New Creatives 58.” Winners hailed from 29 schools, including Rhode
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Lucas Parra_Jens Madsen_brainmusic

Music captivates listeners and synchronizes their brainwaves

Music has the ability to captivate us; when listeners engage with music, they follow its sounds closely, connecting to what they hear in an affective and invested way. But what is it about music that keeps the audience engaged? A study by researchers from The City College of New York and the University of Arkansas charts new ground in understanding the neural responses to music. Despite the importance, it has been difficult to study engagement with music given the limits of self-report. This led Jens Madsen and Lucas Parra, from CCNY’s Grove School of Engineering, to measure the
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Research into mechanics of a helicase protein is helping scientists understand DNA replication process. Image credit: Jillian Chase and David Jeruzalmi

CCNY researchers identify mechanics of initiator in DNA replication process, student recognized

New research from scientists at City College and the CUNY Graduate Center (GC/CUNY) is shedding light on the mechanics of a key component in DNA replication process, and earned a doctoral candidate a prestigious prize for her work co-authoring the research. DNA replication occurs when a helicase ring separates the DNA molecule’s two entwined and encoded strands, allowing each to precisely reproduce its missing half. Researchers have long sought to understand how the helicase—a donut-shaped enzyme composed of six identical proteins—is able to thread just one of the strands when they are bound
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Year of Film_CCNY

City College declares “Year of Film,” celebrates Hans Richter & CCNY Hollywood legacy

As early as 1934, student members of the aptly named Film and Sprockets Society were rolling out motion pictures at The City College of New York, establishing CCNY as one of the earliest film schools in the nation. In 1941, pioneering Dadaist and filmmaker Hans Richter took charge of the Institute of Film Techniques, CCNY’s first formal filmmaking program, founded by Irving Jacoby. Nearly eight decades later, CCNY has declared 2019 the “Year of Film” to celebrate Richter and the legacy of arguably the oldest, continuous film program in the U.S. Highlights of the observance include: Screenings
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Michael Sorkin

AIA national honor for Spitzer School Distinguished Prof. Michael Sorkin

Michael Sorkin, Distinguished Professor in The City College of New York’s Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture, is a recipient of the American Institute of Architects ( AIA) Collaborative Achievement Award. Sorkin, who also directs the Spitzer School’s Graduate Urban Design Program,has been awarded the AIA Collaborative award together with renowned Danish architect Jan Gehl of Gehl Architects and Anne Taylor of School Zone Institute. The national award recognizes the excellence that results when architects work with those from outside the profession to improve the spaces where
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Ahmed Mohamed

Grove School engineers win NSF CAREER Awards

Two Grove School engineers from The City College of New York are recipients of the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career (NSF CAREER) Award, which supports early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in integrating research and education and to lead advances in the missions of their department and organization. NSF CAREER awards provide five years of funding to help lay the foundation for a faculty member’s future research. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, will receive $500,000 and Dr. Robert J
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